Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1895, p. 5

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1, > 'r Feby. Qth. s of Dry Goode. w Goods. The Noesome of 3 $3.50, regular en's do., $7.00, $9, regular $14. 2.25 and $2.75. niar $4.00. Boys' 1.55, regular $3.50. -rular $6. Ladies' aps lIt equally iow ROCK ST., I TB Y. and one Y'orkshire Tarnworth 'registered. 'rom regisîered sire and ted stock of Mr. S. Cox- The Yorkshire White i. F.. Brethour, Buriord, string of prizes at the re ai th is boar bei ng the liere. Neither can be g. Terms. - 5c., cash, April ist and Oct. lot. con. 7, Pickering town- th of Kinsale. 'j of Lots 34and ý5 7th tht past 9 years OCCU. lammrait. For particu. J. B. DO0W, Solicitor, Whitby. mg Home a. Nan-uuîtectlous cases rusing furushed at ghe e.Cags moderate, teronPhy4icians. vU, Dundas st., hitby. 9M. e the best by an Who nt finisbed, mont dur. k . Farce Mud ordiai- >1 sud' chiln.Pumps. Mu aI the imppbmmont Irevu, -Smith'a btock înd ail the nccessar Tompqp's Pwmpo «aMe cvef'y dsy.- W.H. Pf PER.- Gornfort, Style, hs what - you dernand ln the ,urchase of Spectacles and gtently the best appliances for fitting the fuet quality of lenses. We taIre great Palns ln the c'holce of suitable trames. Your attention lu calied to aur new frames ln steel and gald for those un- Usually wide between the eyesansd for those whose nase is especially tender. Also our Gold Eyeglasses* with double action sprlng. Barinard. -» 0 HOME :o: OPTICIAN, Brook Street , - WhItby. FRIDÂY, FEI3. 8, 1895. LOCAL LÂOONIOS. Edith Murray touight. Hockey la booming lu lown. The ice at the rink Is vcry fine for skat- ing. Hardwood dining tables, 4 leaves, only $,s, at W. Till's. The towu hockey teamn expets ta play Victoria uulversity an thi ztîb Dr. Grants' "Hairene" la guarauteed ta stop failiug hair, sud cure dandruft. Ask your druggist for it. Remeniber that I atn stili seling very best coal at $4.9o at shed, $525 dehivcred. Weights guaranteed. H. B. Taylor. Caîl at the New Shoe Store sud gel thc great bargains offcrcd for anc manth. Al the best grades at auct.ion prices at M. W. Collins' New Shoc Store. Mr. R. C. Smlth, of the Taronto Globe, waa here Trucsday hustling subscriptious, aud statesthat the CHRONICLE bas sent lu mare subecriptions ta the wcckly Globe than has auy coanty ageucy lu Canada. A grood tltird lu ssci>. Mr. Van Waodatifl's pacer, Munshaw, won third prize lu the 2.29 sud 2.34 trots at Port Perry last week. St. John's ciarch. The Rev. Bernard Brysu. ai thc church af the Epiphasy, Toronto, yul couducî bath services in this churci on Sunday next sud administer the Hoiy Communion aI the morniug service. Scra.nton Cota. Foi thc present, 85.25 delivered J4 oaI haI r ;tIra metae crein n «iard as You eau gre t r&W*1r1be4 trnacé made uCà4 6- plc od walnut parlor suite, plueh wlth sIlk Pluh bande o Andie >0' mcbtu t.,Ce st.y body, and enoy yorseye. Al r e- corne. ee 1 ir mt. wca.offfor cash At the Mamroth Parlor shoe store Dev- trell'a block. open -every ngt.M Colline, prop. Pailureof R. Storsy, &Me.. 