'7 ~: ~ ~. l~X~ t y__I>le 0 IPo 0t ,n"u6uTly f It is at once pain 8Sud, itut"tit n* it m t 1ï* '~' 8 te b. aniiewed by-si b is h obir.1 s 't ask 'uy questions.,, L t u * i lii iIg ,j on le au rW"- sud admiration; se il wua net vendez,. Weild ni $0à wmoeW" Ãb. e - Ua i usa u' -Ssp fui that Mme. Austin, under ltes. exact. "Dîne wlth nes1>-maugauet, you muus ýpe,,t. , conditions, Jooked anxiously mb ober b.ie uy l" FrxA I1I4 ý, ot" ef Prolvidencet Z> huîband'a face. 8h. wus bolding up «"Net à bW f t . Just letme have rent;,Oà foieôdn«g1 ecel-Pt in full fer main- for bis inspection s large wax doli, on. MY ewu way, deât." tittaransd btür1aloef on, patick liren. of Lb. teasu.res for Madge, lte bine. "Do you evér fail te gel thât 2Pl'awuflan. au indigent frein the townshi cf eyed dariing of fo *ur yesre, who wue thc laugiting query, for sonzetljiug in Reacit vit fr Borne lime Putî eounting the dsys unlil Sauta Claus bis wife'is face gave a fresh hope te been an innmate cf 1h. insîiîutiou. sbould corne. Every etitcb ef Mise Chare Austin'. heart. Prom thc Clerk eft&liete ownship cf Dollies ciaborate costume wus b.*the* * Whiîby, *uclosing tb. following reso-l work of Mns. Austinsa busy finizers in IL vsu a veny mean romi in a very lutien8 paesed by the Whitby conucil.1 heurs when Madge was dreamning of' mesnue..wbre tb. suri of s'bnigbî "IResolved, that in the opinion of tliig ful itockinge and Christmas trees, sud Chistrnis morning . wakened Simoen concil lb. work le b. done on the Lb.eIlat sîitcb set, the restit was dis- Austin. Everytbing in tbe shabby lovuline cf Reach and Whitby shonld played for "papas" approval. 1 place Lld of tb. laok cf woman's care b. laid eut by Joint cemnmissonerst Now papa was quît. as devoted a sud love. Duel hung upon cverythiug; fromein so townsbip, aud wba.îever1 parent te Madgo snd two-year-old disorder neigned. There vusune dainty amount is uecessary te be expended,i Harold as mamma, sud teck intoroît trifies cf noodlowonk; te cuntains vere to ashow escb mtinioipaliîy te do their in ail nursery matteri. IL may h. dingy sud cnookcd ; the carpet tenu .equal ahane cf womk by statut. laboic or that the memory ef two othen curiy and dirty. road job as desired by eaob township,C headesud baby faces Ibat bad brigbt- Vory wosniiy aud elowly the old mn and tbat lte Clerk b.. anthorizod 1,0 oued the nursery for a few brief menthe dreeeed himseif, lit a fire in the grale uend a copy of Ihis resoînîjon to thc aud the» been biddeu by coffinhLds aud rang for the poor breakfast his Clerk cf tbeýtewuehip cf Reset. deepened the love for tb. objîdren wbo laudiady providcd. Dinner sud tes h. Ou motion cf Mr. Wein, $5 wau or- came lator to coinforl lb. aobing vas iuppo&cd 10 buy outeide, but very dercd Le be paid te Mn. R. Action b beo hearts. But iLtla very certain thal theooften bis Muddy coffée.,stale bread sud applied as lemporary relief le Mise Mc.