Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1894, p. 5

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111E -I gives confidence ln what it contalus. TO DiA Y we want to give a Xmas sparkle to tnany a pretty band. Our $8.00 DIÂKON» ]RING 4:;' does this better than anytbing we icnow of for the morte. and will brin«g an X mes brlessing upon BARNARD, who sella thern. I)îamond Clusters. Ruby Clusters. Pearl Clusters. W etb 4Qironi1t~. FRIDAY, DEC. 21, 1894. LOCAL LA.OONIOS. Mlerry Xmas to al. Xmas Fair in town to-day. Schools re-open on jan. 3rd. Woven wire spring mattrass only $200o at L. J. Johnson's. The CHRONICLE is the only paper in the coutitt which clubs the Empire with itseif at 81 25. Dr. Grants' "Hairene" is guaranteed to stol) falling hair, and cure dandrufi. Ask vour druggist for it. Cal at the New Shoe Store and get the great bargains offered for one month. Al the hest grades at auction prices at M. W. Collins' New Shoe Store. IUs snowmatter whether snow cornes. foi Xmas or flot, so long as Santa Clause lias such good wheeling as our roads now atiord. Our local livery men will be interested in a recent decision of Justice Winchester in Toronto that no livery-man can hoidt horses and rigs for debt contracted for feed and care in boarding stables. Hotel- keenrrs on the other hand. can hold a Il~,ê ousand reat- Di IAND. n lawri, at 5ic 3 linen, band rée 17., 20e 75ic. each.. ............ each........ es, black aud -y, Caishmere only 25C ... Scarfa, Ties, Rata, Capet, ............ ............ If - price ST.,y rB 'y* ember. -f Woveh wlt bedprlsg. ltola,.$eu attesi corded leÈad;$dp"$ WatCbus, Clàtck.an d jeweilbre'it ect ind, uadar unàii January zut. Cali ,und see hlm. E-very pair of boots, ahae, rubbers,, avershoes and long fait boots wlll .1>0 slaughtered for a tnanth. M. W. oInnu,' east side Brock et., Whlfby. Schob CIO"clostadiy. Promotion Exams. lu public school clos. ed this forenoon. Pure Homte-mide Bread. Parties wlshlng the aboya can b. sup- plied by calllug at the resideuce of Mns. Henry Gould. Raasas ent.rtalnment. Ramsay hali gîven bis now celabrated Trip Around the Worid seveai rimes lu Tornto, aud always ta crowded bouses. Dan't miss selng aud bearln:g him on jan. 4th, Rleised on i techalcallty. Heary Thomas, Oshawa, was trled lu the cauuty judge's criminal court here ou Friday last ha fre Hie Honor Judga Buru- ham, ou a charge ai belng an accomplice ai Caivert; who gat twa montha receutiy for stealing furs fram a sample roam lu tha Commercial botal, Oshawa,* Caivert swore that Tharnas went Into the room aud hauded out the furu, but there was notb- ing brought ta corroborate thie, and the avidence of an accomplice alone le not enough to convict a prisonen. The judge severaly iectured Thomas sud ondened his release. clubs at *1.25. *1.25for Chiraniole and Weokly $j25for Chronicle aud Wel *132GGlobe to Jan. 1896. for Ohroniclo aud Farmer's Sun' > Z5for 1890. $1 for Ohronicie, Weekly Globe aud P~armerls Sun for 1895. ~ 5for Chronicle, Wý3ekly Globe P> ariner's Sun and Ladies Jour, ual for 1895. NoTZ:-AlMost ail other papers at aime rates. The Chrouicle in given freen tu the end of the year lunail cases. Simple copies sent when requested. Honey Export. The honey industry le aseurning large proportions in Ontario, aud as a weelth producing article it may add much to the funds of the province. Tha productive powers of Canada are almoat unlimitad and if an export outlet can ha iound at a fair price, we can keep an increasing aur epiaries. The Ontario Gavarument as aiea the Dominion Goverrnent have doua much to aid in the matter aud now enquir- iee are being made by French and Engliîh dealers for large quantities of both ight and dark honey. As the eqpeuse in cul- tlvating the bee le