'Yesterday's dailles anuzounce that Mr. Robt. Storey, hardwaremrhatBrie late of th" town, hes fallerca. Brre Thé Twln PaNr ThIere wus qulte an interest dlsplayed lu town yesterday morning in regard to the new twln paper, the Mailsad UEmpire. Vocal ad sumentalrecitaL A recital wili be gie rm4 as.. onT "rdY afteroon next, lu the chapel of the Ontario Ladies, Coîlege by the pupfils Of Prof. Harrison, Mrs. Bradley and Miss LicIr. Alil are welcomc. Auctionsais of Cutters. Mr. Wm. Newport advertlses an auctIon sale of cutters at bis carniage factory, Wbitby on Saturday, Feb. 16th. He wîli ofier a lot of new cutters and a number of other conveyances Of vaiouekinds and styles Don't forget this sale. Pay up Subscriptious. People should nat act upon the Ides that in bard timea tbey can put off payment of their subscriptions for the ti me. The strlngeucy of rnuney makes it ail the more necessary that we should have the money ail paîd in. We are oflering cheap enough papers, dear knaws, and any man with a head on hlm can readily understand that so small a margin af profit demanda cash. Wabsh Railhoad Company. If you are coutemplating a trip ta Cali- fornia, Mexico or any point south, please cousider the merits of the only t rue South- cru route, by taking the Wabash limitcd. Leavlug Chicago every morning at Io.3a, you pass through St. Louis over the great Iron Mountaiu route. Palace sleeping car ta the gstcway of Old Mexico, aud Pull- man taunlst car ta Las Angeles and San Fraucisca without change. No delsys froin snowr blockades; june weather all the way. Ask any railrosd agent for tic- kets and maps af this great rsllway. J.A. Richardson, Canadian Passeuger Agent, N.E. corner King aud Yonge streeta, To- ronto. Th. ImpenlaiTrio. Wc learu the Imperial Tria ai tbc Royal Templars of Temperance, casutiug ai Mesans. Fsrnhsm, Telford sud Cowan, thc siugiug evaugelista, are haviug very inter- estirg sud successful meetings Ibis week, uotwithstanding the egtreme cold. The siugfg i aigh cdais, sud la mach appre- ciated, bath as te choice ai pieces sud ex- ecurias. Tie lime lighl views, especially those ai Uic Swisa aud Scttisi mauntais sceuery, are czcecdingiy flue, as are aise, sommaif thc illustrations of the lectures sud lemperauce atonies. Touight (Friday) len nighta l a bsm-room vill bo ilustraîed. Rev. Mr. Kines is corsing up wit a losd TheIcêlfo..storage promSt ptobe tbree. a.t t' Idketwis chue ôn- - -Tii. kolbee tamn wi pu ây hoekey at Pickeuing Fou eeonSaturday afternoon. ateel coCýCM1wfrê mad b d o rmeu. Only $si; à tlfl=S,. Neg*t~ andrft" mmiiibalduesa. TwoP applications of Br. Grants'" ir ene," will tboroiughly cleane your scalp. Eyery pair of boots, shoestubbers, overahoe -ad long frt ts wlll be slaughtered for -a rnth, M. W. Colline, est aide Brock et.,0 Wiby. This la aweek when thereisle ot much newa to pick up, but those who look over the CaONICLE carefully wlll note that we have made a prctty goad fiat of it. Go and sec the hockey match on Mon- day evenlng neit betwecu the colleglate and the îown teama. Ticket holders free, Nontlcket holders îoc. Game called at 7.30. A lad y la towu was passlng over a raiacd picce of sidewalk on Tuesday ight wbcn It gave a fearful crack. She Jun*e about ten feet, and then wcnt back and looked te see if anybody had crawled unden the wsik, for she appeared ta faucy that sorne- one had bit it font below with a hamumer. WaUted A good general servant. Apply ta Mas. Gzo. M. Ricz. To Correspondents. We wish our writers would observe ta write soute items every week. A great many from Important points have negleet- ed us this week. Hockey