Whitby Chronicle, 28 Dec 1894, p. 2

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.~, .~-.- ~ 4 . - KIOWLEDGE i3rings coxfort and Iniprovement anid tends to personal etijoynxent when rightly use& The mxany, wsho lt-ve bot. ter than (t Iler@ and enj oy life more, with loua expendîture, by mors promptly adapting the. world's best produots te the noeda of phyuical being, wiii atteat the value to h-ealth cf the purs- liquid ne boues broken advised hbkr,o ihy bomne, and have bis clethes wùl.T fi rey between soba wý.s " wn'îdoAt IIwasb thein clouhes myseif, d1yese! -Watcbman. OSSAWA. "The braies and business of OshRaa bave, departed.4John Larke and the Malleabie HEON."- iîjoLI, Dec. 14. So saya the Wbltby CHRONIOLE.. The wish may be fatber to the thougbt, but it is untrue nevertbeless. There are severai men in Oshawa yet wbo bas as mnucb braie power and business a'biliiy as their detractor twice over, and they are flot troubied witb an inordinate amount of conceit elîher. The remark is a gratuitous insuit to the entire community, wbo, under the cimrnîtances are deservieg of sympathy, and more respectlul treatiment. Notwitbstandîng this uncaUled for crueiîy froni Whitby, this estimate of our calamity, ve hope to be able to survive both, and te sce Oshawa continue to hold its ove among the progressive and prosperous places of this fair province.- Oshawa Reformer, Dec. 2r. (What a avent the Reformer works It- self into! And how cantankerous it feels about the matter! Surely no reader or the Reformer is se biind as not to see that our cotemni l hypocritically stirring up its Iaattive prirîciples embraoad in th. wrath lu order to maire people believe reniody, Syrup cf Figs.i that a harmiess joke vas intended as a Ita excellence is due to Ite pressntlng gratuitous insailt. If the CHRONICLIE wished to offend or berate the people of in tihe foi-ni mntsicceptab'.e and pISIS Oshawa tbey ail knov we bave pluck ant, to the tante, the refremhing and truly eneugh te do it boidly, and net under beneficial properties of a perfect li- cover of ajest, and tbey have intelligence ativ ; ffecualy olanang te ~ enougb te know whLn they are insuited, atie ;effctullyclenaig te B84D4 ithout baving the old granny wemen cf dîspelhing colda, headaciies and fevers the Reformer point it eut te theni. We and pernanently curing constipation. mnigbt sny on this point, however that we It has given satisfaction te millions and have a letter froni the Mayor ol'Oshawa mnet with the approvnsl cf ths medical thanklng the CHRONICLE for its triendly condoience with that tovu in its Ioss. It profession, because it acte ou the 'Kid- is impossible te conceive of a nevapaper neya, Lîver and Boivelis withoiit weak- heartiess and mean enough to insuit the ening theni ani it is jietf ectly free froin people of a neighboring town in speaklng every objectien abe substaice. of their calamity. 0f course the Reformi- Sy ru 1 of Fis lis f ,r sa'î bv Fil drug. er knew better, but it thought other peo- pýrtý« n 7)(' "itjt isr au pie In Oshawa did net know a friendiy y)piece of raillery wben tbey snv it, se it set fn-t ) - v fl-e f.i,% Fig S-,rn at to humbug theni. We may bave an in- 42 -0) . l nstain-iiý 13r)1irtcd on evor-y ordinate amouet of conceit. as asserted b packag.e, also Oienmc -n' of Figs, the Reformer, but we at lensi mcvw better and bceng %x-eil îifor-. -:,a nuviilot than te assume that people are idiots, and accept .uy S:w1u . 'e1 - ý. ~ te try te stuff them vwitb perversions sucb as that quoted froni the Refermer above. The eld ladies of the Reformer shouid go and put their old hends te soak.