I firie i oMfort atnaIMProvent ana! tends ta permonial *njeyment Whou. wightly us& The many,i e lis beto fier-titan tereadenjylfinor,,it lmi «epwdiur, by iot promptly adapting ft. 'votld's bist prodcts te fte needa of pitysical being, 'viii atted tlie value teliealth of the pure liquid laxative principles 1,..-Adla thie ;emedy, Syrup ofFg. Its excellence la due te Dis pr.uting 'in the forni moat soceptab'e sud pbeas- ant to the faste, the refrealaing and fruly beneficial properties of a- perfect la:- ative ; effectu&lly cleansing thie systema, dispeliing colds, headaches snd foyvers and, pèrnianentiy cuning constipation. ltbuha given aatisfaction te"niuins and inet with the approvai lot the, medica] profession, because it actis on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowelm 'vithout weak- enzng them sud it in perfecbly free (rom *very objectio,-.able istbstit i.ce. sy ruP cf F WÃŽB la for sa-l9 by ail drng int 75C. otth'a, , but itis lasm'înu- facturcd by tlie ,~io:; Fig Syrup 43o. 011y' whose name is pr-infxod on every package, al-go the narnec, Iývrup cf Figs, and being well itiform?'l. you will not 2Zb.nm .A. J0a.. A COMMOn Affliction Per.Mutly Cîd hTaIu t Sarsa- AVRS "I was affleited forght y0ears with lSalt Rheum. Dulg tattim, 1 tried a great many D;edicineswlch were hlghly rec- omtnended, but none gave me relief. I was at Iast advised te tryà yer-s Sarea- parilia. by a frlend who tbld me that I must purehase six botties, andl use tbem according tu directions.i 1yilded te hie p ersuasion, bought the six bottie, and teck the contents nf three e! these bot- ties without noticing an direct benefit. Before 1 had finisbed the fourQi boule, my banda were as %. Free fromn Eruptions as ever they were. My business, wblch îe that of a cab-driver, requires mne toi be eut ln cold and wet weatller oftea witheut gleves and the ýtro2ute -bas neyerrl,.e.-TH AS. oxa Stratiord, Ont. Ayer's Ife Saisardlla F Âd otte ethe-or4' .£ver,$ FUISeIanse tise .ow.i.e., OORRESJPONDENGE Mrs. R. W. Black la visiting fençds ÃŽlu tewn. Mr. Geo. Campbell, of Boiton, la vislting Uxbridge relatlies and #leuqils. Mrs. Holliday, of Brooklinss, b*. bsen spen d iugte past week with hèr Pareiits' here. .e 1 The editer ef the journal is aiendhli the Canadian Press Aa.couétmetings i n Toronto. Mr. Rosa Thexteu Ieft tlls o~r Plickering te talcs a position in the O*C ef thé Piclkerng Newsi. Taking the bint (rom Ub1dg.samoyê.-ï 'uent bau becà startedînVico sol*y' te organite a local InmucecPWB o l te rutual plan. Rev. . Father Lyneti, of Tbnoo been apÉKdiited.by lte Açbbp«Tr Outo digso tt ht fpate*otW ira and talc# up "hie resldnçbs,ý't 0om Lait tîcM' Bob WèUeý ' e trcsin MEU'ubua o ëýWÃ,te ' ,,'uu$ této bewu ta'-ims for <itaser I tuoO- brtiakfà ot. A numbsrwho went eîuit btnte enougito te:.dè,et -ln t is .wal and stayèd luiboecentry ail pmiet, > rangtown >t t ina-a. M. Slr négTii. llblng parby te Mr. John' îNicitolit i, nfteaeh were nmore forbupabeý and*"i front an upset itac!comrtlvelylittli trouble lu gettIna home titroug thebite brs W. are sorryt asttt1r lla Panai bteafiâble cmonder Il Goivana & Cols drug store, býas itad te gc te bis home la Port Ferryon accouat 0 sielcncss. lie lu sald tbeorecovering: aW itope somecatereturu te business. Lb. Col. Boulton bua retlred (rom t comumand of bte 3rd 4sragoons aftethtit pitenomenal service In the. Canadiar Intilitia Of 57 years. He retains bte rai of Lt. Col. ou retirement. Col. Boulbon'î 1?rd dragoons dld good service la Torntc lu z866 durng bbc bine