Match on Monday. A match will be played between the towu and the collegiate tcsms at the rink here on Monday cvening next, at 7:30, wheu an admission fée of iac. will te charged te non-ticket holders. This will be no cloubt an unusually exciting gtme. A word about clubblng . Some enemy of ours la circulaliug a re- port arouud Oshawa ta the effect that the CHRONIcLE bas been abat off fram cluib- bing with the Globe. We club with cîther the Globe or any other paper that any- body wanls, sud lu uluelecu cases out ai îweuty aur rates are lover than any body. Dandruif.- This form ai disease la very apîta ode. velop about the age ai puberty, or may bo postponed util beîween the ages of lhirty ta forty ycans. It la asualiy scampailned by more or lese itching sud seraiosy impairs the lustre ai the halr ta remove and pro- vent it. Use Dr. Grants "'Hairene." Carrying the. War into Corea. If the Carcans knew ai the manifold virtues ai the New Willams sewing ma- chine they would teacb thc Chîuiese aud japs boy ta use the New Williams sewing machines, sud lu liaI peaceful occupation ail thougbtsaiftic honrons af van, especial- ly durng these dreadfully bat dog-days, would be given aven te sewlng socielles sud the making ofai ilkinda ai clothes ion thc Asishica. The New Willams la ou deck ready for wam aI Ed. HarI'a, the Whitby- agent Ladies wishing, ta pur- chase a seviug machine will please call sud examine Ibm New Williams aI bis bouse ou Brock street sou"b Lira. Barclsy'a At -Route. dciivenîng. There lasa better Anthracite .rmOiw u iitaepr nteco- Mrs. Barclay's At Home ou Friday coal mined than Ibis. Briug along your Pg enyfo ext hte andis geot t eveniug vas mttcnded by a large Company ordersansd secuire yaur coal nov. Ternis orffrsitvo u laeotUca people, via vene spleudidly entertaîn- cash. Office opposite CHRONICLE Whit- week follaving. ed in Ibm capaciaus 'commodious home af by Ont. E. R. Blaw. Hockey Match. Mn. sud Mma Barclay, wie as hast sud Mra. Joya CookiJI Cl885m8. A hockey match vas played ou the rnsI hostess coald sol h.ezcelled. 7h. pro- Mns. loy gave a free lesson lu caoking icre ou Saturday aftemuoun lasI belveen gramme, .vwilcivas oaly taeken upp,oca ini thc council chamber ou Wcdsesdmy ta thc Lindsay collegiate institute sud tie sionally, eaisisted ai speeches by Rmv. a large number oi ladies. At tic close a collegiate iustitute ai tuis tQvu. As Ibis Jua. Sycainore, Principal Haro Mr. F. I, clas of about tweuty vas iarmed, and& tie vas ta be lie firsI match o thc local teasa Fovke, Oshawa, sud- M. F. Hoard' first lesson will taIre place at 3 o'Clock. P. againat a team outaide ai thec cunty it Anes, rocitatiens by Miss Hovdcn, sang- Mi. on Tuesday next. Ladies cf the towu naturally aroused couiderable inîerest, as tug by Miss Frazer sud tic baptisî choir, may join by leaving their naines aI Mrs. veli as doubt in thc minds oi lic admir- sud instrumental music. - Mr. Barclay Alin's book store. Subjects for next ers ai tht local team. Tic Lindsay team gave a roadiug a Ibmeiat. Tic speakers week's lesson wil be lamb cutiets, dal anived by tie Midlsud aI noon sud vere dvelî mainly spcn lie gocd feeling ici soup and fruit frittera. ontertaiucd at dinner. At 2 p. m. sharp la springing up amoug tic difffèrent M coHanuba.the puck vas sel lu motias. Thc game charchea, reudening denominationalism ai- M. Go Ha'a lsa.proved an easy victary for the home team, <most a nuulity. Mr. Geo H-. Hami, thc genial editor ai resuit.