- h&ttle Austins were ase mucb loved and tougb chop or steak wene lte sole me- Faydcn, shqbeing disabled by riteuma. petted as oidren could be, sud did IPaît cf the Lwenly-foun boume.Lu. net dreain more bopefuily of Christmas Il vas Chithmas day sud ne busi. On motion cf Mm. Lsmb, 811 vas or- a treasures than their parents did loviug- noesteck thc oid mn abnosd ; so, aften dcred te be paid te Mn. Thea. Veiltc m ly of sup.plyng thein. Lh. untempting trsy vas removed, b. for building railing on eutit side of So iL au vith seme alarmntee teck s newapaper and dreW, sbiverng- Iresd, oppaile lot 4, con. 8.b thaL Mrs. Austin put asid. ber luet1y, te lte fire. But befeme h. read eue On motion cf Mr. Wein, 96 cents vast triumph of needlewerk sud tbrew ber columu there came a knock aI the doqr omdem.d te b. paid te Mr. Daniel Till, b armn around ber busband's neok. and lten il opcned wide aud a1oaed beiug nefund of taxes on over assse- -What is it, Cbarlie ?- eh. ask.d. again behind a child-a little girl in s ment. Be drew ber int a loving enibrace quaint Motter ilubbard cloak sud bat, On motion of Mm. RosI, $7 vwu or. beo re he said sadly : vitb large bineecyesud clusterinz dered le be p aid b Mm. W. Birkett for b -1 met my fatber again to-day, it golden curla, sud holding a large, flat repaiming sinkboe, opposite lot 14, con.9 will kIll me to bave thiugs gzo oune. biaket full cf freet, beautiful floyersa. 2. Ile was dowunigbit sbabby, feeble aud While the old inugazcd at ber in iii- On motion cf Mr. Weîn, $14-50 vas brokien; lookiug so old sud se sick ont amazement, se. aid, in s eweel ondorcd te be paid to euosn. Reveil & tduit 1 COUl1 not keep tb. ears eut of cbiidisb voice: Hîtohison for statinoery .euppliod tLe . mny eyes. But lie wouid not epeak "If yen pleas., dean grandpaps I1arn corporation. ta me. 1 said ail 1 could say in the youn Christmas card Vp"0On motion ef Mr. Roal, $2.92 wss street, sud tried to follow b bhomne, "Who sent yen bore 1 WbaL i.s your ordored Le b. paid Le Mn. D. F. Rager- 1 luit lie topped short snd said; 'I do naine ?" ' tman fonrstindries for Lovu hall. flot kuow yon. sir!1 You wiîî cesse te "Mamma bogbt me hoes 1I1sum On motion cf Mr. Lamb, $1 was or- B annov me!l' Aud I could net make a Madge Austin, dean graudppa-" sud dercd te be paid te Mr. Claugbton, teL 8cene in the street.' then, talf frighteucd aI th. strauge face beiug asseRed in errer for a dog. Thiere vas a cboking souud in Chas. sud te poor rom, tbe child'î eye Ounimetion of Mr. Resi, $11.88 wuab Austîn's voice as h. cessed speakiug, filled sud ber lips trembled. "I1 vaut ordercd te be paid te Mr. D. F. Rlager- f buit, beiug a man, ho kept back th.eBob to go borne ?" ah. vbiepered. mnu, for supplies fer indigent. as per gt that would bave followed. Mrs. Anis- "Dont cry 1" Mn. Austin said, find account. r tans tears were falling fast. inig bis seugse, sud laking bier into bis i Oa motion cf Mn. Real, 81 vas on- "At Cà rietmsaime, tee," se.ssid. arma, very tendorly, toc. d"Dont cry, dened te te psid te Mr. Jos. Stevenson "It seems useless te send prosenta, 'dean, I1vii lake yen home." for nepairing the nesd ucan Sesgnave i Charlie: b. bas sent them back overy Oh, if yen please, because my big bridge sud Ihat tte Clemk bill the conu- year.