the. Feulas raids, bteé tird wcre on duty lau *lToronto foi sevérai weeks and were mucit admircd by bte citliensi on accouant cf their dmsbing solilerly appearance.Tite Cobourg gar- nison batbery aIme dld consî>iceua st vices'la Toronto at btat bime. A clothes wringer repairer namned Elves, wbo bas beep opcrsting 'in bte adjacent tewna, was«arrested at Trenton on Wed' nesday'last by Couuty ( onstable Smitb, of titis . village. His modt of epenabies was te cal (rom bouse te bouse aud secure wriagers titat were out cf order, aud nfteî reFalnniii tenwouid mdl thoe m orne other. partv. After vicbimizlng several parties lu Cblborne, tite matr was placcd la bte bauds cf Mr. Smitht, wito seedily lodged hlm lu -the Ccbourg gacl.-Col- borne Eaterptrise. He wiil be bnled before the judge bers, eue week (rom to-day. »sb.umtur..seild. - Mayor Wilson bas J ust sold tite last lot et cur bewn bebentures boaning 4 per cent. intertst. Ia 1803 ho sold (onrbte tewn $30,000 at 4-X per cent, ln z894 ite sold $17,ooo at 4ipet ceut., lu 1894-5 hé< scld 86,ooo at 4 per --ent. Witit the pro- ceeda cf tes. sales and bte mînking fund, debeubures te te ameunt of #26,28o. bear- lng interest at 5 per cent., have besun e- tired, lois Of $12,500, $iz,ooo and 88,soo beariag 8 per cent, interest bave aise becta rcbired. Thte prebability is that lb wili net b. aecessary t6 seU any - more deben- turcs until &wl w wite ieEnglisit lean. cf $146, zoo (alsedue. A few amali itemis wilI corne due bebween new and z8qq, witicit will b. met with proceeda cf sinkiag fuad. Titis la a vcry creditable financial show- ing. and Mayor Wilson deserves bbc taulc of eutr citizeus for thte able way ho bas cenducted bbc salescf btese doben- bures and the careful bandling efthbie tcwn's business, witicb (ails te bis lot te bandie. Eaoorrwgbbe Fat Coanors, a boy thiteen yenrs old wbo hails from Coiborue, and wbo bas been before Judge Beuson twice withiu a rew montha, was tried on Monday morn- ing for bneakiug lubo bite store of S. S. Windove, cf Coîborne. Thte judge senbenced ienn o five years lanbte referma- tory. As accun as bte sentence had becn~ renouuced, Connors began tbc mort sw-8 Sbowling. Ho threw iiself ounbte msbting before the, beach auce could not be persuaded te stop bis itewls non te got on is (cet té b. ýtalen, back te gacl. After 4 vas placed in Gcv., Saelgrove's sleigh a was started fer gafi, ho begail knocking ist -bi-ébottôrn ýpf lb sd 1 gu ino soIt snow opposte btehor ldt,6n bouse, Iwas upst suAn nota wss- trowu eut 109ng vwith bte oters. Ho felI on bis face ianbte sncw and being itandcuifed snd ilob willing te go quictly wit thbie céabbe à ack to thte cotuirtoom te - wait untit the loveruor could get" another ceuvoeyance,, tecross bar cf tbhce tr 'nvngbeen )rken in bhc upset, considerabte force lad bo, bo used, te whicb senve wito did et knew ail the cîrcum st2nces bave said vas toc mevere. Tite judgc (so we bave en informed) sud a unumber cf otiter ,entlemen wbe were witncssescfwa - atrod..sny Connota- was not tee -scverely reated. Hnd- ite net acted se ebsbiaately id perversely there wou)d net bave been he lest tjrouble-World.