Îug as it did in 15 goals ta i lu ticir pA yothifui nobber. thc Wiînnipeg Nor. Wester, until laUelY favor. Tht gamne was ably refcreed by1 connecied with the C.P.R. Literary Bir- the secretary ai the Lindsay hockey club. Os Menday Chief*Caustable Jarvis. Boy- eau, Mottreal, has just sust.ained a very Mr. Walks accompauicd Ithe Lindsay leam mnanville, telcphosed along tijollne la con- sad bereavtment ini the deati ai lus eldeit îo îOwn sud reneved aid acqualutances. stables le arresî a boy via hlad stolilna son, Van, who dicd on Tuosday at tic Tic local teasa expedts ta visul Lindsay ou hanse lu Hope tawnîhip, asud - was nidiug general hospital, Montreai, framn an opera- ic2ndlat esîvard viti -il. Shortly aftenvards tian for appendicitis. Deceascd vas a BoCoutard reofo Osava -notcedUi cleven lad of fifteen, possessiug rmnch ai boy comisg voit, sud gathered hlm. Tic bis fathe's vit sud gcnialily. Mr. Ham Tic board ai education met for organiza- boy vas brougit to Whitby sud lodged lu bas been telegrapbed for, sud la aow on tien on Wcdnesday night. Ou motion af isil His name la Arthur Germn nudhle bis vay to Moutreal. Mrs. Ham lsa aM.Brlascnedb m nmsol 14 years ai age. rallier amail for ils daugitor af Ex-Mayor John Blbw, Wîiî. Mn. James LicClian vas declsned chair-. years. He-sîcle s hanse, a vatchsudw-a .by. inuoaitic board for 1895. A ballot vas pair of<boots fi om a fariner Who a ~isvwy titu taken for a commitîe ai five ta strike frosa bome. He iutendmd te rilde ýte CplUbs eLt *1.25. the standing committces for tic year, re- Niagara, suid cross IntoUic States, sud Iuling as- folova : Mesars. Ormiston, wouid have h ad a oid,,idc. . 7h. youi *for suilead We.kly McGillivray, Dov, Farewel and Fengu- t<>ak hhge very coolly.. Coupty At torneyý Empr for a year. son. Aten an adjourumeat for fft Frvelaragned hl% briore Plc $1 .25 for Cireniole aud Weekly minutes Ibis special committe re , Magsrl -apr veaciaddbs Globe for a 7057 as foliowa: Commilîce on scicol man.~ for a week. lIbhem acaime Mn. Fare..ý for Chranlnle sud PFarmor' Sun, agement- Ormiston, Farewell,- Barclay, wcl bas wilîlèn Gcrn'e parentth id- for 1895 McGillivray, Hatch, Fox; achool openly eut vint ticir vieve. arc as tgtheIbm bea *for Chronil,. W"Mslob ing-Fareweil, Parker, Fox. Osnieotles pisud "& 8J ai-ofMeuars. Farewell sud Hatch au oleclios Depii-ty inglést% at thttcowfr coaiw vas ordcred te bc beld tle 01l tic vscancy.cIlO UdYnghlbttcC ocz N«TU:-AIiiO*t 41ail e « s 8m i tecentre yard cueharhegat fwa l7 lët* k n0 hlm with rae.Te$rcaei LO W.rGO6 ute *ad -egsuHthBo, c¶lî,a, nodeping hesob le"p hum. twn cfl npot to _stové e aoir. Mare CocI-figiisgat hOtaw. badthen adjoumeid tlIIiWceds d h ui& pet ..kidw e .' ocl lgt o siext, tercgalar meeting da, sud i dova ; butof iOcus-lia vile '1t denytha Thase wv imgi be suppased to kncv uto teseod Wedniesd yofes eah ddavs ta l, ef'* tue atte threva igtck tgl Imenti during tic year. wats-«and flew aroimd peaking tn Oshaa onMonday slh t bm te f Ibm birds owned by nome Toronteorts su ad TbIuly dAYS for nue au"~ private parties to do soe. tffd" ie cces.We arm rot pos8Wd Inathe green £go& icmaseahTorolito wtca ?uh0 SatmW Uw h"ëio f as o e U.resait of tbm match s's4 ior