Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1895, p. 4

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TI&ere Z8 Onyone way in the woritW maIka pant 81"141 snd, h&shf ni Bakg n OI Po r. Tht à by %stng ,, the pures 14giénet. W.,- U" nsure Oreani Tarter and ,. Baking Soda inhi sklsg ,, This Powdir coniuino n ., Aluni, Ammonia, nor auy- .~thiug injurieus. W. guar- auto. it ta b. thse bes at- iug Powder lu the markeot. 25c. per lb. do E, WIL LIS,, Chemi8t d Druggi8t, Medical Hall, Brock Street, Whitby. FRIDAY, FEB. 8t 1895. Short Nts The Chinese are still on the run. For speed and endurance they have sur-4 ,passed auythlng in the aunais of wau or peace. After they have practised getting away from the japanese a few thousand miles further, there will be a sufficlent number of crack sprinters among them ta star it al aver the worid, glving exhibi- tions of pedestrianismn. However, the Chinese wili neyer again become popular, people will hate them so because they dintalget killed. Gen. Grant loat more white men in anc esson'. campalgu in the American war than has been killed on bath sides in this Orientai scrap. Two prize figliters have been killed in sparring matches latcly, and ancelias gone crazy thraugh drink. The rest have al taken ta the stage. As theatrical petform- ers they fifl a longfelt want. It lias be-, corne apparent that the buil-necked pug ranîce nearer tie intelligence of the pub-. lic than the bratuy artiet of thc Irvin stamp. As a matter of fact that stage of intellectual progrese lias been reached where Uic ring ie the probationary state for the stage. It ie owing ta Uic fact that pugiliste have sacrificed their calliug and rushed at Uic cali of the public ta thc stage that we have had produced those inarvels of thc theatre, Gentleman jack of Boston and Pompadour jim. It seeme ta be Uic praper UingJantnaw ta put people out of maery for Uic sake of théir life assurance, and cases af this kind are rcported almost ds.ily from ail over America and the more civilizcd parts of Europe. Time was wlicu a man was laid away in arder that some other fellow iniglit secure bis wife, or vice versa ; but husbands and wivcs have came ta be a drug on the markiet Times will have ta change if ever again Uic demand equals the suppiy. Therefore those who want ta mnake a shift of this kind take the more modern method of calling liec assurance into thc game, and. Uic deal je more en- ticing than it used ta be when there was nothfîng but illicit love ini it. A Mrs. Pierce, of St. Louis, Mo., lma se- cured.a judgment for $2,50o agaiflet a mati named Anderson for kissiug lier. flic despatch dae not state under what cix- cumstanccs the kisging was donc but, be that part as it may, anc je strtick with Uic idea that kissing muet have gone up. One wouldn't hardly suppose that Mns. Pierce woul d charge that mach- for a kis stolen off ber cheek by stcalth, or by force ; and, if she dae set Uiis higli figure an a pur- loined kise, what an earth wouid belier best rates for a smack wliere bath held their purscd lips tagether, and made the bls mutual, fairyyravehing iu its sweet. nees. It is gaiug too tar inta Uic reg-ion of speculatian ta dwell upon Uic pôssîle cast of a kies from Mrs. Pierce wlicrc au embrace was throwu in, and the whoie take n in Uic dark, wcre nane but the gode are suppased ta sec. To pursue Uic sub- j ect furUier miglit prove thc shattcrlng of the nerves of many of aur readers. The Patrons of North Ontario have brouglit aut Patron RP. C. randon, a Con- servative Patron, to mnr for Uic Hanse of Commous. Patron HenrY GlcndbnU"g, of Manilla, who joined the Patrons wth the same view, it lesaid, of taklug the-, forefront of battit, in théir ~b1 u wha ise.ued encli a glowhnmafet i- fing Uiem up, lias the satIsofaco of agLin reverting ta the bo»m onaf UcRf party, from whence lie cae1 f or -no .'