Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1895, p. 1

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k With cabm prinited worda, great thoughts, and untiring id. trvà e oate Peace, Progres#^,-Knooledge 13rot&h'rhod4J. VOL*- XXXIX. W}ITYON TARIO, FIRIDA.YFEBRJIJARY8 85 NO. 10 WESTERM *BANK 0F CANADA. 1 LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. wHITE i Y BRANOR. À #00nerlBanking busith %doue. Speoiat tenton to Cofleotions,anad Far- mers' Sale Notes st lowest rates. IV'Deposits reeived in Bavizigu Bank Depariment ita lama of $1 andtupwarde. No notice of withdrswsl rsqufred. Htgbost ounent rates of interest allowed âad redited am'nu1~ B. D. WARREN, Whitby, Âng. 818t, 1894. Manager. CHAS.. SCOTTe AUCTIONEER, WHITBY, ONT. INe uudetsgaed hep w .nnouuoe t h bus takn eut a buefor auctionmerig, and Whe gaId tofii oIders fortha 8clama01bu- »M Hi bok wll e kpt t . H. Longsa O«W# uer. ani nformation may b. obtelsed. Wfb.Nov. 29, '94. C. SCOTT. IR.Ir. PATER8ON,Q0. Barnster, etc.-After tue veaus residenoe lu Eugland bas resumned practice at 136 1 ohn St.. Toronto. -Oct. '94.-6 mas. DOMINION BANKO Capital Paid up, $19500t000 eurplus, - - $1950 000 j WiMtb7_ÂAgeuoy. Goneral Ba.nking Tranefflted. SAVINGO DEPABTXE: latenae ufowed st highat 0e NooMo, o wthdrawal requinu E.. J. THORN. Busineffl NT. ement raisa 04. "tON P. G. M eldrum, M. D. I4cetiate of the Royal CoUleof Physiclans, Edinburgh : Member of the bCgle of Physklians and Surgeonp of OMM, eMsd rue»ee, north .acetion 01 11w 4 Termae, " Byron Stret, orth of flandus 8treet. ,Telephone communication with office Wbltby, July 4th, 1894. Who? W/w? W/w? Says the Oýwl. Who su the bout Baking Powder? W. R. HOWSU does. Whyt Becaus.e uly the puroat ingrediaute are used, sud It le Crequently made onseueutly le ai- wsys pure & freah. London- O8HKAWA. If you wleh a nlce French china disner or tea, set, or auytbiag la faucy china, or- glassware, go to E B Morgan & Son. Men>.s trong boots, gaitées, laced boots with tue caps. or laced bôots wlth bellows. tongues for $z.oo at the corner store Osh. awa. It wilI psy any _parties contemplating buylng an engagement or weddlng ring to see the large stock of FeIt Bras., Osh- awa as they wiIl sell this month vemy cheap for cash. Genuine dlamond 14K. onIy $5. Tbev are also maklng some specîi offers tu Gense, Ldie's and Boys, gold and silver watches. Se. them. Feit Bras. Tbe Salvation army officers farewelled. last Sundayevening. We suppose Brulu aaw hies badow, lust. Saturday and that winter le haiffaver. The mercury fell to W6 below zero on Tuesday and 26 belaw on Wednesday making it the coldest day so, fam tua Sotme of the Young sports have a pro- fessions! boxer In taJvn Murry an Austrs. lhan. He le giving them instruction Iu the art of self defeuce. H. e s sid to b. a carker. Tht Orchestra ofGliouna sud Marcicano Toronto, bas beengagdofr the Piano works bail Friday Feb. i5th, sud MUn D. Tod wilt b. the caterer. The procceda are wo the Benefit fuud of the employeesb, society. Mr. J. Miller, of Nebraskra, bas decided to dispose of bis poperty there and retuês ta Oshawa in the fall, to reside ber. per- manently. Mm. Miller went froin here several yearsago sud by hie ndustry bas succeded lu making sufficient nieney to enabte bisa ta live comfortable for the rest of lits days. Mr. Haisers <'New Age" was presented to a large audience in the music bai lhast Thnrsdayevening. 