- doIl is ter. and a&U tht ye Sauts ty fortlb. ameunu. sa The story ti conversation roerred Clans brougbî sud brother Harry. On motion cf Mn. Lamnb, $5 was on- br te was au old eue, a tnn. love marri- Wbat did Sants Clause bring yen ?", dened te b. paid te Mn. Wmu. Bail, for age muade in tb. face of disinhenitatâco " Nothiug 1' cedar supplied lte corporation. sud pateruai displeasure. Mre. Aus- "Oh 1" wilh s very deep-ds-awu sigli On motion of Mr. Stephene, 84 vas tin had bean a peer girl, empleyed iu "vas il because yen ver. np se many ordcmcd Le b. paid le Mr. John Heard; the factory of Simon Austin, then a staireP But h. alwayà cernes leoOur 84 te Mr. Dayvid (3negg, )r. ; $8 88 Wô man of great wealti sud&gced social bous., sud 11mm said, peritapa, te. Mr. Loi-an Stautounaud$le t Mr. W. popition ; s masu puie so day, b. venld brng us our grsudpapa!1 Swannick, being twve-titirde of loue es& or gant, sud ful cf bis ovuImportance. We bavent gel suy nov, yon knov, laincd by teor in- having sitecp de- du Wben tie only ctild, his idolis.ed, in- snd mamina said if he did corne, ve streyed by doge.et dulged ion sud hein, tbld bim cf bis would love him juet lte sane as papa, Ou motion cf Mr. Beal, $60 vas or- w love for pr.tty Margaret Ray, a fae-sud b. vonld love us. A.nd pleace, dore te be paid te th. re0:ve, aud $40 le bo tery-ii, living in the faeory board- gr5udCpa, gose WUi" And ber. th.eBachit cIer. memnber cf cenneil for Gla-Bai ing-beuîe, vesning calice dresses, sud .bid put ber lilîle anme around the cial serv*ces; &IseBO oM.#.Bcsr earuing a mcri living, the old insu vas head beut 1ev befere her, and liftcd1h Mb10g alace fr.lasyDa c emen ma a m a n i u o in h i s f ry . f a c e q u iv e in g s d t a r - ta in d . tO n i g M oi o e t M n, s m b , * 1 2 k .2 5 v H. vould net osec ltaIbbe girl vas '"Oh, don'î eryt oh, pleagemusnan, lre obq alVa i. WSpeno., li pieae in umariner, nefiucd in tu",dont cry ; ily auht grs sud-boysfor, p.n arn sudposting rnelfchs,- wcll-educatcd sud seel-tempened, cryf1 Oit 1"sud &gain th. lenror feuud pnepanngddee suad registration 'of oeetl brigitten suy torn,, sud make voiCI. in lte pies: &I1wsut te g0 sainene by-lsv, ncv road lt 4, con. 8,em sny geodminultonougitly ihappy- H. home 1VI se er socount. wo gave s fi crc command that lte mal- "Y"e, ycs I 1 viii take yen home. On motion cf Mn. Wein, 12 vas o r-gil ter should end Ibm sund there. Mn.' Bring your floyers, child. Titis la ne dencd te be paid te Mr. Robt. Spence, [ti Charles Austin, uttcnly nniaocnstnmd Place for fiowenr-e-hilnefrrpiigeiu fhl uaupy o *1'~ 0xa1To-M.o-tur., ll1ea *109,bsgaad ri aliewod t Io me - tpm qfqrtuf?à whlâh 8W~A <>ý1 su stop. i toblug and sud budnehsaeratlon nd'sudimnt Ommu nmovu lb. tumeru.'Ai drugglsts or bYmal for 50 conts. Dr. Swayus & S on, t*leal Wbieao.gLyman Ei & .0, mon- The two daughters of lMr. Abrahamn Lawrence cf Arnolisburu who rau away luit Tueday hbve been located in Tburlow. ,Mni. eleste Obon, Syracuse, N. Y., writes: "Por years I could flot est uisny kmindu cf food witbout produclng a burn* e, exoruelatbons pain iu My,.itornaeb. I tono Parmelee'o Pille sccording te direction under th. head cf 'Dyspepsiea or Indignstion,' One box entirely ourcd me. 1 eau now cat anuy tbing I coooe, witbout ditresulng me te tz; let," These Pille do Dot cause pain or grip. Ing, and ibouiri be uîed when a cathartle in required. The Corean Goverement basu a«recd to