light, a good profit can ha made by enterinig upau the lu dustry on a large scale s0 as to be able to export a continuoue suppiy. horse and rig lawfully for debt. Tise Church Wa.rdau's coaser. Election Gourt. Messrs. Rutledze sud Holland, on ha- Election court, in connectian with the hall of Ahi Sainte churcis, sud Messrs. Dominion voters' list begins in town to- Adams and White, on hehaît of St. Johns day, His Honor Judge Burnharn presid- at the bav, visited Torouto on Tuesday ta HowsesTlcke. before Biehop Swaatman the wisias ai Hows's Tcirr. bth ongregatians with a view ta sacur- McGaary almost wrenched his head off ing if possible a clergymen satisfactory ta oit Wednesda>v in hie sudden stop balore both. The reports which hava reachedi Howse's drug store to dîscovar '"Why that hare may not ha correct, but we tînden- tappîng ou tihe pane" stand t1mt M esar, Rptiedge a>sd Hollard Home Circle. refused ta ge snoks with Ïfic St.,Johnà. peoyia lu their pulpit aratory, stating that A meeting of the Wisitisy Home Circle Alil Saints could run its owu show. This wili be held on Wednesday evening, naxt, made a short end to the discussion. We the 26th inst. Election of officers andlarthttebso na dsvrame other important business. A full attend- lerm athe wiso hamwiilnaral reto anca is requested. for Al Saints, Rav. Mn. Broughall being Grand Shooting Tounamauit. tiha oue most ikeiy ta receiva the commis- There wil ha a pigeon shooting match sion. heid at the junction hotel, Port Whitby, A cheaîpsuit of clothes. on Thursday ai next week, bec. 27th. In Wleludnofti on bu order ta draw the crack shoîs îrom alil Wltee rs ande asbis towinaPetr over a $25 sweepstake has bean ofiared, bioheeno yoers ofegaasbeau lu Peter. with an entraîlce féeaO 2 e your guns hatel, sud on Mouday week tookt it into read y -hie isead to corne home for the iolldays. Xmas. Bargains. Belore caming, howevem, ha decided ta M. Collins, prop. of tisa Mamnmoti Par- niaka himeeli a present ai e new suit of lor shoe store, Devereil's block, hasdacid- clties suitable ta the season, so ha ap- ed ta saeli hie large stock af boots sud propriatesi a camplete aulfit from nen of shoes at a discouzt aiof 15par cent. Alil the boarders at the hatel, sud took the C. goode rnarkad in plain figures. Open P.R. for a trip west. Ha brut atruck evary night. Ciaremont, wbare ha spent e day or twa fiere you bave IL. viaitiug, sud theu carne ta bis native tawn Eithar tise Weekly Globe, Empire, Fer- ta son us ail. Tisat searcher, the tale- mers' Sun or Mail with the CHRONICLE phona, faît some concernta kuaw bow for $1 .25. bntanding subecribers would Walter's holiday was pragrassing, so it .do wall ta remambar tisat tic Farr n sd whieperad frarn the Peterboro agency inta Firesida doas nat go witb tic Weekly theeas eoa Chiei Constable Caivenhy to Mail lu tise $1.25 clubs. The Globe on tell thern ai hie welfara. Ha was getting Empie wth HROIcLEcomriss ten-along fiue, aur constable reported, but ha ty pages a weeklu ail, sud le a good bar- was immediataly startied witb a request gain ai 81.25. to gathar Walter lu. The nert rnarniug Calvariey escorted Caudan ta Cuati. Tise cancan doctor d"ad-Dacker, sud after looking arouud hie David Boyer, ai Markham township, tisa granite quartera for a whlle be fell asleep famotis cancer doctor, died et hbeishomea and put lu the day carouslng witb mar- Tuesday, and tise uerai wae held ou pheus. An attempt is haîug made ta hohd Thursday, when the remains were inter- bis trial hare instead ai Peterboro, ta Bave mcd at the Dutcls cemetery near is lata expense, which can ha doua if Cauden residence. Deceased bas beau nrnark- does dot demur. ahly successful lu allevlatlug the suffernugs of those afflicted wlth cancers, and rneny even in our awn