Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1895, p. 6

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uWd4tugm WaUITTn 18TM EE OHEOILlt. Wheu yomug people aliter into that Most ot.d oail raiatuontlip-mar- rîigeýi.ý1t every'tblgb. l*ne te make the ocoaglon a pleasanee. Let the belle ring metrily; bring roses of the iiiost delicate perfiune tô grace the event; give expression te the warmest' wishes and grectings the most joyous; in short spare ne pains te make the day one te, wbieh thcy viii -ever leek back with a thrill cf pleasure. Make the= feel they are ne insignifi. cant.unita, on thie world's stage, and that znuoh depends upon, the way they eaci play their part, Place ne damper on their hopeful spirite by rcuinding thein there may be dark dsys in store for thein. They wiii find that eut soon enongh. The firet thing te, be oonsidered in the arrangement cf 1ire wedding day festivities ie the oircumstanoes cf the contracting parties. If in good circuin- stances, se that ne one viii sufer through it, let everythiug be done lhb- eraily snd handsomely; In goed taste,, oarcfnlly avoiding oonflieting invita- tions which might zuar the day by any unpleasantnese. If the means be limit- ed let the numnber of invitations b. in proportion, aud the preparations the best as fa.r as the limitcd meane wifl allow. Real fiende neither wish or- expcct any more. Warm welcomo more than makes up for -thre seemiug laok ef expenoive prepazation. Much boîter consider the brida's numberless vante, whioh in thre môst coonornical way meane a great deal to a limaitedl p urse. Mucir bett9r have her enter honuew relationship se provided that she vil net teedhersei ulatl wheu .1e compares ber oulfit with the tamily into which sire enters. Just hear a few word. te 1he bride- groom may mnet be eut of place. There lis eue reigniDg ambition in the breast of every young man. That je te cap- ture the eue pria.et earth. Fortutnate ye if ye have secured the eue who viii prove a veritable pnize te yen. Upon this Miost momentous ef aIl day. in yonr life's history, spare ne pains te make the day a joyens ene. Enter heartily into ail the preparatiens that have been muade te, màko it ào. Show yonr appreciatien cf the warm wvises and kindly greetinge by a hearty re- sponse. Wben the eeremony and con- gratulations, thre mont important part cf the day, are over, if yen can afford a trip with youn bride, take it ; but bers above ail other timee iu your lif ask ne oe's advice. If yen osunot, just stay cententedly at home and have a lile holiday among your frieuds. They wiil be pieased te veloome your bride, as well as yourself. .Seoru eriticueni. If it je tth. firettimre lu your lite yen have provoked it, in ail probabiity it will net be the laut. If yen are net worth citicieru yon'ne net wonth mucb else. Bear in mid there yull b. a heavier draw upen your inemre than even Lefone. Thene may be a dark day in store for -yen, sud you viii go through it se muob botter by having a litti. sceount in the bank te youn credit. When fairly established in yeun home set youn standard high. Look to, the proper place for guidance sud yen vil neyer, neyer be disappointed., Invite Thankfinesinusas alodger. Ih vil soon court a cempanionehip sud cheen- fuloss ansd befone yen 1mev Content- ment wilI take full possession. Smile sAuts cf tire prOeatdây, CUetein laUiCh- e tireruinto s stylaetofequipruent far aboya thain surroundinga. If* thay eheuld b. ihwking lu judgment they are tomnted te buy