-ED. CH.) Ayer's Pui11s 1I would like te add Mîy testlmony te that of others who have used ke' Pillas, and to say tliat 1 have taken hi for many yas and a]lways derlved the best esit roin their use. For Stomaâch and liver troubles. and for the cure of 1 eadache oaused by tliese derangemnents, Aye'S FPis cannot be equaied. When riy friends ask me what la the best remedy for disorders of the stomnach, Liver, or Bowels, My invariable answer la, Ayeres Fll. Taken la season they will break up a Cold, prevent la ripe, check lever, and regrulate the digestive orga.ns. They ave j easy to take, aud Arieqà the best ail-round tamlly medicins -I have ever known."-Mra.MAY JomqNsox, 3M8 Ridqc Ave., New York Cty. AYER'S PILLSI., Mighost Awarde et WorIc's .4ur'a8.roeprilafo Uwblood. QORRESPONDENOE LIND8AY. A single tai, a good governsnent meeting was heid during the veek. The Post geta out a trade suppl=eet with its at Issue. The towe treasurer states "t the amounit of taxes paid in se farthiis season is greatly in excess of former years. Thà 1 i. an encouraging sign and points te tthe fact tint the era of depression is almoat at an end so far as Lindsay is cencerned ai ieast. Chier Bell acting under instructQsl froni the chief of police ai Iuger1 io,, rested a youag man named FPÏýd. Haw-i kins, on Monday lust. Theo charge Pmo- ferred was for desertion and non-supportj -of bis vife and Ivo children. JIAWkim was employed In tevu as a tî tauh Bd was le recelpt of good vagçs. le va taken te Ingersoil on Tuesday evenLng. A yeun#mn nansed Baldwin einptoyed ia the. Sylvester verkm, met w46 'as>. <ortunato accident yesterday nurulsuMe i 1 wu .ngaged ripping aa mipirece "O< lus 1 ber on the circular miandi"n notge Way1 bis ieft land -vas caughî by ithe miv, uSm-4 pltesly aeverbngthiiindex Luger ai lb. = wmm mond i n tinmd Tii. oi MPatient la nMvWoIs n wt -S b n.ce Os ma WMle idandmat rchan tb0 t *coin oW_ la Itbisbut tii. =,0sud tOW ~ I . Rev. Father Spilian, vho died le Ux- bridge last Monday, and vbe vas buried fi-cm St. Pauls churcb, Toronte, was wel irnove bere. During his sumnmer houi- days, whlch he usually spent vith Father Hand in Oshawa, he often took part lu la- crosse matches and other athletic sports. He endenred hiniseif te ahl his acquaint- ances by bis many excellent qualities cf head and beart, and vbile le Uxbridge be vas grently admired by mil classes and creeda. It is sad te aee s0 promisîeg a young mac die iu bbc early prime cf bis life. Dr. Kasor va. Enai Whiby. In the case of Dr. Kaiser vs. the Cor- poration cf EAst Whitby, judgment bas been delivei-ed ln vriting by Judge Dart- neil, ln which be dismisses tbe action. Tbe rulings et the judge are very instructive from a public point of view, bovever bai-ah or unfair it may sound Le, the profession. The judgment îascmewbat lengbhy, but the main interest, s0 far as this p articulai- case la concerned, la ceered te this. After revicving the evidence as te wbat words bad passed bebveen the reeve and the doctor the judgrnent says : "But put-. ting tbc malter le the moat favorable light, for the plaintiff, I caneot fied that the reeve bad aey nutbority te btnd the council at ail. The conclusion dravun fi-cm this la that it inatters net vhat i-cpi-e- sentabicu tbe reeve may maire 10 a doctor, nor boy urgent the case, the council are net bound te stand by the agi-ernent. Morever, Lejudge bolds that, thougb $15 vere paid on accouât, lb does net hold tbc council hiable for the balance. The. Maflosbls Works We were net witb tbc workmen vben tben they waited upon Mr'. Cowan, and are therefore unable te report bis reply, but ve undcrstand lb to have been rather discouraging. bbc tariff is tbc chief draw- backr, it la said, being se 1ev nov as te maire prevaiiing prices unprofitable. Cern- petition le aise, very keen, and tbe trade diversion, vltb freigbt rates lu favor of other conipetitors, gîie poor encourage- ment