- s on would th uk ofsuathhaa tr' A loui Gle ndiuulng unnpÃ"r the icContervatwo, of niy sermn on the, death. of 51w John Thompeon whlcb appeared.lu the CHION- IC4*0fJan. 25Ui, la remau*abty oret Tii,:. la ont sentence, however, wbiclz doisnot report me truly ; but If Ittlaan accu#até repart then i 1Ieft an inférmce wbtlbhla.not accordjng to (set. , Ttsn- enËcëIà thiefolo*bég .f1"Ait the popes id' c"Arlitansd.blahope could flot niaie a true chriâtian belleve that they bave lu- fence eou;h ta ettiier procure or taise away hW saion.1" The lnipreuce (rom tuis sntine le that. a (atholc belleves that the. paes, cardinale aud bl-have Influience inougli ta procure salvatlou for a sinner. But this a Cathollc dos Rat b.- Ileve. The cliurch of Rame teachos that noue but Christ atone can save the. seul, andl1dld notasay lumy sermon that thls le flot ber teaelng. Then leavlng tuis sentence aoide 1 acceýptof the. report as a correct and brref statemienof what 1 sald. Thi. Rev, Mr. Jeflcott niaies smne com- mente on tuis sermon lu -your lm tissue aud I have been conslderlng whether or not 1 should say auything about it. 1 fully agre. wlth hlm that a controveray la undes- irable ; but h. asserts a few thinga about me that 1 do not lke, and that I do nôt thînis are fmie. And as ie lette: la ta my diecredît bath as ta maulines af character, snd ta knowlcdge of fsets, and as he givea no proof of whathe aaserts,I1heg tom ay a word lu my own bohaif. Mr. Jeffcott maya tint I made a few com- plimentay rcnarks upon Sir Jua. Thonip- son-lu ordor ta get «a flilng"l at Uie Catie- lic church. I do nat thlnk auyone who heard me preach forrncd that opinion, eltiier frani what 1 said or the manner af my saylng snd I would b. very sorry ta leave that Impression. To take "a ginsg" at Romanlsm la repellent to ru-y feelings. No anc ever hoara me do sucb s ting. MLcli of her teaching I believe, and some arher teacblng I disbelieve. And when I have anytuing ta say againet ber I sbal not need ta stand under caver or ta aoek a pretextinh order tu utter my mmid. Mr. Jeffcatt says that meni of my kind nilerepresent the Church af Rame, and that we have nat a treatise lu aur library written by a Catholle lu defeuce of hus re- ligion. 1 hardly kaow a-Protestant minis- ter who la acquatnted wlth the lîbrary of a Catholie priet. There lealamost no communication betwe.n theni. A prient bas flot been lu my study lu tweuty years, sud once only bas a prient been i n my hanse. If Mr. )cflcott la 1ke he brethren how doca he kuow wiat books mon of my kind read? d He aya, "permit me ta tell Mr. Mon- nlng sand his hearera that cvery sentence lu h1îisrmon that Inteuds ta give a nation af Catholle teaching, or Insinuates what Cathollc practices sud filth are, ln everT particular h. la wroug and mïsleadlug' Let us see. I preacbed that Protestants are taught ta camte ta ýGod dlrectly for sal- vatian wlthout auy interniediate agency. "We believe, ns Protestants,- that it la passible for us ta knaw that aur malvatian la secure wlthout the Infiuence af cither churcb or priest2' And I sald tint Catho- lics are taught ta came ta God thraugh the sacraments by tic sgency of tic priests. That Cathalica are no taugit I will quote from a devotional book of the Catholica wbîch I have had lu my possession for years. " How la original siu rcmîtted ? Original in la reniitted lu ioly bop- tietni." "Your pastar niade y ou. lu haly Bap- tiani, a