furaitdro, etc., etc., milmore expensive tran tbey eau if- fond, 80 tirat everytmmg May corres- pond. Tirey , probabIy sati eut enter, taiuiug tirieude frein the saine standpoint, sud seo, « it goa, until they are far beyond viralt th n a=- Qutooften Ibis ss îd #' b.d. toe diaheaeaty snd orimin&Uty, s-sad, sW eudiug to se brlUlwt b.ginîg-»jua tire rassit of slavory te tirai tymst miuabosIit 1bo thougiri would bave prent, msny s one fiom bavmg sum invits. tien te s wedding i'bu been t.mptoa>te aisa spreseft of a"', ,of mlvor b oould net ajord in bis owp oe b, .Md would have beau tirsuiMh bhis *'oW beau paasd by sttqr l tiâ.theluvis. dien. Lit w.dding PMesU"sbeus.b*it "Ob Imme utiy, or pose, AWo' ~ béeau bride, te wbohms.M th a-Pèc o lly ~ ~ Iid thes plmn' wra:<Mn li Thonà CoutiL. Tire townahip counoil met ,n Mon- P iy t rh P l day, Jan. 2lsî, 1895. Tire members havie5 ruade deelanation of office sud ftlad tireir qualifications, teck their seita . Communications were resa, frein K. W. McKay, sccretary goed roads as- sociation, requestiug couticil te scud a, Times Priutiug Co., Paterboro, makiug tender for pninîing tor tire year Ï895. Mlm ~m nmmim Frein Jno. A. Jackisop, re olaim for ex- Il àYMi:IMU INMýIVB1IM pditures on ditch ou tovu-line, Thorah and Eldon, nden "Ditches sund Wateroounaes Act," aiso e nmnoniffs ex- ~ tm~ pended in statute labon, Thonair sud Eldon tevu-line 1894. Frein Arcir MeFarlane, deputy-reeve, Eldon, ne J bridge tevu-line Eldon sud Thorair, Paine s ueisry uompunu con. 1. From Jue. Morrison applying Usdl h Cuin for office cf assease n d collecter, aise II S in t IUULDII frein Don. H. Gli.' applying for sim. offices. 'Ou Motion by Mn. Mc- RLos Dongali, seconded by Mn. Mernisen, a__ by-law vas iutroduced and filled lu vitr tire names, of John Mornisen, Mn. James W. Daviduen, viro veut gssesor ; Peter Walle sud Chas,. Mo- wîith Lient. Peary te the Arotio'regions, Arthur, audit-ors ; Dun. Gillespie, Jue. vas ncceutly iutenviewed, aud macle tire «Veale sud "i. Wallace, local board cf follewlug nteresting siatements , heaitir. Ou motion several rebat.. "1Yes, indccc, I have net only hoard vera ruad e te collecter on roll to bal- et Paiue's Celery Compound, but have suce sarne. Mn. Donald Stewart vas used àe sud have every neascu te ne allowed a. rebat. cf 61i ceg tax charg ed meniber it.. Whou I vwas selected by lu errer. Ou motion b y Mn. Morniecu Lieutenant Peary te accempany hlm soeuded by Mn. MoRse, tire couoli ou i8ristp to the arotie regiens te tny vas -sppointed a epeciai commuttes te sud find the North Pole, it vu as tnly inspect tire foliowiug bridges : At No. because of ney etroug, healthy constitu- 1 soirool bouse, sud Vîouan creek, tien, sud iris belief that Icooula endure fertire purpose cf takiug action te ne- tire fatigue sud danger incident tei the new or repair smre, to ee~t. at Vnoo- trip. ILirsd been sssociateed witir him inu bridge on Jsuuary SOih at 1 as his business manager ou bis leoturing o'clock. Tire chiranuof board et tour, sud vs on terrme eftihe greateet health, Mn. Duncan Gillespie. reponted lutimalcy vitl i hm. as te circuxustances cf Aroir McEven. "When thre ehip 'Falcon' left New On motion by Mn. McDougall, second- Yenk on ber trip nortbvard it hiad, ed by Mn. MoRae, Mesurs. Peter WalIs among tire stores, several oases et aud tire chairman cf the board et healtir Palne's Colery COmpound. Tire repu- vere requceted te visit McEwen -end taticru cf ihat mediolue vas se vel s- report as te hie prepen car.. Tire sumn tablished