township are grateful ta a kiuI4 Providence that such a man as David Boayer ivad so long to purent bis deeds a philanthropy. Altisaugb tise wortliv aid man le no more lu Use lutenest ai sufférng humiauity, It la ta be hopee that hie mode oltreatuient bas beau com-* mnu i i icatad ta sorne worthy descendant. Coun. Jno Smth'& Troublas. Comm. John Smith neyer geta upon hie feet ta tslk lu public without guakiug a saitd wail about the mautter lu wblch tisa sutb ward is wrouged. Ha le the hu astsInl the world that ehauld open hie menut an the question. When tisa system af wand grants existed here for about twauty y cars there was a epecial grant yearly af i 6oo for the front streets, Brock and Dunidas, and out n f"s"- -r was kat u/ ciear tlÀ was alw"4 an exil Thîiq 1' Tise Weekly Globe. For 50 years the Weakly Globe ai To- routa bas bad an enviable reputation an tha ane great Liberal Weekly ai tise Dom- inion. It han alvways beau a higi clans journal sud welcome visitor lu thousauda of homes. It was neyer betten an a naws- papar tien It la today. Tise Globe's enter- nse rseelproverbial. ia correspoudents ave travarsed sud writîan up almost every section ai tise country. All great es'ants bave beu fuiiy reportad. Tise speeches of laadlug poliltcians, wisether os teforo apriement or on tha stuesp, bave beau presented as th'ey wera uttared, wbather Libenal,, CQuservatiirn or l'atmai. The Globe ilatha oniy week<?aeinl Cnada that gives scbfull fat e rtns af Parlbamestary proceedings, great fciurch meetings sud otiser smiller occur- rences ai Provincial aud pellouelIalcerest. Amcng Ieadlng features aof racent nuçbmr rnay be rnentlonnd speaches by r Laur- 1er1 Si; John Tisomupeou, Sir Rlcbar4Cart- wrîgbt, Mn. Marter-Mr Hwycock4,'.mn-. bers cf tie Ontario CabInet "d otbers;let tare from member.of tise GloW# a7VedItra taff wbo travel Ibhrogi tise Province of uebec snd aver tise route, Of "tie Trent 'lley, interviews and liers en tbit mout onlint question, tise tn of <the. law 'lem, long reporte rom Ibée*'e .of tbaý le Kaiti merder,,tise McWberM.ltril Mear semuationsi evmes,, Tb$e Mmsicd inl e t aswotby. Thse Globe e best cable aud tgtqa~ V hie ; 'tits flwelge, iet Bo n despatchas are unexaeffl d tt drwgcra parOnS e$utntto 4TAv the slkia, a"tr" lïich.ta dra.w à,crowd4 sud ~a ad. l the "CaiaazucLW" ta draw Great cIÏgraicesaia of boots s hoas. Everything..wilII béu maid..at 's.great bar- gain for 3o days. The - great sale it the New Shoe Store froni the 8th of Dec4mber tô-the Sthcf January, Coma iaIl--and get barpina. M. W. Cails, east side Brock Street, Wbltby. as WSTcent, off for cash At the Mam'moth Parlor shoe store, Day- erell's block. Open evety alght. M. Callns, prop. Hlghland club. Tihe principal members of the Highland Club wvlil visît Souya, ou Frlday evenlug, the 28th, ta assist Gleucairn Camp lu giv- lug a Scotdb concert. Trip arouad the wonid. Ramsay uss a the electrîcal appliances knowu ta stage art ta enhance the beauty af the scEnes he depîcts lu bis illuatrated lecture, Around the Warld. Ha wlll ap- pear la the music ball nu Frlday eveniing, Jauuary 4th, '9,5. Sun Lif. Insuraco Company. Mir. Nuttiug, generai agent ai the above company, wes ln town ou Weduesday iooking after t ha luterest ai hie compeny. Ha reparte file insurenca booming, so fan as hie compauy is coincerned, and bas stantati severai uew egencies durng the p ast month. Ha le desirous of sacuning a live agent for this iocality. Trebefl aud Chattarsaus vs. Downs. The aboya case was tried before Magie. trate Harper ou Wednesday evening. The plaintiffs accueed Downs of defraud- ing tii arn tu îducing them to aigu a $50 note repreeentitsg it ta ha for $25. As neither could read or write to any extant they readily fellitt the trap. Trebal gave evidence