Ibal Rugit Barrylias bm e d<ova fer only OZ2R.M malter thc palic cares lieryit1c o ov;thurty <aya lu conuîenatlnof aIduis aviaug ti fie.nte- rsne eti'rî but It appeau vcnY strango ed litai laiod lte usie fflis accomplie puL0thba il-'e tva or tli trflia.dl5graeftl "baI«"Wood, the Yokréealtt44The laI- ffll UicOm taIre place evcry craI OsWMW1sd4ia 1rbasbeau countitdgti,1't4 sMd alot otoughs TIrt es cig lsm -ctaolmuçsc~~c1WU*~ tvoa suer ecdi ght. Sometbe i ti Tron' .Coni5I4OatiWii. No a -fioon u i itCotSt*W- ta, gang came hO WhilbY On Tucsday nntd uIi~atllc~4 nuv t hes Iinà s"r' udrel ceugl iinete 0in ta cxteud sud vary suc donation te ef rftmcmc U BtUi: Ù&<a> i i±o tî* Cm=-dc spree. tbé;tic The u. m. t w i= bavt, b, Tic caauvea ah UuuAtt liWk op n r- Of e pesa ofas h bp day nigitwvaseua Ive" l t sO~ uccu, , Me C2iW~i bath cotares ase bectators being 1cwer ait h0SW5t a4à=î1wïifr - l tha usual. The skating wu very mnci l h ,uujoymd lby tbosswhêwerc prnt Pl. of rem R. RIrnalforlolbe;-Louip $1 i -~ .j~IMPRLNT oZ4L C0. F. 8TL'WART, COMMENOE THEIR GREA.T ANNUAL WI NTER SALEI --OF- Bilh CIass Bîess Goods, Kmpetaat Nevapaper change.j Yesterday the Toronto Mail and Empire were amalgnated. under the name af "The Mail and mpire."1 Both daily snd wcekly will be publlahed, and suiscrib- ers ta cither the Mail or 13mpire wil get thc amalgainated sheet until their timie la out, The policy of the Empire will be carried out by the combinatioii, but lu other respects We presume the new paper will resemble the M ail. This will give The Mail sud Empire a mach botter field for subecriptiaus and advertlsiug, sud will misa help the Globe considcrabliy, aw many Mail subacribers wil uow tamn over ta the Globe. Pmch of the twa great dallica ahould now have be- ten25,000 sud30,000 subenbers. This lncreased patro a ewllcable esch cf them toa far Itm ape? than he' tofare. and thas the pubilic -wil be lte gauler,.flic many handrede who clubbed for thc Toronto weckliesansd CHiRoNICLz may now b. fiilly assared cf complote sat- isfacion. iThe business men of lte city, who have feit àt incumbent apon tem toasdvertise inl eaclb of the big dallies, wlU feel s sense of relief on account of Ui chatnge, sud Iwill, of course, gel beller value or their nimouey. PersonaL Mr. Clarence Bprnuhsm left onU Monday ta taIre s situation l i e loctnical worke,- Peterboro. Mm. Bort. Waltons, Buffalo, le tome on s shbot visit. Mis Edith Gnos lespending as vomin l ooiàto vWsting frieuda. ; W, Robt Brown, Port Perry, spent SUD 4y in town. U(r.Alex. Cisolm amnlved home frout Iîéewýork on Ttursday lait Mr-. S. M. Newton, of th. Gazette, la con- fiid h~ is bous"Ibsweek, vith alcIr- -Houa. plants suffcned. Itvma 6 belo in lu gland. Arc yeur potalces ccoked in thc cellar. -5-below bere os Wedneaday moruiuug at 7 o'clock. Wé vish Lake Ontario vould, mcx. aven once, Jual for lic spkm ai dovnlug tie record, - Týe mcrcury sveneged 32 belov ziene aI Pot,, Arthur for. s veek up ta Tuesday Wcdnesday scain 047below ç ms thc coldeÏf inl.Taane lice jan. 22i 18,57 whh e Uc dy ivrald14.38 belov. One citizen declares fi freze bis breti Ukcýazlcce oai foglinfront -ai hui, so tiat, heh( ostep aside aUiteach pullh et -" il. It aras 6obelow ah White, River,- nertlt cf Saria,~BhParySoind 41 at Miuen, 20 11 n, ter',- s~at rampeaz ~d at. It vas 'rcert4 u inch 1otonto,,papers >eslcirday th Uic meru*s0aabélow zeo tere on Weddav mornîùë Wé- WOOLL NGOODS 450089T8, QUILTB, PLENÊS,' LINBeS&8 -BHIBTING8 UOUPPU' HIG GOODB, OBDEBED OLOTHMIN, MNLS ILLINEBYP (JBB, ET ..ETC. 