chuld and hlil:of heaven."1 " How eau you obtalu the pardon of yoisr sins after baptiom? "By a good confessien. "When yu niaise a- good confession, what does the pricat do for you ? "Ho gives me abéolùtion, or Uic- pardon ofdm? ains.", 'Confession, thc third essentiel part ai thc haly sacraement af Penauce, la tic ac- cusation af al! thc sines anc bas cointted, madc to a priet duly authorized ta re- celve it, iu order ta obtain from hum the absolution or pardon of themi." "Absolution ilathe sentence pooued by th prist l ticplac ai od, trgng his wiole'hcart. althougiho édm snot trust himacli ta expwau or Ilerprel what lbc reada lu Il, s anluiethtbh, eau ander- stand il by bhîm ie-oko*s onlt na well tiat what je ctittned lu the -lioIy BIl a oord of Mn, bat--tbisewordf- the. living o le se4aa thtfor this roeau no man bas teu riet.i.erlatprot aud «xPlain lu him oms waý*psccordtng ta bis own mlud, aineSjem us ne peaks ta- tii, Catholic, eh"rci ty b« r hlshopaand t«ol ts b1Uevètiat .v ruyi bqàl- tnt pce". wia. el evsl i huart upidn thse' I4rd Wu' christ does' now recelve plenary forgIveneas of Ina, M *e seripture declae-If wc confias ou9r inaslie is filîbful aud juot ta fargivo om aur smnud.to cidaime -to i from ail un-' uhbave'quoted on'ýly-'Catlioilt authority,' thi. agtortyoa i Blhop'Livuart of tic Re- démnptanlal Father,, sud the ohlers I h ave nientioned.. If they are correct -sud a great deal Ã"re" .îtIstahvrWd.-I'do not sec iow I1hae mlrepremeuted auyihlng. I mtliibelieve liat I ain nother wroug uor misicadlng lus simpie-ïueteceoft my ser- mon that preteuds b i.-#ive 'a notion af Cahlcteaching.or lueinuates what Cath- olicpratic«andfati are. Wihby, Fpb, 7t '95 T. MÂtNXING. Town Coniseil BU5V TIME D40NDAY NIGHT.-J. n. POWELL APPOINTED ASSESSOR.-FRED iîàTCu, J. S. BAÂRNARD AND J. PALMER AP- POTNTED TO THE BOARD OF HiILTH. -THE SECESSION MOVED 18 AIREz Dy COUN. SMITIL-CoUN. SCOTTr ON DORG TAGS. -THE 5140W SHOVELLING QUESTON.-DEPUTY PRINGLE HOLDS NO SHOW. Tht town council held a busy Session ou Mondsy nigit, ail tic members htlug pro- meut exceph Coun, Grass, who bas not mlgned bis declaration ai office. A Lottor was rcad froni the Whitby W. C.T.U., thanklng tie council for the usual grant ai $25 toward lighilng thie free read- lng rom. Also one (ranithie Single Tai Associa- tion asklng that a niemorlal be sent ta parliament in favor ai givln'g thc single tai fad an airing. REPORTS. Coun. Noble read a report frani tht re- lief committeo lu favor oaitho ioliowung paymtnts : D. R. Viekers, grocerles, 86; Jas. Kean, wood, $2o.64. The report pas- sed. Coun. Blow rcad a report from the pro- perty commttcee lu favor of the following paymenhs : Jas. Kean, lumber, $6.86; do., cah, $36.2.5: J. T. McGeary, iauling u g lue sud hase, $4.1?; J. T. Newport,gauî- [ng hase, 01.50. The report was adoptcd. Coun. Devereil read the firs report ai Uie streets committot, rtcommouding liat tenders be taken for a supply ai luniber aud nails for the year ; also tint thc coni- mîttee be empowered ta buy a quantity ai brokon atone frant the j ail yard. The comoelttec recomnionde tice following se- counta for pnyment: Jas. Kean, luniber, 886.88, John MeCarl, work, $669; Wmè. Happer, do, 82 ; Jue Foley 8S1; PHamil- ton Soc; J Bravenor, teamlug, Si. Fo; T Perry 50e ; T Ptrry, jr, .50e; FPAt;nson, 50e ; T Harris $2.92 ; Jo White $i ; B. Barrett, 3,5c; Jua Smith, 75c;- Asi- by, 75c; Jua Lawr'ence, 75c. Tic report wba pascd. Reeve King rend a' report fromntich standing comnittee on finance lu favor af paylug tie followlug aceaunits froni deputy returulug officer:- J as White, $r ; Geo ,1 Hal, $z ; F Mudge, $7 ; J