open te forelgn trade twu addistional ports Mokego, in the province of Cholldo, 5nd Obiunampo. Saoand s» aDoUar. Seisppe are lucky iu finding the right remuedy atlIte night turne. A cmsein point followî, and in worth reading: About three menths ago 1 wau ail usdd up with rteurnathsinuffering more tbsn torture frein it. I took three bottleu cf your valu- able ruedicine, Burdoek Blond Bitters, and now feel ail O.K. Borne six yeara ago I took a féw bottîe cf B. B. B. au nd itit te beit ruedicine I had ever used. I had the very boat cf besltb until titis âttack nt Ubeuma- tism, but uow I arn glad te 887 tbat B. B.B, ba made 'ne au Pounda a dollar. A. McOONAOHIE, Kensbinch P.O., Ont. Mr. E. L. Sutherland Reeve of West Zorra, *hd hie collar. bon. Iractured snd arm broken frein being throwu out of hie wag. t'on. A woman, wbnse frown cased the bouse- hold te shi ver, Ia now the mont peaceful witb wbom you you could dwell ; Her crankinea came froim-tbe complainte of the li ver, And Eeeljay 'e L3zengee made ber qnit. well. '*A LMrLE BILLIQUS?" This may lesd to serieus ilinees. Get a bWx of Eeljay'î Liver ..ozengei at once. 25 ets. at druggiots. A PrrrywomAN may inorease ber charma by clearing ber ikin cfîsallowneîî and die- fguring eruptions. Eneljayu Liver Lozen- es &t. once. 25 ets. at druggists. Prevent disease by keeping tbe îyitem rgular and the blond pure. Eîeljsy'î Liver Lozengee. 25 et. at drugguts. *Save dollar, in doctora' bille. Eeljsy'o 'îver Lozengee. 26 ots. at drnggists. Mr. George Redlck, a Sidney farmner aged bout 60 yesrs, fill down ire in a fit and Droke hfiaeakuli. Ho died on the spot. Drifla'sPromtau uruimture Doee Olven Tacts. Orilloî- Pcb. g184 EDMANSON, BATES & Mo kt 84 Gent.en.-About tbree of four weeks had an attsck cf Itching Piles. 1 tried two itre. différent remedies recornmeuded by 1 git.a as"the beut and ouly cure," etc tc., bt gel ne relief. About the limej as beainninig te daspsir cf finding auy re- à f with sBee ligit uxisevinga I beught a cm of ycur pile cure, witich I sam pleaîed to ay gave me almoat instant relief and per- mant eure. 1I coilsder your Otutinents a cd ucnd. ALF. J, DBAN. A heavy p'ale is ragiugi on lteBrillith coast. Ras found titat heriîles e.e are iinprovcd ire by lteplessant laxative, 8yru'pof Pigs, ten Iu neeo f te laxative, effeot cf a uýtie rcmedy titan by auy ether, sud tit la m->re acceptable tethem. Ohildren en- oitasud ilbenefilsthein. Thetrue remedy "rp f Fige, lanufactred bythe Ozl-- ;rnis Fig Syrup Ce. ouly. ruberoulosis in cattlinh eneraUy penant lathens fotemune@ bad gone aIl avsy. andafafectien, Iha he fel il vwould b. j(On din cfMr. We# 8275 ws some commer-cial Panic vas te fint bitter as dealt te tiruet asic! nov. erdencd tle te paid te M. B. J Witeelen, blov le Simoen Austin, sud an ffor t Then, vas nnecd te puIllth. door bigfor unpcnfonied. Stà tînté'laiton, ne pair the lees by ipeculaticu only bd-. bellcf lte ststeîy mansion te vitiet ccleoted fi-cm the Game. Preoe.ve <.; ded Le disasten. HRe missed lte cool, Simmen Austin led bis grsudchild. aise 81 being errer ilu ssul ftor a clear tead cf lte sou vite ac! ef late s«eag bands ee vsiting teopen ils dog; sud aise $1 to, Mn. J ai-ks, b- years becu bis active limber, te jndg- pertles ide ; cager- cye voe. at- lgfraeemnîfrdgl r e Meut beh. ac finit lrained sud Iben ing for 1h. cornig 'cf lte parg. Tender ou motion * ofMn. B>Rit e,èi lek truated te guide'hie large business. 