to the facte as abuve. Downs set up the plea that the note cov- ered an old account for $25 as well as for the amnount of the harness. The magie- trate decided thera was sufficient evidence to warrant seuding the accused for triai and ruied accordingly. Bail was accepted. New, but famlUan, Star. SWe are plaased to nota that Miss Editis Murray, lete of this town, and who bas but raceutly beau graduated from the Philadel- pia scisool ai Oratory, met witis a warn reception on hiem firt appeanance baioreaa Toronta audience. Whule a resideut of Whitby, Mies Murray shawad more than ordiuary ability as a raciter, and lier services were often sougth for, b y societias sud otiar orgauîzation, givin g public an- tertainumeuts, ail ai wbons no doubt wili ha highlypleesed ta hear ai lier succeslu the fieldof elocution. We clip tbe foliow- iug frorn the Mail : "An Enjoyable Re- cital.-A charrning recital was given aset night by Miss Edith Murray, et the Preshy- tanian Ladies' Collega, an Bloor street. The chair was occupied by Dr. McIntyre, the princip al ai the collage, and a large uumban or ha friands ai t ha pupile wene preseut. Miss Muray'a selectione were very weii chouan and ber reading shawed great natunal abiiity sud careful training. Several vocal sud instrumental solos were ou tise programme." Collage Couvarsazlona. Tise convarsaziona given by tise Facu Ity of tise 0Outanlo Ladies Collage on Tbursdey evauiug, the I4th must., was ettended by a large number afinivited pieuta, .manyofl yghaurwert-froua distance.,,. Pxlnclpa-s . Mrs. Uâearécýelvad tbafr gueule lu- ,the spcasdrawiug ecoas sud did avery thn utiser po.war liat couhd coutrlbute ta the pleasureansd eujoymeut ai tisa large gatheng. They were abiy assited by Professor sud Mrs., Genwood sud lady teachers, aud Meàsrs, Barclay, Rose, Taylor sud Smitis, local directons. Dur- ing the eveniug tisa following programme was reuderad iu excellent style: Piano duet, hy Misses McCarty and- Metin; vocal solos, by Misses Hawe, Pease sud Taylor ; vocal -duct, by Miss Gertie Tay,- Ion sud Mr. Wm, Ricisardson ; neadiug,' by Miss Longisnad ; Pino'duet, by Misses Bowes aud flolilurake. Refresismentu ware served from 9ta i i, star which the' visitors laft'for their bornes sud tbe young ladies weut ta their roornu ta dream -no doubt ai the joyous weicome-honso Ibat awaited tiscaion the -marraw. w-. 'Xew Ho1.'day Go~ohn~~e our Sgilk 'aud Eriqbroidrd adkehifaTa, Np kinsî, Doylies, Tray Cloths, ôe;.Inu Silveivware we ee Spoons, Forks, Trays, Mirrore, Pioki- orks, Butter Enves, Childreu's cupsytetc., al a t 25c. a- package. MÂNTLE I PIRTMENIL.--This seaoon!s importations of Jackets, 88,8$4 aud $e, designe ta sBelim manY cases' at twice these prices. 8.3 The entire stock must'go. ffl Early buyers secue the choice. DBESS GOODS-Fall ana Winter Dress Goods at hait regular wholesale prices. A marvellous lot of plain and fauoy Wool Goode at 85e. a yard. ORDEBED CLOTHING.-Special àttention is given to this de partuient. -Suitinga ana overooatings.4n ail the newest patterns aL t best goode that'ean. be -had ini Scotch, Irish, anad Canadian'makes. l)on't fait tosee them and compare prices and qualities. New Scarfs, Tles, Pins1 Onf Buttons, and ail the newest novelties in Glents' Furniaù4ing-e ta hana for XMÂS. TRÂDE. You will economize both time and money andi secure.what you want by buying from %, O. Talke-a note ai o r clubbing lust if you i Mr& Alia Chrlstnm Goodsu, want auy other greit weekly beuides tise Chrietmas belle wiil soon ring rnerrily. CHRONIcLE.. Have you salected your Xmus gits ? If o -6 place ealid waluut parior suite, plush uot you canuot do better than visit this O with silk plush bauds, ion 832, woîth $45, store. Yau will fiud an immense stock of at W. TilI e. uaw