Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1895, p. 8

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Mr. H. A. Walker, Toronto, visited Mis. A. A. R.olfe. Miss Lo»vena Truil, Bovmanville. ta viitiug fricuda bure. Mr. R. 0. Grant, Toronto. hs visiing Mr. A. A. Roife. Mr. Colwel aud siseg, Garden 1HM1, ae ai Mr. John Houcyes. Dr. Anaie Carvtb, TSonoto, coniin nlà citical staSofihumil. cfMr. Ab. Beuson. Baiydnft, wasthe guest ofMr. W. F. Wîlillmsomi. Mr. Frsnk S. Fairfld l id up ufth eu- matisse ai bis honmi elaMlie. Mfuiss 411e Buit and Miss Dela Dmant vlslsed Mr. fias. Dancaster. 11 uMsmsgge Climk BaOMsvlet t peat Sundal vuih Miss Faueis Ioncy. Mis. Friuacli snd s*Wo. Ml MI agu- &mn. Bmandon, Mare.. &M, *vlaltlng slsUe here. Mr. Woe. Kclhey jadduuhtr# mt 4"d MW sCimcié. .uvllve lut ai Mr. J .He~a Miss MOI>owel,1 lau te Warkrasa'c sud delagbte bers sumtaa, oau" ~~./caiIcIe rles the CuEoNqicei Blet- hii ave #à iaud lu tearlng 4ig Burtoui'svo«at, as stated ln ibis journial 4t weck. He wajpreuî tand saw:îhe flghi. oui wau fot engagedi t jack Breen haa.been away [rom Port Perry for a year or twoe and when he came biackta eun*V tbe witfira66 treçtIpg,be miaç p bis milid ta decicate à day 'or îwo to oe1ebrag. QI course lie'got drunk tostan t po. T heu' he talkcd a great deal for the benefit of the sports. FiUly lie reached that stage of the, celebration wbereit ls necessary ta make a littie blood flow. He gatinlto a figlft with Thos. Dinsmome and soon thc claret ra roi the roof of a shanty over -Breens cye. Next morning Breen bought ta have Dinsmore pun- ished by Magistiate Naît, but bis houai ad- vscd Breen as ta thc necessiîy of gctting sober before proceeding3 could be Initlated. That setticd the trouble, as Breen dîd flot decm il as bcing of sufficieut importance for hlm to sober off for thie sake of a petty prosecution for assault. WINTER TROTTING RACES. 3-minute trot, xii tarters Mr. LcBrun, Piterboro. Harry B. 3 1 I I R. J.Hewlît. Brgtn Lulu B... Kr 2 4 4 L, ennett, Port Hope, Lady Rys- dick........ ........... ..... 4 6 22 Time-a.44, 2.45, 2.45, 2 42. 2.29 ILàOut 7 starters. L. Scbert, Port Perry. Fred 0..i 1 1 N. A. Naîîrass, Milbok, Demand.. 5 2 2 V. Woodruff, Whitby, Munsha.... 2 3 4 Tme-2.4o, 2.35, 2.35. 2.34 ciass-.5 starters. Bîlla Mac, Z, Harrimgton, Pi ton ...... .......... 2 3 2 1 I I 0rd ., L. Sebert. Port Perry ............0....I1 2 1 3 3 3 Munshaw, V. Woodruff, Whitby .............*3 I 3 2 a22 Tlse--.36. 2.36, 2.37, 2. 36. 2 36 %~ 2.36. Pm-efor..ajl, 3 starters. Dick Freuch, À, Proctor. Aurora.... 1 1 1 Ninas (.. S. Caswell, Orilâila...2 2 3 Deseand. 1. Natrrass, Mfllbrook.... 3 3 2 Tuue-3.3o, 2-30%~, 2.33. fIo sport was unusuilly good both daYs, thc flishes bclng very close aud Uthe < ast. Fred O.- was the favorite among thc talent for the '29 and '34 races, alhough sme owncrs laid money on their own -horis for the '29 trot. The tables were turned the second day, bow- eer. wben BiBl Mac and Munsbaw bath stri oui at a winuing clip. The flokie sym- pathies of thc crowd cbanged ron Fed. O. ta Billy Mac as soon as the former began ta hoist bis tail. At the end of thc sixth heat Fred O., Billy Mac and Munsbaw bad galned two beats apiece ; but a complaiut was made thai Munshaw's driver had crowded Biily Mac lu the lasthat, and althougb his was