te hlm or the worirmen wlth vhom ho exprcssed sympatby at losing their em- pîcymeet. Men are at venr removiug the debris and straigbtening up* the wrcck. Large quantites of itou aud castings veto fotud among the tuius. Sôme cf thc on- ncmling ovens aud amoke sticks are fouud to be uselesa-the latter vil-I bave te be te- moved b ypuUing !hem dovu. Mr. Ed- varda, after examtnieg the vails, la said to report tbcm as being dangerous, and likely, at any moment, as other portions, cf them bave already doue, te fail toe 'l groued. Thc tusurance bas beon astis factorily adlusted.-Reforrner. *Mondy eveulug, some 'Individual, tee despicablo fefr description, becamne possos. sed of a loeglug for turkey, sud seewag a fine large oe haging in front of Mn. 1. G. Crosby's door, lmmcdiaicteoirps-oe sien of same, vittoe. as«klg Wb owued it. We dou't suppose ho hob beterrîgt o ttutMr.Crosby. Au. InW ,dtvidual ef shabby lklug appearnoS vas ecs prounenading i. front of tbê mre a short iii.. befoee be th.ft vas dWa covered, and ho, ne doubt, la the guilty &Wfley bad a psul of oýyates dsper the aur omysterlous masder. - The municipal w&ten are as y« qulte cal. h la,-tbougbt -tbat RëeILJ~ GouzM sand Dp $y-Rm J. Ri. O't Wini bave lItlfifl7> cpp os»fiSp- à"m-i we do"ste lur u atpyrculê secure ivo more -caPa"l mDu ib"thbs. ,u«%doood. eweral saimo u . e'b« bealth wtÈsn -he came bere two monttis avo, It was hôped ihat the- oeunfry âkr would benefit-,hlm, but wlth an eniergy tuat besPoke a faithful and successful pas.. torate 'had h. ben spaçed' he entered upen all the duties of his worlc to the full. est extent and, we fear, risked lies bealth too much. Mass for the dead wae cele- braîed here Tuesday morning by the Rev. Father Reddin, of Toronto, and the corpse remnained ln the cburch until eveniwg, wben it wab taken to Toronto, where the funeral service proper took place at St. Paul's cburch, conducted by the Arch- bishopf of the diocese. The father, brother and sster of deceased were witb him at bis death, and hie received every possible kindness and attention during bis ilînSs. Eiection lprobabiities are taking a littie more definite shape and it i. und erstood that Mayor J. B. Gould wlll be opposed for the mayoralt'y by Mr. F. N. Raines. No doubt the piano company law suit wil be an important elernent ln the election of ail menibers of the new council. Mr. Raines has a letter ln the journal this week which probably the mayor may feel like repiying to in our next issue. Our coiumns are open to ail reputable citizens who want to express their convictions in fair and temiperate language. For the position of deputy reeve Mr. John Hunter wiii oppose Mr. J. H. O'Brien. Last year he was defeated by oniy six votes. For counciliors Messrs. Wilicox and Thirsk of the east ward are the oniy new naines we have beard mentioned. Re#Wsln, court wau hld bhelaut Tuesday, but ual snuch buoinu doue atitl. Division court was beldbere on Tuesday, his houer 1 udge Dartneli preslding. 4awyers McCosh of Orilla were preseot. Qultà a large number cf cases vere beard and disposed cf. The- MastîlHillI Comedy Company are billed te appear bers le Alexander hall. Judg. leng by theïr advertiuing sheet, thev are a firat- clais trou and as their prices are very low tbey should bave a gocd bouse. Mr. D. G. Ross an old time resideet cf this place but wbo bad for the past ten y ears been reaiding le Beaverton, Michigan, U. S., la vlsitlng friencis in towe and the suri oundieg neigbborhood.0 Mr. Alex. Ross, cf Manitoba, la visiting bis son, Mr. Don Ro&s 5th concvssion, at pre. sent, it is our sad duty te record the death cf ou6 cf our finest young men, Mr. John Mc Leod Cameron, who departed this life Mrondey mornleg, Dec. I7th. Decensed had been an levalid for some