11. armeand elrong hands le&gimon Aus- vas anthenized le advor"is'fo ttc vas angry, sud bis angry impulses ted e"' , he .parler; Margaret'. kinusn edar rcqnired by lte munci aiyfr hum 'uto dire bundens, until te grev se, felI war ninsd car.esing umpon his 1896.ý involved ltaIliter, vas ne esoape, sud wrnukled obeeke ; Chailie's fbands ne. IOn motione-0n,. fýWeir, ..t ha, -ierk te failed for more titan hie entre for- moved the habby oe.<oaé; jbaby Han-I asau.te- zed à t'O tify t Briwk lune. Ca~.rold cluug le hie k...,, Bhoiig. -conil$alti haerepost> for' baaeud t hm "anpaus tn t00QsTsa rng.o-- 0 t lie keep for oeeWallacau offerng ieug ti e-vealhto esa"e hlm, faddaar"ndget ouly to b. met by a prend, fier.. refusai Then, vas ne piid dd. o icsad Ou Moton of Mz _Wi2', 89.9à was- to b. under auy obiation to 8,dis- egainst t"i. ving. sincere velome, 0se Ordmrd'to b.paidtoÈ- i 'en ohedient cbild or bis beggan-wife; pride ocliapsedcél, and luiMt te ocrk 'bill subi eouoiI Y Oven sud oven again s puventy ho-, "You realy vaut me, Otaries2Puitefor ravel upplied by,.tte ce r1 On came more sud moe ebitter te thc man odmafl.e."tl o e- nmto tM~~el 1w.or. broken sud aged, did his seo nle obarity 2 dered tl e b.ps14 leMr.'JoskhnaiWîîghtý- hite showbtinte tel im, offeÃŽng "msa vispre Krgatt "D6 oi.g nbate o»t4ees 0'P»' rt i ihuzua borne, love, cars0 0MM, e in.-ntgiv b yso od .Plnà Mberimateyure«bse»ùà enly to e t irovu teck villi augr viiinover b.lzspy mtGyen cie et 1aztsle. .. scorn;red in avay dean6ln'On motion 16fùrWek vs r. A poudma alay Sion V-lwbfl AU&M c Qh*etOum lagaiu gather- dere& to b. psd t Mnowà ng cteriahed bis vrlh as télaut riro dUUt.b 4IM hme& Sof qn Io upsnu opd fiant eoflthe otd arroganoo,,,ud voU axent and k*"t h#M1to is.the ~ co~14 net bond eeon it.He<oa!W s 'd fD4 <4$0P M.i4i tellinil anILonyrnu sus t muys4en'cu wer. ÃŽ-;bials ia bis t mc _____ He mlstuul.d «Y ery 1 et m w Xhis. 6bto*a -, M M dialb hsonQ0ib Mbyh'O Charles .e $9oxMunPalMi 1w I.uaadlgv. k ho fek halevMdbmurp JOIN le. F&REWECLILQa. C., Barrister,, Ooùnty -Orown Attorey, and Oounty Seliliter. Ofice- South Wing of Court Heune, Whitby. JAMS118 UTLEDGE, Barriater, etc. Office formerly occupied by Farewell-& utledge, ucit B H otel, Brook 8t., Wv tby. Ry l DAVID ORXISTOYÇ, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Ohancery,. Cocveyancer, etc. Office-lu the Office scuth cf the Post Office, in MoMillan's Block, Brook Street, Whltby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL.1,B., Barrister etc. ,-Money to Loan. Issuer of Marlae Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, Sonthof Market, Bi cek St., Whitby DOW & MeGILLIVRAY, Barriaters, Solicitors lu Ohancer, etc. Office i Mthison & Hawkeu'u new block Brook St., % hltby, south cf Ontario bank. ilUebitate D. P. BOGART, MI.D.pL.D.B. Physicaû, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. Ofâce and Residence next te Ail Saint's Ohurch, Dundas St.