1: was a greattucceo in every partcaar, sud the wholo play abouaded I laughable incidents. Mr.* Hainer left Wedaesday with bis Comspany on a trip through eaitera Ontario, sud wli ne doubt meet wlth tiheaccess whkm hiseuserprisae and-the.ritofhia enter- taament deseryes. 'Tht mesbers of Christt'baurcb i'Ru<mwed Episcepal have decided- te close tthe church, Rev. J. Il. Câthbert thé. reslgaed saine tâme a"o sMd- servies. hcurch ina opeppd 30ome*' y ar go by certain dissatibii.d mezuber fSt. George's, but nover gt any time did itaemtothrveas te anesmbership waa amati. The members i!4letribute th.m. selves amoug auy of the other-desseating bodies according as they fee! disposed. Revival services are beiug coaducted at the. Medcalf St. Methodist church by'the Rev's. Clark snd Kenny Soete uccee is being met with. Tht Bible assembty couducted by Rev. H. B. Kenny la becosa- ing vemv popular with tue Young men sud wonien sud the course of subjes taken up, aie moet istructed. Rev. Mr.>aenuy is a mn uof practical esaurces sud sleja- did ideas sud his earuest serinonsdri very large sud attentive congregajIons. Tii. atteadance at the Bible'asebly lIgt Sabbath numbered over osdsca- stantiy *lncroasiag. There wtre two rufiaways lut. 4weà,k aud two upsets. Miss Fia. Macktie,,Mabel- WVhitney aud'Kate Talbot weme .neathy dumped ia dd&ft ear -Thomns '1ivom1. Tht herse rau slowly &aaydraglntum cutter onits'side. It: vas emospped however sud little daumag" vas doue, ex- cept penhaps tw the Young ladies feelings.] On -Satmaday Mr. .. aMophy bos tort up Simaco st. ih lsha, latter- Ibst the hrst seo=e lite anRa 419rtI apcteram M d terwmg-td in, a-dor tiherse dkobed on the -idowatk mt',"'e Central hotèt 'yard vire it upset anotier cutier,,bat lvs~sU.crd If acta of cbarity are to be mlJudge.i would cause charitable people to ÇvitÎhld- a helplng hand. 'ý-ý Sir Olivers Mowat'sAct to prevent the. sale of tobacco to minore la no botter.- observed'ia Oshawa than in malt. othÏer places. Alm.st aay dealer will seil tobâc- cço to young Boys for their own use. W 800 ever>~ day Ilttie fellows of from 9- years of age and, upwards, apitting the dlrty juice- of rjwirg tobacco froinJ their moutha -an- amokig ciarettes f1 public as boldy as le If tere wrere: no prohlbltory. law at ail. Lawiam1r of very fittie use if they are ot enfoc& and a conviction or two would no doubt b. sufficient to wara shop-koepers of the, penalty to whlch they expose themselves. Oshawa le a very pecullarly reglated town indeed. There are plenty of Infrac- tions of the law ln- this and éther ways every week,-- but the minions. of the law perbapu thlnk that the fact ofiastice belng bUindfold~ ed sa-sufficient excuse for their own short sightednesa. Constable HaInan la kept busy looking sUter si haif dozen other offices whlch the town gives hum snd an asaletant constable or a street commis- sioner would, perhaps, help remedy the matter. FR=D R. HoBI. Mie0 r. Ru, John A ament dayg Ouhawa s i~Dwssy E .VIOKURY.barbser. imooo sreet DR. D. L. ROIQ-OMoetua SteietaSUL BROOS' ,LIVEBY. Bloboets, nerth. WM. ROLPE, hanneasmaker. Simwe es stéi T. B. XOTMERBILL, butoheR, ing S.W$ h.. J. 8Tanruu-DomWuon O nssm ris simoo airet. OoxoLKRm.B-J. O. Wo, poloto modem hostiry, nsi an Sd omsa equipp.d. Po OU'1O S Toz-ln lnso! tda uiaimesryaMd tanoy gaods. B.L né or. simooo mirst. Leavea Ohawa e at-aisd 5p M, anmd Wbitby etIo-a;m aMd 4p m. lUsery sud inutlis. , amku,.set OuxA*àr une Broui-Td jXawl.ds- dtu oeimil'oulUlne, o! pars daa u chems OR41aso. ad riagsata Maon.ad -aBl MudWa o! eutf Sa ail c.