r 44/ With calm priinted words, great tho'aghts, and untirin dtirjw avoet Peace, -Progrese,ý Knoweledge , okr VOL.,XXIX, WHITBY, ONTARIO,- :RU ElEMBER 2$, 184 HEA VY GOOD :: BARLEY WA N T E D FOR WHICH I WILL PAV THE Highest Price. I arn also paying highest price for Wheat and Oats. It will pay you to see me be- fore selling elsewhere. F. L. Green, DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, - $1,e0,9000 EBUrlUB, - - $1,500 000 Wbitby Ageucye Genfera.l Ba.nling Tra.usoted. Business BAVINGS DEPÂBTMENT. Interst mUowod ut higiei ourent rates No notice e wthdrswaireqifred. 19. J. TKORNTON, IManage P. G. Meldrum, M. D. Licentiate of. the Royal Coilege Of Physiclafl, Edinburgh . Member cf the. oUke o f pbysldaus and SurgeoXiscif outano. Ofioe and resid.nee, north mstion of thse "Tenrace," Byron Street, nortis of Dundas Street. Telephono communication witii office. Whltby, july 4h, 1894. c H- I. M A OFFER . UNTILORLTSTMÂS DÂT viii proeintt Weve7ne purchasu'g on. pouad cf làs 0e1brmed BÂKI&G POWDER 2 Ilb..of Oream Oady. Parohasenaof haif pound wii roerB aI lb. package. LAMPS! LAMPS 1 LAMPS 1 ifotbintg elab"ore Ut" blofo OwsasPMU$onS mb..a LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, OKRONIOLE ' Ooanzsponnzucu. AUDLET. School re-opens nextIlTursdsy. Mr. and Mrs. Squires are ocg te Grimsby on their wedding tour. Xmas passedoff as usuai. Many fowl woro devouredf that day. Mis. Rainy bas boom lndlsposed of late. We jray for ber speedy recovery. Miss OLeary bas boom visting lier cousin, Ifiss josephine O'Leary hoem Patrons meet next Wednosday eveDlng ta consider the advissbility of re-organlzing. à large crowd le expected te ho ait the school. house. Come one and ail. Pork seems te b. Iowering vet, and looks as if the bottom had net yet been struck. W. ter that those golng into pork-ralslng wiil net realize lut sumrner's prises. We ueo that the Myrtie correspondent lu auxicus that Mr. R. Puckerin sbould reside- there ail wnter. We &Ws would lk. te see him here. Bither place wlll b. the gainer. Were net selfish but youre welvyo-,nl Richard Mr. H. Madili, having à cc.pfuly cloeed his sciiooi on Thursday week with a publice - amination and programme ,to a Large crowd, left on Saturday te spend tbe holidmys ai home and elsewbere. HIes many friends here wish hlm a merry time. School meeting passed off quietly on Wed- nesday luti. Everything dunng thepsut year seems te bave been conducted efficientfy by Our estimable trustees. Consequentir M r. Jas. McBrady wue re-elected witbout opposltloa. The proper thing te de. We take this opportunlty of' thanklug our readers fer the tolerance they possese and good nature with which they have boem our scribblings as scribe for -the paet year aud we wisb you al a very happy and meet prosperous new year, hoplsg aur efforts will meot with furtiier satisfaction. Aise ye oditor, the. top of the year for you 1 The public examiLbation in the. sciiooi lest Friday passed off te the entire satis- faction of ail. A fine programme was givon by tbe pupile who are neyer behind in that lino. Alter speeches by Moesrs. jas, McBrady, trustee ]Rev, W. Elliott, C. L. Mackey, Enfield, 1. H. Madil, No. 5 east, W. A. Remuier, NO 2, T. N. Davey, ex-teacher W. K. eeSnwood, 'Toronto univ., anâ Ira Lawrenx%, W.C.I., and a troat te csudhseand cakes furnlshed by the liberal mothers, the. good-nturd cowd dispersed. if youws lenbdI dù or tes set, or anythlng lun fancy chia or glassware, go te ESB Morgan & Son Men's streug boots, galters, 'laced boot with tee caps, or laced boots-with'bellows- longues Wer$î.oo at the. cerner store -Osh- awa. It -will psy auy parties coutemplatlflg buying an engagement orwedding ring t o ueo the large stock of FeIt Bres., Osh- awa as they willseil thus month very ciieap for cash. Geni!ine dismoud 14K. only $5. They are also ntaklng some speclal offers in Gents', Ladie's sud Boys, gold sud silver watches. See them. FeIt Brs. A largo nu'nber of old tewu boys spent, Christmas lu tewu. Mms W. E. McLean returned from Port Perny Wednesdsy, accompauied by Miss MêLesn. The Miss eWbling appear in -the music hall on New Yearni eve, under the auspices of tho 3.th Battalion baud. lire.' Milton Yreuch le confined'xolier bed wnth a aMned an1e wbaih reeved froR. . TMlddletou; MPP~feEse HM i- ton, sud hie wsfe speat l.t li l~u~l the gmuea of Mr. sud MM~8.H Cosedgon Mdoà dyo hPr=OMMalo prayer servo ice ll b. lýeld S-di «eréi churcbes. wheâ addressés wM lb.eivered by the. differamlus ofsdIsreuIthe. oims Tii. clebrated Silvar Lake Quartette la iio civ a benefit concert bore on the eveuiug cf tbe i5th. Mr E. Omuuwell bis bSin lstnit' Ch ma da mpoMd *fi very qulet1y.ý 'Iers W=reti. sul uubes'of drunku but they w"î.pIeIpmIy f!Olthe coautry, wiio berd core bi, dotbii.townu" ,constbl Hlun wagne4 ta preu good card wuh. Out tayswess. Thi. e .-rig id a calI abouftte' o'clock Cb.rWstaue wM"M ,but tb i.fre wblch wA a, .S. Edisinoineus bk aiiope, w"a p#, «ot beçfoçe ir nrIv suraaco . Cautmo i re tka own,, Thechletpecm 20[4m lie a4. fmmCOlIoeeon 'li"nudav .ve.ý194IW Thomas, Miss Hopkins, Miss M. Ltlke, Mr. Kines apd Miss l1ice. The commencement çxercisee -iù -Con- nection with the. high agcb<io'1 téok rplace lu the. music .hall on Friday ntht. 'Hm. John Dryden, Wmù. Smith ,M.P., Xayor Cowan, Dr. Rae, Rev. S.' I. EWstnp; Messrs. F. L. Fowke, 1. O. Guy, C. A. Jones and L. C. Smilth occuplo ~to the platform. Mayor Cowan 0u sle to the chair.. The. echoolr@doda chorus <'On the old Ontarlo Strand," whlch was well recelved. Ur. wInthi principal cf tii.sciiool, gave.a revlew.cf the.years work. The presentatlon cèf:tii different certificates thon tookpkSc, wblch ,was as folows : Mr. C A Jones- art certifi- cates; Mr. J0 Guy, dlplomaéizi art; Mr4 F L Fowke, commerialcertificates ;.Ra S H E.astman, priary rlcates - Hon. Jno Dryden junior Iesvln. rtz4icates Dr. Rae, dîiomas; Wm. Snilth, te prizep for general proficiency. Eachi lu turn made a few remarks bearlng on edu- cation an& its advaitqs. 'During. the evenlng Henry Carr a dIere lad -of x3 yesrs, was presentec' i wtb aà ten dogllar gold plece do~nated b y Mayor, Cowaf for genersl proficlency, eh.iavùg..relved tour certihcates in drawlng and succese- fully passod hie prl ry and junior lIeav- lng examinations. 'Tii. Misses Rice fur- nlshed a duet whicb was well recelved-. The proceedingsclosed wlth a chorus by the. achool and God Save the Queen., Osbawa Eustas DfrotOy., B U. VIOKERY, barber. Bimm «*O atoe De. D. L. Roa-Offios Engio shast. BIIORS' LIVEEZ uffocoetret, noth Wu,. ROLPE9, 81=o000 oreSmoo treot. T. B. KOTHE108LIk butChur, Klag t1,West A. J. B Z.rueomlnloa p»Mand norgane, sima.sîet OouomolÂL NaT-J. C. Woon, prtietor. mlodemu hSoiry. neat sud oma& equipped. PooT OwcS BooxsToa-Pul ibis af bocko. atonery adfancy gou .E oou WMitby st 10 % m sud 4 p m. Uns. M. J. 4OME,4 w9et 1h mfl OsÂÂDme o To-L j Maxwel4, diPê, elaehola. PllUne o! Pmrs rla aad chemi*UaIs Btwsysoot lu Poo m-pais, ,siung. '~ ~DhI~m> -tieklfotu e utlWli çcpfll recent enctçr with,,*a 0- contestet hleowah .4 4 r Ir. m-h ire-openi' Xmasý bas e 7eriy4 P. Lm~u3ET d sud gouW I Splendid sol trowseringi, lis stock. PELT Bnci- Mrs.1 Mn.hk faim NO. 1$ I 1~~ "i J- 1~ 'f 409un»