Whitby Chronicle, 28 Dec 1894, p. 7

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R~eu1tofa Neglected CoId. DISEASED LUNGS WhAeh »otofrisd iw oHsp, CURED BY TAKINO AVEectoral. on"' ontram ee cld, whichsettie d nYnilungu, d I 'dtdwa hoten done 1sticilcases, neglc ted I nkin g hi wouid El. as it cm;buÈ o n, after a t Ilt lewU, tha4t teagw~ exertion Paiîued Me. -I then Consulted a Doctor Whù fOund, on examj inug My lung, that the 1- pePart ef th. leftt ne was bad ly aff ected. y'C r«ve me some medicine hcItoka <srected, b)ut it did not seeizi to do any g">od. l~JtUuatey Ihappened t e re&in uAyer's A2 oane thLe effeet that Ayer's eCherry rc'c'tOral had On Others, and 1 determnined tc g've It a trial. After takIng a few doses niy t rouble was relieved, and efore I had fin- Itihd the bettie I wu eCrd."'P-Â.LKFzLAL, %vatclUmaker, Orangevue, Ont. Aye's Cherry Pectoral Rghes.t Awrdm t Word'a air. w&Vdr'. .Pw. OCure Ilsdigest.ro,. A Wonia'o Roeuu.. AN I1îEflESTING STOIiY FIIOb PARIS STATION. Suffered fôy Six Years frein Nervouo Headacbesi Dizzinres and General Debility - Phyalieians and Many Remediea failed tô'Help Her-How ]Relief and Curer wus at Laet Fouad. Prom tii. Paria <Ont.) Re'view. t by, prietor ýwxth iceB. at rea Led on by nrch, and ',wing Ms0- mr, Bîcy. ,Clorthe s Se. Susw Clippers id. Shop Dun ndan iltby once genta8to shed will te be molI ticy suit lad nicely .ýng a suit ed 75C. or Dg gents W.bitby CE TheaPilaae àcourdblité Dr Willam's Mfedi&, O omn= yrok. ville, Ontario, and bohOeoiady, IL T., and are sold ocly in boxes bearlg the' ftrm's trade mark and wrapper, ai 50 cents a box- or six boxes -for '#2.50. They may be had fbomrany dealer, or wiIl be sent by mail on reoeipt of prioe. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille may be had of ail drugglute or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Comnpany trom aituer addresees. The. price.at whioh pilla are sold zuake a course of - ereat- ment eemparatively inexpenuive s eompared with other remedies or medi. cal treatment. Dr. W illiam 'a Pink Pille are sold only in boxes bearing the. flrm'si trade mark and wrappâr, (printed in rEd ink). ]3ear in mind chat Dr. -Wiliams' Pin k Pis are never soid in bulk or by the. douen or bundred, and any dealer who offere substitutes in Lbisi form i. trying ta, defrand yen and sbould be avoided. The. public are aise ecautloned againet ail other so ealled blood builders and nerve tonice, put up in similiar form in- tended te decoive. Tbey are aIl imita. tiens whoae makers hope te reap a peeuniary adrantag froni tii wonder- fui reputation aohiered by Dr. Wil. liamna' Pink Pilla. A" your dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink Pille for Pale Peo- ple and refuse ail imitations sud sub. Literary Notes. Saturday Night's Christmas is a liter- ary and artistic gem this year. The Christmas Globe, isaued last Saturday, is a splendid Canadian news. ltresu1ling in nany ef the fllowing symp1 Principal Grant'. revis« ini the ls toms; Mental depression, premnature Ml "Week" Of Pope's memoire cf Sir John age, 10u8 of vitahity. boss of memery, bad Macdonald is the ableet yet published. dreams, dimness o( sight, palpitation of Anyoe wo lies