years. baving been nftected with that terrible diseese, consumption. AI- tboug hbis recovery vas not Jookýd for, bis dentb vas a shock ta the people, as on Tbanksgivieg day be wv nis e owe talklng to bis frienda, and one couici hardly belleve it first. The large crowd of people who followed bis remains to their last restieg place bore aîrlking tesîimony to the respect and esteem held for hlm by the people cf this communty. ,%z me Danqueti U g ivCIA LU '.141 atLVuLU Division court was heid here on kon- towesman, Mr'. A. P. Ceckburn, au day. Arnold vé,. Wagner vas the first Gravenhurst last wecir a beautiful testi- case. It vas a quai-tel among neighbors mouil conslstlng cf a statue represeeta. over accounts for watering andc pasturing tion cf Vlctery le oxydized - silver accom- cattie, etc. After hearing aeverai vitnes-. panied by a purse cf four buucfred and ses the judge dismissed the case as a triv- tventy dollars vas presented to hlm as a il affair. Best vs. Crawford and Avery sligbt recognition o f the valuable services Hamilton garuishee. Three Crawford he bas rendered Muskoka during the past brethers vere running a threshieg ima- forty yeary. A nuteber of promineet resi- chine presumabiy in partnersbip. Beau dents cf the district were presrnt and gave bad a judgment againat Henry and short s-ddresses. Rev. Mr. Bethune and Charles. Hamilton vas garnisbed as 0w- Mr'. Firankr Huributt dld the honors in be- ing $io for thresbing. Evidently te avoid libalf of Beaverton. garnishee Amnos Crawford clilmed the Oece more tbc time is approacbing debt from Hamilton as his. Judgmeeu when uew civic officers mnuat be appoiuted reserved. Anether case vas Black *vs. but up to date there bas been no move to Eiijab Pcnick and Town of Uxbtidge consider the matter of a successor te Mr. garnishee, Dr. Black sued Penlck for Treleaven, whom, ve understand, wiii net medîcai attendance, and Penicir set up the offer bimseif for re-eiect ion. Mi-. Ttc- defence that it vas te be a case cfI"ne leaven bas filied the civic chair for four cure ne psy." The dector denled tbis yas oitmsacpalsreie fully and said if Penicir had folloved le- oyers, sndtirns scceptably, soeties strutios h wold avebee mnh bne-may be, viii certainly net bring greater fitted by the treatment. Judgmcnt reset- perseverence than be bas. It la te be hop- ved. Neit of impertance vas Bankr cf ed, however, that the bitter and ofttimes Commerce vs. Henry and Charles Craw- proa elnswihbsaiae u ford in an Interpiender suit. Plaintifis ob- erscona ll eelings bicb as aimed our tained judgment against defendants il uelctioniii teeaitellibencdope. I t October and seized under execution. srablee oah u he nteliceof teso- Alex. Spears clairned the gooda undertab ilame to e lo the plic bigofpos- c chattel niortgage of $52,5. Gow, (Blaire, tvil age ttfe eme bbspiythe fpoli- Lasb & Cassels, for the Bankr nrgued that ticsase iltoc reueety a in the laeadprot- the mortgage vas bad, bavlng been given Al reinftpcre ad e evare nid ife by the Crawfords vbee tbey knev tbey this la bonestiy recognized and a reeve and vere insolvent, and exception hnving been council cf active and energetic citizens taken te it vithie 6o dnys. T. W. Chapple eîected on their merits lu vii be the very (for Spears) coetended the seortgage was beat thing that could happen.