tIratitil as the most natunal of 85 was voîed for Lire use ef Francis thing in tire vend tirai the membens of Stewart, indigent. Af ter passing a tire party, aud they comprieed mou number of secounts the council ad- fnom uearly every walk lu lite, froru journed until Satunday, Februany 2nd, common salions te men cf science, ai 1 P. rM. should desire te use ht. _______________"Tire record et oun penilcue trip te Uxbrige TCismp Auniversany le tee veil knovu te Uxbrdge ownship Obuncil. eedrepetition. Once in camp vs uat- urally teck au inventony et our pesees- Met en 2let imet. Present-Reevo siens, sud I was cxceediugly glad te Devsvdil, lot Depnty James We.lken, te find the Ceicny Opmpound. Tire 2nd Dapnty Jes. Millard, sud Goncil- mediclue ohest was open te ail, aud vs lors C. Gould sud Ira Lamub. vene free te taire troru it virat vs Bylawu vers passed rnaklug thre tel- thengirt wua dvisable. I, in compauy lowlng appintmeets : 'vitir sevenal otirers, selected semaet Board cf Healtir-Reeve, clenk. sud the Compound, taking a boutle et it te Messie. H. Rester, Jos. Chapruan sud tire cabin, knowing it vould ire handy James Shannard. viren wanted. Nonrvas I mistaken, Assenson-Robt. Palmner. for tire excessive cold veatirnseon had Oolectr-Jarnea Ho.vrtt. ie effec e, aud I began te ire troubled. Auditors-Price Pugir,.B. Parker. lu a number et vaye. Iu evory case On motion et Mossrs. Gould sud vireneven I felt tireslgirtest indisposi- Waiker a resolution ef thanke vas pas- tien, I used tire Conpouuid, sud cf sed te ex Reeve Asu Milard for hbiru- course found relief. partial sud efficient services during tire "One thing noticea.ble lu tire Anti. Tire olenk vas authorized te sobsonibe egionvshttecldeair ue for the Municipal World fer tire use et us ail .evieedingly rZervous. W. ha..m ccameciritaosesud cross. Tire sight- Tirs treasuren's bonds voie subrnitied est thiug wonld oause angry vende to and pprvedof.spring te oui lips, sud it nequired tire sudIN approved et . greatest cane te guard agaiust ourilii- STÂEDNO OMMITEE5.temper getting tire beat et us. We had Tire followiug committee ton tire year te vateir eue anotirer te avoid getting vene appoiuted : meapsin u evs.n i IndientTirevirle cnudl sin t i . others, ur ad, e up ny norervaIpIsa b aver !tn hrv used Painas Calen'y Coin'0 tirh olctreae Hovitt, for ffl pennd for a dozen ibioSsncb a M Dne unollpotable taxes. sud for #72 . îiibe te -havaeutanyunie ia pe. t~i'»a te tie OOUDy t!OSUee. ly in' tisdesolat.o.ooutny. tira Ao ewindigent accuntés ver e soiltays ane -àudt i udb., sud 4 esir t lir ulesty 9 ,eaSd te bave more oetàil ahot44i go o£oensaetitererceât municipal *~ lrhaaa tins IIde sot k4oof an Deathbpg iat IIeau spaak -more 'h.iofyt thax>O.beery, Doti suddenly sund uuezpetedly maditdne, and I an advoioate cfi t. cames t» our villaeon, Thnndal7 masti. i i.?Michaeobl Simpson, TVY1L. .Aftoib Ilr daya. in , ui îw say, ,Mn. Engisb. reap alve ft ttcWater=j ne-, ve$asa ilOUM e er the vrolbEngegi.Werks, 'Bandôd.wu, la town on oere.tiuî .uIssed. as ehrue OU 0eevesingithefereao That leat sbc yeIt lge. Aboi au lJot beethinugmiey. Vert- vonderfuma chlnery It lu. 