~ lin fioa~os JiXus Puuow derniaerta iva uaew tinvar o - =. èagssok ke îmonsl Ily I:=Q bad -obigusos7. teo nt Tuesdy, -the' 5tb Inst.e the. M.F hn, of a dadgbtor. a~ Match, MA. odf Toronto, will- the Preshyjterian church, next emsoon - Rat Rev"' B. McLaren coin- JR fth ear as pastor. f h id Columbus Preebyerian cati- Intonde buildibg aréuidence t bsom ugàsn-mmer ,sud i o unid fora autble ite.. Toe ,good ones o9'ed an, of Toroeto, -wlas - 6id t 'bis, huâe lighit exhibitions heme la oYaa u alne audl- « wuth, 'd.. Hollday and R. H. mpned by Mr. Bernard Mei Alssay, came clown for ý the. LtCh at Whitby lut wook ad f days with thetfriends herki, pfr.vlval meeting- was coh-, the Mlethodiat church on ]Mon- g- àti week. They are being 4y the pester, Rev. T. W. Leg- oxecwd that they will b. for 1elonlng Meurs. Hantilton ýmaan (whebave recently ront- 4 lakes farna ttof bere,)-wasý s8 staîl with one of is legs w'days'ago. Mr. jô-s. Wirlig, cafled, bat had wo shoot tht': s' Aid society cf the Metiiodist e made ahrangoinonts Ior'holcu- à,at the -readence"of Mr. Wm.' F ij eel¶neXt, -the ith. bsv ho proï dedfor tii.con- uiük 'ImnIrsve:' tahén 6114 of iii ipçritrevvl ea .At- Smnmbeshibave bien iuiiated,' oumûgsudsevralhave beeu te- ~Ta~nag cflut week ita ASbrnh tr'hada A visit froin 7forkfihiejck-,le Iooked forward te wthleaue -11. 'Walter, Rogers bas been daw loge e Osawaoflate. ..Soue ofaur citizens go overoccascùnaI-, lYw to th speclal meeting at Greenwood. No service was held .here.Q Sabbath :owlng toa quartly meeting: at ýMt; Zion'. Sunday scho was held as uis ,q -ea: p2 Mdr. Prone* bas secured the qcoitract-for, supplYlng ,our echool with wiod. I-t has been -Piled4 '-ththe Yard and'le of No. -i A granïd concert wil hoe given boére ýon. the-, x8th ofibis moath by theju -nIle i'mle ýFrrther particulars miAY b. lLute Dennison;. the paister, bhas been 4 stoppinàg at m.,Sadler's of tâte.As. [painlng isa-sot; a rusiong businslahe wmte easos, Luke boardsout. .Newtoa, snd Salton are hustllng -treeS ito cord wood tiiese warim days, for thekr different employers. Billy says h. lsgaié J Ing la flesh since gettsng out o inidoort Our. township- council reappomae . W. Mowbray assessr fori8ë.5.,Ho dld; bis workatisfactorily Iat a and doubtiess wiil continue plesng totwn- ship in this capacty. Mme. Bultter, mother of Mr. -Robt. Critm- mer, -well, kuown-, hère, was itord at. Salem, n.n riday' st. The ýdëeeasd-waa ,6yeam of agio- *nd aalversely reipovted,' by ail.' A goodle-suinber'foltowed tle re-ý mains te.e £eeiey, Îtev. .Harmis offici- ' 4ating. T i. grea-t 55ow blocJ4de of last week,1 b as been Partlàiy dleîasedof. A good' dea ofsuo-uoveinig was caused. Good roadi areo'a -thing ôoftho put, pitch ho1,ý aud benks 0< snow ,are pfleut ion tue side-1iues, tii. concessionsarep rgod et inoii. of writ'n Another -blg b ThoeOGT fti iacravA .an on A drwk en negronae Carter wasbad- ly frozell Wedxlies4a"rithiLl Mr, Ialrier a4dtUe=d be4 veen 6ooad j.ýo ueople ýt .Xamsey a on Tneeday "a-Watahmakvm Powdor be the bout BIood4Pari as th beaPmtpowd 'hu of.d for aid nile o! <3sral 1 punity cf thi"Iod ~Md 8 I~ê MADE H 0NYB--- ýa ts, nd suly e,welII at suc- rd No. 10 Orocke>ý4 hesp, lfes, Toms, R TRA DE. t Cxamlnlng vouraelf. iiApple* milse gai tbe Mfpq'à dcablp yrfor ho futgro 0

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