- fton Gr Çabakwet leasbnvi- în g w lit b ber a i erïm o n FraWkGee left fer ortgnd on Satfrday witbitçargoo etajples. Whcuat itoard (nmee l *49eeping bie cr compauy ithl ie train awaited ta b. retneved (rm a snow drift. Hlm BHoiter udge Burnbam, wa- ber. Meoncay htolding a Court, ef Rovision -lu conacticboyi withe new-Dominioný votons, ibsa There wsre a nuna*r of appealjs ùmdoa4&dsatsfactory dispesed ýof Ce.Philo.B rornwbam, he<is.aÊ Last Weduesdsy te rsideuce -obf -Mn., Ave.,,Toronto, nt., Canada., MeCullouit b ock fine bebweeu ceiîing-andý foor, but happily it wn&s oon nput euti- tbougb smre liftle- damnai gws dan. -A>C Ood in te head-Na' ab 3m gives numnber of thirnacys have caugbt fi nesd> instant relief ; speedily eures, Noever illuminated te evening slcyIately. r n faim - Wcar peased te lesa tbgt W. lieu- Mary Shrowsbury diad in Cobonrg, qut, derson su wife seenu weîl plessed Wîbb1 on Saturday, aged 110 yeans. Sitb cm thuir surroundings a inté tdnulittie village1 rme camdeadmete i Joon cf Zephyn though tthey like te cerne- this'15 yeas eage. - way as often as possible we notice. Last Thurmiusysvnn goa et Prepare -for spring, by Usng bek Bioe lecture given by Rev. C, T, -CocIcing ' O dYt vgreshali.ubt nuf1,4g te war in China. lb waa botht instructive Me, Jarneb Gibson, a bigby reqpecîd- sund enberbaining. As ,the lectëre wès cizen cf Benli,Ont ýdîed of beart- filur accompanicd by-ver 100 lime lght--vlews, 'eh Saturd ay nerning. r a vivid ides wus gained *f, bbc engage- m'ents botit by'laad sud oea. Thviews A CwfoQv adcw werc lfe-lilcesuùd btelecturer cxplaiaeèd D&UaeIn zg,-bave basa fr oubled with thon~~~ luci sa hetaa lasing Roadache fora nutuber Of jean,. ilstarted niannen. Titcitdwas Wslllld -nd te talc. &B. . ad new I am -perfec ttyor a good asurn ralliso. Te pec ewre e. - It la an eeellent rme o ~det gientebi..W M S udte ladies cf and Dizziness. Mus. rMnadY, fér dà n, it e É ociety ti à r o k n -persona li é b > , O T sud'trýogit te cointis ofyour papet, ~ yu a for bbc favonronderedrsIný[e C OjwieTOra,-l=ý "Now o irp1eüneue ou 1.moton ô[ozthe, oucil tleug' ite ~~ f ~ed lor ai e. 'af" " 't =j Iw l t d eou ci U~O ma thé 1é -w ÀhgM oUncle ,y ,The.big sterin 'l, eouover; te4ving more armour bt sbeenrçatored. 'ý Àswa& ,.ti nasroada, prettY 'ell b1ocked nup a].. f ep ur te 1eevée - h ýt ecrom dra eare reum !,tbIy$ n t ak ý' ýideal ellicer'. Hlmf le For som. bime p ast we -bave netced .-.oy ,faImuota o cumlùeintewr4hyon O whIe assng lon th &hcon, ate~1itcaref.ùî a tudy t$ythe, ratepayers. -Mr.- Cd bohrses 'pasturing. in hetiai n owstoriI-Hoyle. la ail, to thé,ýlllatre and will sae to and havin; Washlestn'ea-a.1i for âltbabo fat as-bis ,pirt cfbte work goéa- linge. 'Tis Woud, -net i>e s50 erb d-lt wlllot be neglected.1 The coundila werethiose hcresw;ellfedand'caredat> ja ear are-an-energtlc lot and te'filrst n ught, but te trouble là thà t tbey irte ln-metngccouncÃl prodcdqutalie> O xactlY te saine nanner wben ite SUn.!smetng eof ilorLaey, wbo l (rosi '0 b debh is face as w he n he la îSitnin g in, ail1 fr on ii. p il wl t th e "beavic a naJ o b 'fbis glory. Moreever, te owner. cf thte was net to e wieedled ltt routine foirma, d muid tenai wua beard te say that iteîntend- Iand d"objected" -wit n good deal cf vigor -cd leavlng themu eut ail wintee. We hopep te ail borts of proposiltions. Councillors ýe be will neyer-bave te suifer as titoge herses Shier, Bick, and Pipiter are ail good men ,e do fer Inaail probability he weuld net be wbe bepe te make a: record duriag te n able te endure such bardeitipa. if that year.