lZod sortsto the heart, emiss;iona, back of energy, pain Anyon wbolikesa god sh r tY in the kidneys, headaches, pimpies on tihe told for the meut part in the broad dia- face and body, itching or pecubiar sensa- beet cf the Cernishman, will find "In tien about thme scrotum, wasting of the King Arthur's Land," by Ere H. Brod. =ran, dizziness, specks before the eyes, liqime, in the Novomnber Cosmopoîtan twthng cf the muscles. eyelids and else. well wortb reading. The* pietures are where, basbfulneis, deposit in the urine, good too quie inkeeing ith he clsscf will power, tendernesof the scalp goxdelee , uieostkeping wi0the ao dopine, weak and flabby muscles, de- excelene tu met poula cf i~'sire to aleep, failure te be rested by sleep, w onthly magazines is maintaining. constipation, dulîness of hearing, loss of Mess Brodlique is a Canadian whose vol ce, desire fur solitude, excitability cf clever work i, an attractive feature cf temper, sunken eyes, surrounded with tbe most literary of th. Chicago even- . DNciRCLes, oily-looking 5kin, etc., # n aes h ot h oet are adl symfptoms of nervous debility that Globe rs, twostweek opronto ed o insanity unless cured. Tbe mpriug Saturday Goetowesaopitdo ia force having lest iLs tension every a sketch ef ber wiitinga by Jean Bluett funecion wanes in cotisequence. These ao aceompanied by a fine photo-engraved whoï througb abuse comm itted in ignor- Li prtrait of thia gifted young woman. ance, may be pernlanently cured. Send yNwt a few of chose wha, will read this youraddress and mec. ini stamps for bock V intheORSOICL hadthepleaanton diséàaes peculiar te man, sent sealed. tneAddresi M. V. LTJBON, 24 MacdoneUl good fSrune ta meet Miss Brodhique Ave., 'toronte, Ont., Canada. at the (Janadian prrilion duriùg the. _______a___ World's fair. - Tb. condition of Lord Randoîph u olirch. 3Dr. rlEhuru< M"<i omsu, hI's heilth la alarrning. H. lias softening of t Dr. Parkiiurst bas entered inte a thme brain snd occasional dementia. fcntraet with The Ladies' Home Jour nal by which h. wil praetieally become a regular editorial centributor te chat magazine for seme tim. The great New York preaciier saya chat h. boasjI Wàh4 orb eunatic gent by MIX- for a long ime past been dosircua of .ARD'R LINIMENT. saying :tome very xeessary LbMngs to, Hlifaxt. Azmuw lie. women, and h. nowýannouncet that he 1 Wà ' 'uuzn cf acute Broneliis by MIN. W-il sav them through tues. ax'tilea. ARD'S LINIMENT. Re wif take up ail the social, muoral Stl",îo LT. .COL. 0. Oaiwa READ. and eq.ulirty questions wiiich are so'irp- I A-U, Vuar>ofcf ete Rheumatiam by pornut n the minda cf women to.day. MINARIYS LINIMENT. Dr. Parfrt will begin this work at Mak >t nt. 0. S. B1ulIN. once, hàr firat article in the next issue cf tii. Jornal. Tfé é~ I of Lindaay met ini the nel,1 YCy'~hrch, Wick, on thé _l8th Ille," J h-ion moerator, hWfI" 6bI.ý There waà not as good tad tùe c f either flhfliters Or eet a' 8mêpecge&. The GOngregation of Souya, *ere IpétSttted te purohase the congËegationai ôhurofr lat O)reswèl, and to make thatp oint a Part of Sonya charge wfh reguIar der- vices. The Rer. J. M. Oamuron, late, of Oak street churoh, Toronto. mwSin.