'Net onîy the largrair -pas-, sages b ut the- theouad of lIttle tube and cavitieseding (rom, themo When Ue e e lo gged andCehoked with cuatter vhlch ought not te b. there your lungu cannotbalf do their vrk, And vhat théy do, they cannot do well. O ail it oold, cough, croup, pheumonia eatarrh, consumption or any of the family cf tbroat and nôqe and head and lung ob- structions aIl are bad. Al eught te be got ri4 of 'tere je just ene sure way te get rid ef ther. That le to take Boobeels Gerinan 8yrnp, whiob any druggist vili sell yen at 75 cents a beottle. Even if every- tbing else Wa failed you, yen rnay depend upon this for certain lion. Cecil Obodes, Premier of Cape Colony, wau on Saturday Bworm in as a member et the Imperiai Fr1 vy Counoil. AUl the elements that nature demande te malte the hair abundant and beautiful, are supplied by Ayer's Hair Vigor. It keeps t.he scalp free f rom dandruff _ prevents the the hair from becoming dry and harsh, and cause. it te be rich, flexible, and glossy. The Mir f ster,,ld party held forth at Orillia laut ening, sud the meeting vas large and enthudutaIe. Mr. T P. Humes, Columbus, Obie, writes "I have beeu afflicted for morne tine with Kidney aud Liver Complaint, and find Farmeee's Pille the beet medicin'e for these disease. These Pille do net cause pain or gIpng, and sbouid b. used when a cathartie areuired. Tbey are Gelatine Coated, and relled in the F'lour of Licenice te preserve their pnnity, and give them a pleasant, sigeeble teste. Mr. James Livingston, M.P., bas been ne- nomiuated by the Libanais of South Water- loo. A Gênerons Offer. (Pu.blishied b>' Request.) Dear Mr. Editor :-Wiil yen kindly in- forM the readers of your valuable paper that I vill gladly send F RER te au)w suflerer fromn Lest Mauhoed, Nervous Debility, Night Losses., Vanicocele, Impotency and the r!sults of youthful foliy, particulars of a simple and Inexpeusive means ef self-cure which ater 11e- iug humbugged and imposd upon for years by quacks and patent ruedicine sharks, cured me in a few weeks. I have netbing te seli or give away, uer amn I advertiaiug any patent medicine business, but wili be pleased te hear frem any sufferer au*ious te flud a cure fer bis complaint. to whoma I wiii explain confiden- tiaily how and by what meaus I wss cured. Hundreds have been cured throuRh my ad- vice. Ceets nothing to learu wbat I paid hun- dreds of dollars te find out. Address coufi- dentially and enclose stamp if convenient. D. G. OWEN. Toronto, ont. Riverside P.O. At the meeting et the City Council Mon. day afternoon the dismissal et W. A. Bell vas carried by 17 te 5. When Baby wuasîsck, ve gave ber Castorte. Wben ah. vas a ClId, ae crled for Cealerte When she became Miss, se. clung te Caïstenla. When ae h ad Chuidren, ehe gavetilm CUstota. aOn. W. B. Ive@ basboen nominated for the Coxumous iu Sherbrooke, Que. We have ne héuitation In sayiug that Dr. I) . Kellogg's DY eitery Cordial in vithout doubt the beet unediolue ever introduced for dysentery, d1arrhoea choIera' and suminet complaintel, s8a sickness, etc. It promptly gives relief and neyer faits te effeot a poitv cure. Mothers sbould neyer be withont va bottie when their children are teething. BILIOUSNESS- and LIVER COM. PLAINT, Headache, etc., are cnred by Burdock Pille. U~q aIway~ JOHN E. FPftEWELL, Q.C., B&Yrister, County Crown Âtteflvyasd Countysolicitor. Office- South Wlng of Court euse , Whitby. JAMES RVTLEDQE, Barrister, etc. Office f ormerly occupicd by Farewell & Butledge, next Boyiel Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B. A-ý Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in ChancorY, Conveyancer, etc. Office-Iu tlie Offce sonth of the -Poot Office, iMcMi1Isb's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. TOU NG SMITH. LL* B.,t l3rltretc ,-money to Loan. lIsoer cf Marlage Licenses. Offce- gSmith's Block, South of Market; Brook St., Whitby DOW & MeGiLLIVIRAY, Barristero, Solicitors in Chancery, etc. Office i Mathison & Hawken's new block Br~ook St., Wblitby, south of Ontario baxnk D. P. BOGART, MI.D.,L.D.U. Physican, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Offce and BResîdence next te Ail Saint's Ohurch, Dundas St., Whitby. N. B. - Dental Sumrgery in ail its branches prom]pt- Iy attended te. W. E. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. Oennty Survoye; and Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. A. A POST, Architect late with Langley, Langley& Burke, I1oronto. Desigus for Churohes, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Draw- inge prepared for remodeling. exmsting strucotures, Offie-First flat over W . B How's "3dxng store. târP O Box 202, Whitby. WU. CÂLVERLEY, HÂENESSMARIe WHITBY. Having moved iute oui new premises, we are prepared te extend the range of business. AUl werk pertainiuq to the har- ness-making and sadlery busiess wiIl be doue te satisfaction. Coilars a specislty. Cail and sec my shep and stock. W. CALVEBLEY, second door vest i etoldshop. Dundas Street, Whitby. FOR BALER OR TO RENT. New bouse, 8 rooms;34 acre of garden. weil fenoed. Good locaity on Front street iu South Ward. Apply te, B. WORFORK, on the adjoining lot, or at the CHRniCLEL Office. Whitby, March 711, '94. COAL!1 GOAL!1 The undersigned lias just ra- oeived a large quautity cf First Ciss Coul direct frein the mines, disre pared te fturisb ail sizes, dryand dcean, including several hundred toe the QELEERATE» No. 4,: s most popular aize betveen Stoeeand- Chesinut. UOrLeAv<M nôdnsoc andget very lôeiet quetationa. Terms. Cash. NEW PR EME8 8OUiTH 0OF ONTARIO BANK Whlty MabIe orK8.0 MAIISnjO & liAKoN Marie/fonuefteHeadBtOfflB Ale 80otoh, 8Ri eedleh,Ameoan-and Catnadian Granites, Aul pm.ties wling or uld dc elI Osil on os before prhs>. Anl werk gast u ue the lowedt. hiw UIVry imd Sale Malàles Dundas St.,.Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietol Commercial men liberallydealtwiih Tearning done at reasonable priCeg. Freight and Baggage hauled sires able prices. A eall solicited. W~J TJrXE: MACHINST, WH:ITBY, Has opened a Be pa* Shop in'conueotio with the Cooper gh=i ately «cuoried on by his father, opposite Ai Sainte' Church, and will do ail kinds 01 Bepairmng. Sewi4g M a- chines a speci&ty. Lawn Mowera, Bicy- cles, Firearme Loolo, Scales, Clothes Wringers WasÉiiug Machines, &e. Saw Filin g. kates, Scissers, Knives, Clippers. &o., s1iarened and rcpairedl. All kinde of Coop er Work mnade and epred. Sbep opposite AUl Saints, Ch=oi Dundas Street, Whitby THOS. PEAT 0Of Bowmanville, intends visiting Wbitby once a fortnight, to collect clotbing from gent a te dlean or dye. Garments when finished will 100k as good as new, If tbey fail to bb. se 1 will flot charge for Iny trouble. If they suit MY Charge is $1.25 for cleaning and nicely pressing a suit cf clotbing; for dying ,,a auj8s rx.5o. Overcoats cieaned and pressed-70 dyed for $x. Fer eleaning or dying gent hats 25C. THSMCAN nt Bowmanvllle, uly 26,,1,892 i LIFE INSURANCEý. IMnu±tacturera' Li1O &Accident Insurano. Co., Toronto on the continent .yP8r cent. .. afflIuuations et surplus:is.returned te êk poliY hoders AU aimô are paid witho L d elay or discouat on -proof of- deatb: maturity of ndowment J_ .-& POWnL , A -W tby or. King&Yôngel3t. Toroiito. H, ý-TAYL( Office How Wbitby, Il z2ffb, 1894. ,DM W re I I 1,3.Mi t'

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