- Whitby. N. B. - Deutal Surgery iu ail its branches promît- ly attended to. W. B. YARNOLD, D. L. S.. <Iounty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Perr ,Out. A. A POST, Arohitect late with Laugley, Laugiey& Burke, 'Jorouto. Desigus for Ohurches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Draw- Ings prepared for remodeling existing structures, Office-First flat over W. e Howee's drng store. 9£rP O Box 202, Whitby. WU. CALVEREBy, KAMBOSlms E, WH1TBy. Hsvi.ug moved into eux new preies we axe prepsred te extend the range ci businuess., Ail work pe atnthe har- ness-making snd ssddlery business i don. te satisfaction. Coilars a specialty. Cail and sec my shop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second door west cf old shcp Dundas Street, Whitby. POR SALE OR TO lENT. Nev bouse, 8 roins; 34 acre of gardon, vell feuced. Good locality on Front street lu Sentit Ward.. Appiy te, B. WORFORK, on the adjoining lot, or aitte CHRtONiCL office. Whitby, Marcit 7th '94. GOAL ! COAL1- Tihe nndereigned has juet.re- ceived a large quantity cf First Cîss Coal direct froin the mines, and je pre- paned te furnisit 'ail sites, dry aud cdean, includIng sevenal hundred tons cf the OELErn<iýED NO. 4ý, a Meut popular Mms betveen Stovê and Cheainut w'Leave:your order at once, and gel vmr loveet quctation. RE TO- NEW PREMISESO ON BROOK STREEIT SOUTH 0F ONTARIO BANK Whltby blarbie WorK8. MAIBISON & BAW1[N; Manufscturera cf Marbie Monuments1 Headstone8 and allotherCcmetory Work. Alme importers ef 8cotch, Sw eedlsh, A merlan and' Canadian Granites, Aýlup&atie. wtitlng verkwouid doe ol ea12 on s fore purchaslug. AUl vork guarsnteed sud pzices cf the lovest. NvUvery and Sale Stalîiês Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor Commercial men libcrallydealt'with Tcazning doue st nesounable prices . Frcighl sud Bsggzagî hanld aines able pnices. A caîll olicited. TW- -Ur _LKJ_: MACHINIST, WHITBY, Has cpened a Repair Stop in conctie viith the Cooper Ste p laîeiy canried ou bY is father, opposite Ail Saints' Church ansd vil1 de &Hllkinds cf Repairing. Sewing Ma-« chines s specialty. Lavu Moyens, Bicy- cles, Fincarms Locka, Scales, (flottez Wrngers, Wsing Machines, &a. Ssv Fillng. Skates, Scisions, Knivei, (Clippers &o.,sapeucd andnrepaircd. AU kindeeof Cooper Work made sud repsired. Shop oppoite Ail Saints' Churet, Dundas Street ,Whitby 1H08. PEAT Of Bovmanviiie, intends visiting Whhîhy once s fcrnuight, to-ceflect clotbing from gent&s W clean on dye. Gernients wheu finisited wIll look as good as new. If titey fail to besot1 viii net charge for my trouble. If they suit MtY chag e ls $. 23fer cleaulug ad noely, pressing a suit cf clothiug; fer dylng a suif So. Overcats cleauednd pressed 750, or dyed fer sz. For- cleauing or dylng geuts bats 25c. THOS. MUcCANN, Ageni, Bowmanflîenîys~ W i by LIFE INSJRAN.E. Manufacturera- Lifie.& AÂC ideni Insuone 0., oronto' Largest Capital Stock Life na.suisN on lte continent Nicot.* p on-n.o sceunlalins et surpluà glmroturued tg th, péoliey holdert. 11lanarpsdvit .dlaY or, disacunt on pyo<cf destit mslurity cf' udoýwmenî, - 4 W tb Cor. King & 'rouge Torointo, Terms Cash.' ý u H.- B. TAYWPft-,, ,:rooklIU4 WJSif;t$I 0.oa *u ý .~ n O I s o s~ 1 lm'