- ducted into thi patoral charge of Wiok. At the Induction service the Bey. (; McKay, of Sunderland, preached ; the. Rev. W. G. Banna- narrated the sitops taken te get Mr. Cameron and after the induction ad- dressed the. minister, and the. Rev. D. D. McDonald addressed tih. congre~a tien. Mr. Hlanna then esoorted tre pastar to the door whence the congre- gation saluted him. At this sta;of the. proceadings al retired ta the Lae. ment of the churoh where a sium¶tuous tea had been provided by the ladies, after whicii a concert was giron, a large nurnber gathered and the. church was toc umall fer the. enterment. Leave was granted te Mr. Rosa te moderato in a eall at Woodville when- ever the congregatien were prepared for such an event. Several session records were exainined, and the treas- urer'a books were misa audited. The members ef presbytery were ail invit.d to tiie house of Mr. Alex. Leaak for dinner. IYoung, old or mniddle aged, Who find them.- jselves, nervous, weak and exhausted, Who Tii. twénity-ninth volume eft tus well kneWn publidatiôn opens with a vivid description cf 'BRme Fif Ly Years ago, " btelat. Prt>fL. Pbilip Schaiff D. D., JL.D. Prof.'ffékniy Preservod Smith, DDanswers' t ~question IlWhat has the. Higiier 1 4icism Proved 7" in an article wiih, states concisely the, present positions1 of ad#anc.d criticu with refereuce, to tiie Sacred Canon. "Max Muller's TheoSo 1f-"hadi18 se by Dr. Robt. P. 8amp1u<.f New York. "Some Practical Thotrghiw oni Compos- ing Sermons" are givenj», Prof. GÎffl Âlexander, D.D., of VQcËwierb 'uni- vouuity. Dr. Wm. HaýtW srd telle the. tory of the. discoverS Fh ' Ods SloGspes. The Se&î*Wno S8ection ts especiaflnerin imaterMifrniued by nome o f h., beut knowùl, preaphers at home sud ahroad, among 'qt - ex- Pr%;..Julim sLH. aI'ye. ,û*br sumd Chu*. El. Pakhursî,D.)D 1r. J. H. W. Stuoknbrg ta"echa4gotf tii. depatment 9The Soc ia r*em$," w"i h ill b.eue of the , urong fQa*ures oftà iii Rviav li thefutM7r.. rI' J. H. BzaqIey contributes a0plufism tdf 'ie ooera fe tWhlt 8 y, izr'ltheè tains mibdd l.fa r Rev. Tsme IL on,**T, umus o! OUvrer WZ t. deil Holms.» John Buru., Kif.' gavesas $vis,. sInau Inumdew neh vobl ?. utnuva o u novMU IM s 'C o miss o l o b p # . New IqIsT m ntl b 4 700e ifon IY~ontguereoeived a beurty m,- oeptlon atoWnuveo Saturday evening ou Nois & retu m!e igyrupawa.. gb Norwsy ' e Yrup-ecures oegbs Ner:ay Pine 8yrupoub" tcolda. The 7-yu-old'son ofMr., Mcc»., of Port Elgin, wua burod te démth on lFridsy uigbL. a .cur for frout Bitit. Owublaim urmw, sud S easda, Ohsfieg o!ià p d a de u flase iBrasa W B, ud s u Hm ysrd'a Oit iiktbe Most -relible bsmu.dy o u the. uafk ot, WsstthY New YteaWM oeutest the couetrioajt7 of h. nêe V' itsd &Ie THE -É8T OOUGH ÙBIHa. yard'. Pemtrallam, ]Eth" .lg li bdé, sud carm s oug hs a&W d ojd, T h e P t r o nl , s .h v e d c d d a d t u esadidate lu W slu" d fer1. h Dom4aiiom t r, s R.- a- b.- b.