-Exptess. valid, as Spears' evidence sbowcd he was net avare tbc defendants were insolvent, BUZREIN. but that le any event if the mertgage vas, The farmers around bere are glad that we set aside, as landiord he would have a bave tvo grain buycrs in love again. prier caii. This Mi-. Gev adrnitted.te r-Jh isot a oet h ot the extent of one year's i-eut onty, viz: M.Jh iswrbbsgnetsh ot 8311. Judgrnent i-esci-ved. Inlu iaggas . dm. iee i b vea vs. Ctawfords and John Card garnisbee The metchants cf Ibis_;ove bave putcbased judgment vas given against tbc Craw- a large stock of Christ sfas goods for oid sud fords for $16.85 and the garnishee for $8.6o. young. The latter paid the money int court. jas. i M. Patterson la makieg fleur le our love Hunter, cf Steuffvillie, vs. John Cok, cf again,-4vbicb will b. a greal benefit tb the sur- Stoufiville, vas transferred bo Markham roundÎng country. court, bcing sued lu the vroeg division.- Mr. joseph Barker bas set up a large beet journal, sud sboe store ln- îown, vhicb adde 10 eut love a great improvemeet. ~ ~ ~ITe scarlet fever is visitleg our ittle love StopL"F' -op- vety freely but eut doclot la carefullybringieg Lean aud lInit,à bealth 10 tue pattéoits,- He'@ sucb a crankr Mr. Ellicîl lbas cerné to love Io atartinlua My stars1i1 thanir i drug store. His former business bas been le Vi'net his vite; Beaverton for a number of years. IMr. Elliott's He'd inake my life ( home la iu Hamupton. He leareed the busi- A acenip cf attife.1 nesa with a large firm n eBevmanvllc. Stop, lady, stop 1 bis li ver is out cf order.__________ "He's juat teon ilce for amythintr." bis vif. saya , "when he is veIli."19 ey1vfc'0bu- e brougb la the excellence cf Ayer's. baud should, if sicir, talte Dr, Pieroe's Gel- Haït rlgotp that it can b. usai! witb bemiefit aen mu~inuvisovry. as pute thee uvet sud iidusys lun good wcriig order, purifies the blood, cleseses the systenu item al litpurities, frorn viatever cause arisiug, sud toues up the funetions gsneraliy. Guarae- teed te benefit or cure, or money paid for ht refunded. Dr. Piercse Pellets permaneniy cure con- stipation, siclr hoaduobe, indigestion aud kmndred derangements. Nineteen people vers kil-ed sud 60 injured lu a colhisiop ou the Loudonsud and North- western Rail-ay in England ou Saturday. Wiby suifer fritem eair nerves, vaut cf âp- petite, sud roaidsbihty ? letlng thelion cfes sie n Inpovsrilh thsse m u il-lusi usblooG, whcn swà #à rsIvMleurr- eu remedy as cri 's-à 4a";IQuinine Win Ma behâdatany ding store. TIÙa artiole as resoinmendsd hy tWhlh itmr- bers cf tii.medical fmoultyi. case Ino i gestionsers! deblity, le.. ef auste and',ervou affétions of aIl kinds XI u ai meno alybùfea tbe ohuldren and â.ll- cate smaleand -to- business men, tudesuti4 and tose ave mii brais -wSuri. W. wouldsq, overb.:'Wthomt - it hWi! eid fflr,ud e kepul uossflygape saut te stait.. sd ocua tuinub*Inilu. bét. aIrfor 1h.Qulssis Ins yuhave ul ià alsfor your money. Dug-. unmt olit. Tiai he 't tbis -by any person, ne matter what may be the condition cf the hair, and, in every case, it occasions satisfaction- and' pissane, le addition tote benefit wvic inivariabiy cornes Item -its use. The ceaI of the pursnît sud capture cf Amnedes Ohatîsîle, the. Lîstovel murdered1 vil- be about 8SM0 Nogusol su the i. ral. Neglesi cid in the ieadu enwili surs- ly bave eatarth, Neglect namal *calarrh sud, 7011 vii as sutsly indue puhnonary' diseuse satarri of the etômich witb las disgusting attendants foui bteatb, bavkisgsphttiug blewing,&o" Stop h i aiuDYeing Dr. Oas'is Oatrrb Curs, 25 cents a bo 1x cures. Tii. GoveràSt bi bs sued à a geseralIn- vitation 'th' bigb luboeîianssd churcli q7gsitatlesto attend >theftoraof Sir Jobs Sirnply aply. "8)wAmu a,,OnuTamT." NO bausnoe,&c.J, lain the l skis cisar wblt.and bsa!biy, lu ïrsat boàing-;sà oneativs os rpoossesmed by746otb5r zemedy. A1 m i yeuwiir oi er w* ' Destructie Glesvlited- the Bâi Ia', ort SaTur a y unar y mîuw9woJfs Baok in Whitbym, WM. TILL, Undertaker, Cabinet Maker, Upholpter, And' dealer Ln Furniture of ail kinds. The Subsoriber beis to announce that he has again opened business in his old stand, and has placed therein a choice, stylish and complete stock of NEW FURNITURE 0f every description, which will be sold at a amali margin on cost. Anothaer baie of those celebrateà Mixed Mattrasses #8.26, worth $6. See those Tapestry or Gar pet Lounges at #ô, worth *8. Hardwood ideboardu. 