evadent and oould ual bave effected the boat, as Munshaw baU! winded ail the others, thc jud&ea listeacd ta the clamai uf the crowd aud gave Uicerace ta Bih7 Mac. The pools bad sald ai about 6 ta x against Munshaw, and be had ta be etopped in bis mad career sovxehow. The atteudance aithei races was large, The town board of education met for or- gaazation aithei town hall ou Weduesday night. Mr. Wm. Ross vas unanimnously elected Chairinan, J. H. Brown, treasurer, and T. j . Widdiu, secretary, and the fol- lowing standing committees appointcd : schoal mnanagement-Messrs.McGill, Ctemena and B: own ; finance-Yarnold, Phllp, Alun; bouse aud grounds.--Keu- nedy, Davis, Parish. Prnucipat MCBride reportsd an average atteudance Of 140 for j anuary at the higb schoo, af whieh 49 re- side lu towu, 67 iu other parts of the cotn- ty, sud 2.4 from otber counities. Principal Rae rcported an average attendauce- for the moutb at the public achools of 269, and that 26 baed atteuded the late session of Uic model school l4ere, af whom 24 had gaiued certificates as teachers. After passlug a few accounts approved by the finauce corn- mnittce the board adjourncd. The village concil dld flot let Uic printlng coutract this ysar, Uiey gave it away ta Uic Standard. Iwo yemaR athe Standard toled la rob thc towu ont of $pao for the yeare priutiug, there being an underslandinrbctween thc two Port Perry papers ta thc effect that onc was ta have Reacb at ishaowu prics and thc other Port Perry. flic CimoNicut dit! tbe work for $48. 50. Last vear Uh imaron- icLE teudercd ai the sanme figure and the Mr A Pennulugon is busily engaged put- ting Mr T Burrova boun se u otaber- pair for occupation. :1 Mr E Trenoutb sud eau are ,tâking con- tracte for nezi semsoule vont. TIey'bave already contracted to builid a finebrick bouse for MnJ G Laug, id,Zlnjsu also ene for Mr, W aaid, near Ornno. Thsebosme of Mr snd Mis J E -T Cale bas been îsade 'happy 'by tIke arrival of s Rising Star divisi oa. x6 emtted Maple Grave -divisIon oaa Tu yevew- lue. Blackstot*k divb"sion lszpccted to visit ýRlslag Star division où Monday evsslng' Fais'rts. Thteftamoneter- negistercd W 'ou Tuesday lest. Mn. Gideou Moore, vife and sou rom Western Oui. am vlsitiug filenda bere. Thie ratepapers ai S.S. No. 9. Elcctcd W.' L. Oruriston for the ýbalance QI the tcrm oL bis Wc are informed ihat Mi. jas. B: Rosa bas acctwed, a position - lu a hardware store lu, OrlUla. We wish bise evcry succes. We .would say lu rcply ta the cor, tram Qteeubank that au out-and oui temperan ce mean or probibiionist la seldoin found ceping a public-bouse. The resson, 1 persume, la that they know their parîy's babits îoo well. It ia a well kuowu faci, by bath temperauce and itou.temperauce sman that Uic tese-perance people wlll flot support their meau. Ministers and teniperance peuple aud also church wmm bers have been known where a temperance bouse and'a licensed hotel existed ini the saine tawn, ta put up the latter; but we thinit men of such stamp are lu duîy bound ta support teseperance bouse irai and last. I hope il s not agaiuat thc principlea of leseperance men ta taire a mcii in a liceuscd, hotel, and ~y for il ; but we flud that many of these are Cie the vast orowd ai Grecubank the otaier da%: their patrons ge as ouly straw aud ha .Tere is not much danger