- b- b- hi. k- I k- i I orieFi ortan The -a i i watytisrers liver 011 WOIthte yhashtes eof lime nd ns oh tiofl Borula, An el, eak BabieTiabouthin rlèàeta s ar Theoy n SotsEmlinhptu am- 'Dlred wrapper. RTese now riors wt it s rpene to be; amelya Per c uuI:on.fR esNR. Cd .We have the, Flnest8seleetion in tovu of those BEAU(TIFUL AMER/CA N WA LL PA PER8, -WITfl- Corne ear4ý, and getfirst choice. Po B. WARAM, Bryaw' lds imd, Brooek St., Wkltby la au inf amhle redy for Bad Lesgu, -Esd Brsm'b64,0l& Womiý Bora. sud Mule. ht fa fumons for cent, sind thmatam. FOR IIOROERS OF THf, OHE8T, SORE THOOAT8, BRONOIIITIS,,COUOH8, 00L08, Manuf"adursd ouly at 78, NEW OXFORD STREET (1te58M. OXFORD STREET), LONDON,md surla by l Medicine Vsndoruumrougbout the WorMd. i~ Puzohamerm should loch te the Label on tha Pots snd Boxas. UNie sddrs t. uotIL85, Ox1or~5frng, Ioedou, thsj are spuriotuii 11luilIIl 1 WOOD 101,000 FUs A C-, îiarti W7Lî4Ls on5STM E1SIMUM1I FURNACti 46 rapclàm froI0,0 to 80,00 ~ubIe ~..t -mi I .i 1009 RIRNACI flH~VY~AT%~g~ FI-AGI ~» WI~i~b~ DUR SWTUSToUAlm m Lt~ TORON -N'yà I I hi E 1< El o lf,' I deloemiaisd I lit 7 mý )m/ I S ES, ,ET SBANK Rdstones k. AIme foan and W8. d dovol; Don of the Sa many remarkable storiea hav been p ublished of people who haai -been almost bronght back te 1f., tha th. publie might almost b. excuaedi - they weon a trifie akeptical. Bo fax bowever, as those relating tW' urei brought about by the use of Dr. Wi]. liama' Pink Pille are eoneerned therE -appoara te be ne reasen te doubhtueléi encîîire trutbfulneua. Tii. cases report ed are earefuliy i.nvestigated and vouched for by newspapers that woulc iseredit themselves were th.y t.o dis- tort facta &bat eau be eaeily investigat -ed by any efthheir readers. Beside8, there are but few loca'itiee in the D>ominion wbere thiB grand healer of >ý-'hsjck bas net made itself felt, and~ the people having proof of ts virtues near at home, are quit. prepared to sccept the. etatemnts made as te the 'rosulta follewuniz Lhe use ef Pmnk Pulis lun other bcailities. Tbo Roview baa heard of mtucb good aceompliahed by the timely use et Dr. Williams' Pin k Pilla u inmas elocaity, but has reeently learned of a case ai Paris Station ,Which is cf sufflient importance te live the, detia for the benefit it May Jrove to others.Tii. case alluded teo as thatb of lira. E. H-, Skinner, who îe este.med by a vide cirele cf acquaint. ances.' To a representative elttii. Re. viewV lra. Skinner said sebail been for s long time a ufferer. Rer blood had besmo thin sand vatery, brlnging about a vnaknes, amountiug almosi te aioollapse. There were nurnerous dis dressing symptomes uch as dissiuesot devei'eheadaches, palpitation 01 the heart, etc. -I baie been ilI,"Wad lirs. Skinner te the Review, "for abrout six y «»u, Md you eau form su ides of Wht I uuftred durig that dîne. I W hte sdvice and tre"Mment of sonré excellent physiWola, but without any benefL .I iiuiaqn Liaduriug tue si1ye uva 1I vas trestsd by four different doo-' tors in Bratftord sud one iu Paris, but thsy seqmedmototbe able to do any- thia gr rme. -Wben the p7cIn I tid mati> different vI=.s *ertis.4rundise but viii, ne utter résulte, AUl tus, you vii radd!y un- t. vondmd liM-IX vu omei disouup4 Iféond ayait codnua 121grvhn vsko, ud sl* able. te ~OXF'ORD* . sFOR i ta anC ut. cf al j te Lb witho Bath v itby ron ta. r giving ýtors at e City. b CIanj. mharge, cerne r 1 1 1 Borde-s toMaCh9 à 1 Ar j ///Alý ALL OIZU Or MLDUM a a LOWEST ALL MIN lit

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