-Beaverton Express. k man dees- net wish te be compelled te etalc.titose herses lahe would Misws t s Gibbs, daugitter et Mr. and Ms., o do it willingly. We underotand that a W. J. Gibbs, of Broda, returned home on gren nuberarecemlaiingcf bc nmeMenday evening after two years' sejourn r rnatter and it would ha well if it was at- ID Halon, o einu..n.Mal y tended toeat onte. W WiecfbeîthC.Ma- 9 Perapi he bst paty o thesea-oa oa, had bis foot badly crushed ina Pehae it bstpabycfti sa o e nwronS ray. Mr. Stewart wa ene e t r. ay even ng at the resid- Cha & er on cf aW turd ene fMr . .Hilîson. For sons bine Cabrs lfWlfrid, wssevereiy ln- pasb It bas heen mooted titat titis.gentie-. .ured by a falling l1mb while cutlng weod man as bou telene fo Enla wbrein te bush on Tuesday afternootr. Betit tIn ail prebabllity he will take Up bis *ei-aepoîslgfvrby suce. As Mr. Hilsen Io very popular, InIooking ever sme- old documents te auieng te Junior, nembers of society at other day we came, acrose a copy cf the 1least, bbey coUld net let hlm go wîtliout Cannington municipal votera' liat ior te' baving bbe pleasure cf spendlng an even- ycear 1"0o. I t la just fifteen years ago ring in bis company. Accordlngîy a party- ince this list Waa pubtished, but1 aise, ,&was. gotten Up and on' Fnlday nîght lasti wbat changes have balcon place lu that bb 'heneat and spaclous bouse cf Mr. Hill- short ime, Titere were ie names cf 52 son was filled te overflewing. Fermons cf tbesè people appear on car at revimed *were present fnom Uxbrldge, Port Ferry, voters' list-; 87 have moved away, and bbc *Prince Albert, Seagrave and many othet' otiter 44. have been called te their final places. About 8 o'clock te visitera be- rewnrd. This la indeed, a sad picture;, gan te arrive and at 9.30 Mn. Mnrsb Dunn but lb bas its brighb aide. Durlng that of Prince Albert starbed te strike Up thee buse Cannington bas made wonderfuil rnerry citords cf the waltz. Fromi that strides : Large brick blocks have replaced timo tilt midnigbt Mn. Dune, iu company te old wooden cnes; fine residences-have with Mr. Geo. Cairns, cf Slabtown. lcept beeu erected ; new public buildings now te guesba sbepping îîghbîy te bite îaveîy- enhance te beauty cf tht own ; eleçbricity mnusic. Titen refreshients wene senved Illuminates te streets, and lat, but net and ater luncheon te dance went un leat, the population has largely iacreascd. again. On atceunt cf te storm n obody 'Te day we have 37o names on oun voters' carcd to venture beome until dayligitt and 11mb. an increase cf r88 since z88o.-Glea- se, juat as te dock sbruck seven in the non. moraîng, the last set was -finisbed. Short- ly alter this thte party broko up, Ieaving ALL MEN theïr liad hoat and beabess muclu pleased 1 wibb bbc aeigbborly invasion. Thte ex- 1 Young, old or middle aged, who fiad them- uberance of spirits among our eaberu 'selvea, norveus, weak andexhausted, wito fienda was very greab and their only arc broken down (rom excesor overwerlc, moans of safeby (from golng off) was in resuibing in many cf te follo*lng symp- glvlng vent to a erles cf very healthy lberna; Mental depresaien, premabure otd yells. Mr. Hilîson leaves for England te age, lose cf vibaliby, s cf memory, bail weok after next, wbere we sincerely hope dreamm, dimuess cf sigbt, palpitation cf ho will lead n prospereus, htappy and use-' bbe beart, ernissiona,- lack cf encrgy-, pain fui life, snd mbould b. retn to titis land« in bbe kidneys, beadaches, pimples on te we fcet mure that be will alwaya- find a face and body, itcbing or pecullar seusa- ready welcome (romn bis Epsom n d Uica tien about te scrotum, wasting cf te friends. organs, dizziuess, specks: before te eyes, For some time there bas been talk cf bwibching cf te muscles. eyclids and else- separnbing te Utica Presbyterian cburcla witre, basbfulness, doposits in the uriqe, (rom Asitburn and joining it te Port Perry. 