of their giving le keeper of a pblic bouse anycaneta Malte a ni le or hiseseif. No patroage froin thein vhere ibere la a quarter sttndlng it. Only fivelaud tan cents deals vit t bein. If we arc rlghtly iaforseed thc collections for that vast zrowd a: Greenbauk the other day amaunîed ta $1367. Of course suter partakng of tvo excelent meals sud Uic coinfartable stuýbles h ha sald one-thhrd aoftem lefi a few priai ta Uic passiug of Uic contribution tax for bases; and we bave nat thc sightcst daubi but half cf Utceicinainder would have liked to. I voulU like ta itnowirase aur frlend if it is any greater sîn for Uiceiteeper of a public hanse to ee asstler a liceuse, than ih la for fouiflfhs af temperauc eple piofessdly, ta be ocSasslauy taklJugthe reollgation pledge? or is there auy comperison between thc tiquai muan vatiig for prohibition ln lune aisu ad the zSaus sud caruesi temperance mnuvol- ing for fres whlskey.? 1 telievt-alions spealcu louder than varda. Don't von I Tbey are scores of "linfflsisteucies0 vhlcti might te meutioued upon the part af mocalled temper. suce in. When they vanisti sway vs inay expeot prohibition, snd flot until then. rNimaluLLEN. Uis John Tris baby in vezy sicit. Mr 1 Trul la luinOwen Sound an business. Mn. Wss. Oks la movlug ta Uic Beemer farse. Ruseor says oua aif aur young men is searricd. Mn Wmn Rundis, Oshawa, lvisivtiug Mr Ryal HaIl. Mi Arthur Burgess bas been visltlng friends ln Port Hope. Mr Gea VanCanip calleU on bis uncle, Mr Thos VanCamp Qxarterlp service lu Uic Methodist church last Sunday. Misa Mary E Vir-tue bas resuincd ber amudies et Bavmanville hlgb achool, Mr Geo Saundeis, Toronto, vas vsing mis W F Curtiss. Mr sud Mis J Ovens have been visiiing friends in Picirng. Misa Mable Fiank, Cour tuas, bas been visit- ing 'Ms Walter Oke, Tories are ituovu in this locality by the ar. tlstic eut af their elothes. Mr Levi Vanoesep viaicd bis daughtcr, Mis L 1 Dicitie, Oshawa. Mi sud Miss Davey, Whitby, vere ai Dr Mitchells ou Tuesday. Miss IHayes, Prince Albert, speni a few days last vecit wiih Mms. Houcit Missa 4xistroug, af Toroato, l is tung Miss leunings, Darlingtou station. Mr and MisB of Pickerine. have been 1visiiug Mr John lae sboie. gMis . Vau(.amp speut several days vith ber sister, Is L J Dicitie, Oshawa. Mr sud Mia John Witherage, of the Long Sault, were vsiting Mis W F Curtisa. A yeung son arrived ai Mr Albert Mac- ning's lest Fntday nlght. Congratulations. Mr. Oea. Power bas returued frou NYV. Miss Gentle Stevens la vlaitiug friendâ lu Toronto. Mr. sud Mre. J5I3JM .Wa~.ave tees The sick .Mia. Geo.tuaM. Wm. - Rantan and Mr. Jacob Steévena1. We congîstmîftte 'Mr- andi Mrs.Rober, Moore on the blntb ai 'a sou. >ý Mra. John Suowden eudtvo daiughîers are visitiug ber parents ai Hampton. About 4o members ofaiHanmany division vlsited aur S. of T. and spent s veny social timne. Visitons:- Mr. and Mrs, A. ir181u, Allas- dale ; Mn. and M rs. J. Wlnïter, HA-rmnouy; Mn. W. Hutchîson, Manitoba;- Mi. J. Sheridan, Oshawa - Meusî. H. sud -S. Sauch, Mr. Frank Stutt, Mr. A. sud Miss- V. Parkter, Clark Union. GREENBANSE (An item appeaus amoug oui Gieunbaut neya ai two weeks aga whlcb the Cuanow- ICLE'S negular correspondent refuses te fathen. Il la in refereuce ta some Party brning a acreech-owl ta the Presbiytcr- ian chnrch ta annoy thse