K Gardon, $i!; A Canieran, Si i. An account af 41,3.60 from tic general hoapiha4, Toronto, for,34 days keep ai tho indigent Blanchard was paeaed. Aiea anc oi $9.6o (rmniJ. McIn- hyro for niakiug dog haga. Tie report Wa. adopted.0 Coun. Smith for the coniilite on applI- cations3 read a report, stating that they haçiào hakea tenders for tic aesessiip and.,Jiaê reelved offera front Jua, HoItt, $8o ;JB* Powell, sroo. Thoy reeommended.:Mii Powell ah $8,,sud a bylaw 1ounded upon, 1h15. Report was paased. Couin. Scott reported for the prinfh, commttet that t ho tender oati ftirON- ICLit b. accepted aI $45 (ortie year. The. report passed RAISING THE WIND. Tic reeve introduccd and carrlcd tirougi a by-iaw ta raise nioney for dc- frayiug expenses until taxes came lunexlrt Tic reeve iuhroduced . sud cprried througi a by-tsw ho, appoint incubera oi.ýa board ai icalti for tic town. Meass.- Fred. Hatch, J. S. Barnard sud J. ?ahnpr wcrc appoiuted as a board of h.alth,- Iý. Bogart as medical adviser sud Ciie(Cott- stable Caiverley s inspeetor. AN OLD F'AXE RENXWED. Depuly Pringle gave'notIce of is'inten- tion at uoxt meeting ta bnlng lun a resolu- lion in favor ai nemnrshi1pgthec Dt- minlan Goverumeut, askiug ta ts tains office sud 1>ost office conibiued b. erecttd here. THE SECESSERS TO BE WATVIIED, Ou motion ai Rebve.IÇg tisefoIlowirz menibera were appoin t ta aftaler tbhç town'sjgterests lu regaârd ta ti sceslW niovemêp pruproscd by.anie of tue (ar- depEyVreie 511dtowu solicitor. ABOUT S$HOVELINIG 8310W.' Chairussu Devereil of the streels coin-> milice askied if Il *asa-tue duty of the streets caniusltec ta siovel 'snovwh.bre privai. cltîtcnsnneglected or refused la do MIse oayr hhoghlt it la wSTe lu have tse' suaiffr reoved momehow , ae as lu niaire Wahks art, bàM é b " sd the -Co , iutütéê siould in es ÊJEclicitiSeaslof thée town la upomdtO da iw *as Ide walks. Cau, Sot that tint wbsre' tbceç,A 'ruI"UL Havi ng taken stock have too large we find that a stock -of oBROCK STREET, we on hand, and in order to make roomi for Spring Iwporta- tions we wiil offer -Sweeping Reduotions in al WINTER LINES, Space would not permit of us to quote a complete range of prices, but we quote the following as samples: GRBEY GOAT ROBES, 60x72, at .............. MEN'S RIUSSIAN DOG COATS .............. Wv-Come and see for yourselves that our reductions are genuine. WE ALWA'Y8 DO A8 WE ADVERTISE. Mes THE NE W DR? Y GOOD8 wm ml o o o [Bargains for this Month. 15.00 S8TORE. WHITBY..ý Special foir Feby. Qth.,,, Duigtii month we tare offeéring very swéeping roduotions in al linos ôf Dry, GoodîW - We are anxons to reduce'our stock before- thé arrvai of New GoodS. 1.The Gooda ýare al uew and fresh, being. tiis seu Sý ôuoae.Nte -9ome et our special prices. Clotbinùg.-Boys'Free Oerceaits $150O, reidar 05650. Meu'a Frieze- Overoats $6.00, regular $9.OO. M3en's do,,-$7.OO, regular $10. Men's do. $7.50,- regular $11. Men's -do. $9 e guiar.$14. Men's Wool Tweed Pants at $1.252 $150,. $175,- $2.00, $2.25 Anid$25.. Men's Black Worsted Pants, equal to custom made, at $8.75 aSnd $4.650. - Boys9'Fine Tweed, Suits, 22- to 28, $2.25, regula.r $3.00. Boyl do. $8.10. -reguler$,0 Qs do., $8.40, regular -$4.50.- Boys'1 do.'$8,65 regular 4.90. Boys' do.,--29 to. 82, $2.5çeglr~Q Boys, do. $8.%5,.egular $5.--Boy8' do. $4.20, regular $5.75. Boys' do. -$4.590 egl- $ ?ades - Mates from $4 up. AUl Fur Trîmmed Goode at hàif price. M.en and Boyis Fr0oa equally 101W Priées., UT H _ UTx-A ID DDMUOOKhT ;v1 .,&ho vyý AUOtIOD }SAL~-à.~ t -AT- DT:cL-~~ k e16ND l uU' MWJILRIREM. 1111H IL Il4~ t 'i au 1 F

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