'TH 18 wiIl be an exceptiotial cWportunity for jT evèryone dîsiriîng first..class Goods at prices a bolutely legsth"n Inst of manfature. The stockluinevery department in the house *s very- large and urnusuaily veil as- sorted, and very great reductionh h-ave been made in every de- partment throughout the entirqetbieiet THIS SALE WILL CONTINUE FOR' 30 DAYS ORLY'$ .nd better values will. be dfeéred than at any prevonssae We beg to impress upon Our- ing their pu1rohases as early as Ing uiew ail desirable goods att % o. m.sny pWtous tb>e aI abl of mak- Possible as lhepricea wesre n ow offer- wi mure Vary sp4edy sades. F. ST~WÂRT.~- T"ehCyr MoreO Eon. the teudeucy ai an imedeemable Gov- erument curreucy lle odrift tte mmouey centres, sud there wben ils volume is tau great for Ibm uses ai leglîlmate tnade, ta- incite ta infialiod sud speculatian. once aI the great centres It says there, sud Ibis la the cauise ai the death ai mouey ln the West sud Souîh. Il lu lhe nemi reason for thal honeat cry (ai which diahoet leadei taIre advantage ai sud fan Into a dangerous fiame)-lhe cry for mare mouey --whlch even sud ananswsveps into a vhînlvlnd. nov*-for silver, now for State money, nov for Riat snoney, fan peaple's mouey, mouey on fanai mottgages, mouey fer capta, by thm banrel, tans of it, ml ions sud millone 1 1 do sot vondmr that aur repnesentativeu from those reglous whlc bhave bemu dmnuded oi the ustural nigits of a community, the igilta bankI notes, imel tbat -they mûusî beeci this cny-. Thera la s good houmat' nemuedy for al this. It la tbrough the permission of -note issues ta bauls, wlthout speclally pledgmd securlty*, nudertproper general s upervi- sion. Wehave Iissupervison la slrnost complote- perfection lu Ibm national sys- tem. But the. banks are nov helddowu toamn issue cf 9b per cent agalist par ai bonds. Thene la ne profit lu Ihis sud so ne relief, because bauks will absolutely re- fuse ta puit on a singe note voluntatrily un- îes Ibere la aprofit la h. -The Issue inust eventually be n«.~ against bond secunty, but aginsl the acenaflasosets of the bank with provision for. daily redemption, 90 that Uic ntes wUl, Iz o de Ùieir verk lu thein own uelghbor ,'ood; tiugs dohhng t teun vith sU the advautages claimed for IState-bank issues, but witi noue ai the daugers.-( J*m. C. Cornweil in February a beautlfulmagazie 0cf nçprodutva Tic final pictlate h C stnias nimber tien, Afterthç ath," esvd tribal ta l emuof Uiche i nd ianPal FOR 1895i. MWO"rNZG.V'5 N!NG, SUNDeAY, AND iWEI IV YO Aàggreasve Rpbi.Junl Commercial,.Advertiser.éï Morning &Advertiscr. Republian ' iae c tic dW Orni a d *eIoe. aboelp p $3'SO parY*.n. Sundav dYrer Nqew -nrks i petpopffla ndayimnes-s per yop. - 7h. ADVERTITZRt$.bav, o.muo Samplsfo. Atenus WânIUs , APwN&mhg ~be 2stat~ ceasd. Tic Fcbruary Ceaèniopelitan agze bas an article ontheM Eatemra a. Wa china SbouId Doé"4y GencraiW- Lord Wol. seleofanpmslinteÉesMo th eorl ff Fal vial ec., eprng weaI 8c.,goose"' wicat $OC Mch tle 09 1w smail a= yepa.7cï.oi pemi-, soc., mannüy-pes c., buckwhit~ Hgshp!nspald: (ail wheat -e1 Wles 1

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