service. We have no ides wha sent Uic item, but do - nemember tisai it came sparately. It ap p cars that the screech-owi snoien afislaa baby, wbich some icliglous mnother brought ta cisurch because site eould flot attend religions service, unleas she brought ber litths charge along. In oui innocense we supposed tibatheUictem ne- ferred ta somne distnrber and neyer for a moment thougbt ai sucix a thilug as huit- lugea mother's feelings. We -hope Uic party who sent lu Uic item viii nover aça=n ssikthUiccoùnasof 5alewapaper ta bit a woman lu Uic dari.-lýD. Cu.) PAMINCE ALBEKT. The tempenance ladge bolda is vecitly meetings on Tueeday eveuinga lnsîcad (if Weduesday, nov. jack Frost la ai vork playing his aId pianks on us again. Ws visb the tyrant voulU lie a little marc generaus, sud leave oui nase sud cars alone these maruings. Ws sincerely sympathize with thoscybho have becu accused ai stealhng frour a slck roose, whule trying ta, do a kindss ta aa dying friend, sud vs hope ihose vbo have licou so itind as ta spread the lie, vili be obliglug euough ttakaiti bacit, anditel the truib, before i ges further, souffle. Miss Hester Plovmau la on the siek iai. Mis, Thas. Collina is under the doctoî's mire wnth malaria lever. Mr. Maruhall Stonebouse. intenda rnoviug to Scarboro lu the near future vbeie he viii again taite up farniing. The Patrons ai Industry arm geing it ahead. Initiation neaily every vweci. Tby ate selllng aven 30 Ibs. of igbî refined sugar, Redpaths best, for $i. TYRONE. Mn W E Bingham vialicd ai Woodvile sud Oakvood recently. Miss Westington. Rice Laite, la viaiMg ber aister M rs SV Hoar. Revival services are groving in luicresl sud wili lie coutinued this veek. A large sleigbing party from Bovuranville apsut a pleasanl evening ai Mis Scatt's Yri- day veck, An unusually impressive qnarterly meeting vas helU boesou Salibatti, A turne of bles- siug vas experienced, Home Circlers' sud theïr familles- baU aysters, amusements, etc., at thehr annual "At Home" Friday evcning. WIatbr Towuabip COnseIL Met Monday lai. Minutes of lest meeting rend sud conflrmed. Mr. Ai«a. Gray made application for psy for 2-=7~ killed liy doge. ManudWbeeler , " application for a p air ai boots so that si could go ta School. Jua. Harris, 7th, C;àIL applied foi aid. The Wbeeler sud tlarr applications vene reisrred ta indigent commities -to be dsaIt wvus as thougbî ad- visable. A tender for cedar vas received frose jas. Cannagie, aise tenders fan piint. iug fase Heuderson & Grahaan d S.' M4s- there'being only 1, 2, 3 and 4 -Of a kind. When they seli down that low we're satiffied to take WALTER:S.I People. of GOOD CO]MMON- appreciate a'good- article that 18 ho enished and. up to date. Thiseàl cess-of sg.»; -Gnose &Grangçe4 »Lumber :for, roads for x894, $i3.64 ; A. 'Huseon coed"of Mms Win., Sinder, board toMa.Mls $2.5o. Oe motiôn-çouudil adjounueç-,un@ 'monday 4tb Marc'4a9 O 'clock .n - omet os Pris 1550e. - sony. ~BARGAIN DAY' SALE j .0F. YMADE -0 I- Sat.urday, Peb. -«&T- GoI < Wl We will place WALTE RS.'Il on our counters al one-third of former One-whaif 4' w z- r j- P"'ce price and for go$ ta The above prices are for - FUD,0 Wl Go Christmas Cheer, l Christmas. Goods, C,Ç,hristmas Bargains -AT- Odd 8uits and Overoatïy CLOT' - Hi fth ex'm- Te

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