10on cf will power, tendernescf the scalýp Aithougit this may ha beneficial te port aiid spine, wsak and flabby muscles, de- Perry, Utica we feel sure will suifer veny sire bo steep, failure te, be resbed by slcep, mucb. At preseut titis citurdh bas at its! constipation,- dulîncs f bearing, Ioss cf itead an earnest and bard-working christ-' voîce, desire fur -solitude, excitability cf !an, and while te minister at Port Perry tempen, -sunken cyca, surrounded with. may be cquaily carneet and itard-working LEAj)EN CIRCCLES, oily-lo'king skia, etc., yet these people will net feel te-saune in- are ail symptoms cf nerveus deblty that tcresb under tbe cbanged circuinStances. 1lsad te insanify unless curcd. The. spriug lu point cf fact many cf ibm mnoatp nln, or vital force havini lest its tensionovery cnt members bave been beard te say tat ftacn wanes lu censccfuence; - Tit-ose sbould te change haefected tev would wito.titugit abuse committed la ignor- net attend auy more but wcuîd go eîther suce, n'ly be pernzanently cured. 'Send- bo Uxbridge or Port Perry;.-Jocurnal ý >'rdes dzo.i tapfrbol Sul)> 241h, z894. R. 1. LYtND, Au euardescrib- BEAFIESS, in, a Ty genuine Oure for Deafness, Singing in Bars, &o.. ne matter how sevre long0ýj- tanding, will be sent Post fres--Artà fi. diat ar-drums and similar appliae entirely su Crseded. Addresi THOS. KE&tPE, v1 onIOR MBE8, SoUth- hamptn Building, Holborn, London. THE Ow en E/oc trio Be/t. rh~4 -WM-i. TILL'. UndérPtaker, -Cabinet riaker*,P Uphol9ter, And dealer in Furniture of ail kiads. The Subsoriber >egs to anDounceý that lihelias again opened business ii hie old stad, and has plaoed- therein &- ohoice,- styhath and dcômplete, stock otf NEW FURNITUREJ 0f every description, whict i lb. uold at a umali margin on cost.* Anether bale of those eelebrated Musea Mattramse $8.25, worth $5. Bee t houe Tapestry or Carpet Lounges at 0, Wrth $8, Hardwoôd Sideboara,,l14a4 glass, for $8.60, worth t1i. Undo3rt king 92r full istook of OoffinsN" and Casicets, and a Firet- Ola.eaHe*ree. Whitby,# Oct. 12, 1893. Farm for Sale. L65 Ares Lot No. 3o, 3id Con, Township cf£Wit 2 miles from Whitby; sane bnitnas he Lynde homestead. Sou second te none, in a first class state of cultivation. Gocd fenoes ; watered by live stream acrois one corner zoo yards from a fine stone bouse;- frame stable and driving shed ; aise frame ouse and abundance f fruit f ail kinds. i THE IVOSTSUCSFL FOR- MA#l-Ofr Be Rend piots ETe SI>A scientific sud )r, senerai ino«. Nervos DIeùle mnt blt o foPeor -owe penly traatsd, tii Peaubivelv ElectUcIty, as appileci1~ nelt nnI A~14oi.*~ - ~,4i :-Cre dl the (iw*ii * PotSali ni clerk, "0. L Hood &00.,-o ii, XMs -.uMer 0f years Ihave been roiibled wltia ageneral-tired'feeling,sBeorta'eBs o!breatb, pain in ths back, an&Oonstpatlon-1I oùWldget enlyitti retatnght nac Oun f tb# pain end had no aW te wbMaeye. I1was thattired In My llmbs a Igayeout-before half the day was gone.n1ed a get nmbrefmdiie bu dd ne n emnn eiffo n source untIL, izporeeinnainfared 1 purchaseci a: bott4e-e JfedsSaaaparifla, whichmnade me fel béttèrat oceé., I haveon- tlntxcd Its usè,bavlng,,taken three botties, and 1 Feel Like a tfewMan. 1 ha*e.a good appe tfela88stre9g as e-ver 1 dld, and- enjoy: perfect reat at nlght I have mucli pleasure in recommendlng Hood's Sarsa- parll" CHAXLE qSTEEzLE, wlth Erie iFre- servlng Co., -8t Cathorine'8. Ontario. Hood's Pil are promÙpt and effctent t jet easy in actiou.- SoId by ail druagists. 25c. liveiy