14x24 glass, fori $8. 50, worth 812. K-3»'Â full stock of Coffnl" and Oaakets, and a Firot- Oiae . Hearse. Whitby, Oct. z2, 1893. Farm for Sale. 65Acres, Lot NO. 30, 3rd Con , Township of Whitby ; 2 miles from Whitby, same known as the Lynde bomestead., Soil second to none, ln a first ciass state of cultivation. Good fences ; watered by live s.ream across one corner zoo yards from a fine stone bouse ; frame stable and driving sbed ; also frame house and abundance of fruit of ail kinda. For particulars apply to J% 1. TVf1?z upon the premises.1 lui> 24th, 1894. o EAFNESS. n aralygeun Cure for Deafness, Singing in Ena, &o., no matter bow severe or Ion - standing, will be sent post free-Artig ciai Ear-drums and sixnilar appliancea entireiy superseded. Address THOS. KEMPE, VICTRInA CRAMBE, SoUtb. hampton Building, Hoîbore, Lon don. Ihe Owen Iectric Beit! AN~D APPLIANCES1 IFOP. MEN AND WOMENI1 Ours Many Diseas viien aiR cther Boredies PuiL Gel One. Tons system and, Viger, Try 0E0. DR. A. OWEN. A Genuine Ourreel cf Blectrlcity Io generated iu a batlery on tise Boit, and wn bo applied to any part of thei body. Thi.e e~ rouI oa be made rnild or strong slise c7rse rnay require,1anud h abaointely under contraI of thse wearsr, at al l ime. Our Ifustrated Qataiogue Centaine fulleat Information regardlug the cure cf Acute, Chronto sud Nervous Disesee. Bworn lesimisasw". portraits of people vise have besu oured, PriessLMeI and <JutInet Bal a d Âpplia.uces, sad how te crder,.Pub- llshed-la EngUsh.Gezunan, Bedish aud Net- veglan languages. Thi. catalogue vill bc mai' d Ic-any a dtesm ursesipt o61six cente Postage. TIRH OWEN ELEOTE:O BELT A» uAPPLUISECEoxrawxr 49 M. ag St., West Toronto, 'Ont on1 te211 State litreelCh leago, I11, The, Largesu Eliectrie Boit Estabsmsnî fu the World. - 4 Wheu-ýv1lsilng thme Werld Pair dunet faillo- seeéDr.. OweW's, xhbt in Eieotgiety, b4&I - XHTIO1 121.PAPS.1 Hood's Cured After Others FaIIed Bcrofua In the N.cik-BuncWO Am 1aorte Now. Sausrvlle. Mains. "iC. I. Hood à o., Loweli Mams..: ",Gentlemen:-! fu i ta Iea.nnt gay enogh lu favor of Hood's BamsParilIs. ?fer Y ears I have been troublsd vili scrofuisla n ecit and throat. Several lUnds of medicieswhich I trled dld net do messny getid, and when 1 Cern- menced te take Heod'àSBaruparlillathora vere large bunches on miy neck $0 sors thtaiIculd llods~Cures not bear thesfhisou. When 1 bad taken one boule of ilis medicino, the soreness had gone, and before I had fished the second the bunches had entirely dlsappeared." BL.éZCB. ATWOOD, Sangerville, Mains. N. B. If you decide te take Hood's Sarslaa rilla do not be Induced te buy any other. frlood' Plle eue constipation by restoir. tng the peristalit action of the allznentary canaL IOST SUCCESSFUL REME/Y FOR MAN 09f BEAST. Certain In Ils effeets and never bflsbors. Read proofs below: KENDALL'S SPA VI9, zCURE Dr. IL . BLUEPoWT0 .LNYZBl 5 54 Gentlemen-I bought a £Ilendid lbay hors. s6rne urneeao with aSavin. I got bimeforffl. Iuse<I Kenda11Posepvn ure. The Spavia ltgon. nov sud 1 haeenofféred $150 Ior he mre horme 1 01117 had hhp nine weeks, so I got SM20fer usiaW 42 vorth of Kendals Spavin Ors KEMDALLS SPI *R 8<aIhave u.ed your Kendaiil'avnCr Ith ond Uccefor Cur'IabaeOn tyloxes= a lush ti.bs iietIhvver used.- Yours truly, ÂrUur FDUEEEIK Price-41 veri.ott11'eo FQr gale by all Druggios, or addreu D.B. J. ICENDA.L COMPANY. ENOSBURGS4 FALLS. ViT. MICROBIE KIL LER- RE) M. K. chronlo ai WIL'. ted mares 15 Carl k . as

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