gouda in white matai navelties, books, Gat your fira.pote, gratas, Iran or brick albums, xmas carda games, dalle, toys, linings for ail kinds of stavas, ranges or iancy china, faucy 6askets, work boxes, Si furnaces3, frora J. McIntyre. writing deeke, leathar cuif and collar t P. aylr rpare atces doks udboxas, and a hast ai pratty novelties in iý P.eTeloeargsdce apta esuit thesiandsceilulaid and aiiuminum. The stock le jedwrr oaud ck, ap o aui te. mstoo vaut, the range toa great, ta go luta and rarantd. o tiitno ay. datali. A cordial invitation givan toalal ta Ramerubar that 1 amn stili seilin gv eny iuspect for themselves and cuetomers wil hast coal et $4.9o at shed, 85.2g deivere. find goods and prîces right. Wiehiug ail a y Weights guarantaed. H. BL Taylor. happy Xmas. Miss Allil', Whltby Book Neglected dandruff, means balduess. and Music store. Two applications of Dr. Grants' "Hein- Wabash Raliroasi Comspany. ena," wili thoroughly cleanue your scalp. If you ana contemplating a ts'îp ta Cali-t Oh for cheap tickets for Xmas holidays fornia, Mexico or any p oint south, please et Stephen'non's (opposite Hatcbe' )Whit- cousider the menite of the ouly true South- by. He ai" supplias teachers and sciai. arn routa, by taking the Wabash limited. are epecial limited tickets ta ail stations in Leavlng Chicago avery morniug et 10.30, Canada Cail on Stephenson for ahl tickets you pans through St. Louis aven the great and nequired information at your leisure. Iran Mountalu route. Palace sleeping car Fine Weathar. ta tise gateway ai Old Mexico, sud Pull. Tickets ion Florida are drug in the mer- man touniet car ta Las Angelesansd San ket, sud will continue such so long as dur Francisco without change. No deasys Canadien Wiuîer lingeraslunUhe p ai from suow blockadaa; Juna weather alI Autumn.. the way, Ask an y railroad agent for tic- Cotlo etlils kets aud maps af this gréat railway. J.A. Richardson, Canadian Passauger Agent, Two proiessionel cooku-spent Mandat _N.E. corner King and,'lange streetu, To- and T'uasday at Mathisôn Bras., expari- routa. mentiug ln ail kiads af cooking wlth Cot- toleue4 Same wera weli pleased witb what WhY thse toWU tar i hier. they parfommeti, sud aome otberwise. Tiare ls a raise af oua miùIinluthe town Cnowdoed ont. tax this year, sund- most people are un- Aubburn correspondance.ý awara as- ta tihe cause, The matten bas Wlsitby town councli proceadings. beau kept quiet until recantly. but we Se"tri othar things. Many people aeg- feucy it Cao no longer serve apy purpose lect ta bring us news until tise lant day ta leave those intereutad luà gioreuce. Iu sud 1,thsen aomething has ta ha crowdeà fact wtà nover did see wisat wau ta ha gefl- out.' ad by thus course, The iact le. Ibet the Mowat Manuf'g Comnpany as a manufac- Chmipd with t"lubr turing instlitian le practically defunct, Is9a'Langmaiti, ae frmer living. 13a6 dOur municipal fatheri have fait com- mllesiast of Wbttby, heu beau arrested pelled ta commence a siuking fund ai sud ý*ced ln jail ou a charge cf hairing- :: a-yeir>.r pay tha . .!anad- aug@w"-ed1o steal Mr. -1 6~né.6 1li*"të tit'omp be u asstated iu these 'caluma's a week éi lustructéd Solkitor Pýarewiell aboutdix-, ago. 'omauhh ego t a e stepa ta colleà the $za. Dkafruf. ooa n& h. proceeded,. with-lise' maîter- Tbus forai. ofdisease la vary apt to de- rýapId1y, ntil sea me lu iiOctober, wbou velop'about tisa age cf puberty, or May be. thié diîectarp- of tise fouudry asknd -for a pastponed snlil between tbe ages of tblrty inonth ta try sud make e -sale of théeIr in- toat easCt iauaually accompaied b eat~A fternocn's courunltin mnorlsitcbing, and soriouuty impairs vary uniatislbctîr hrab rrsutdl the lustre.of t4s haïr ta iramove and pro- an extensli o f Urzne, -and 4ts course dld vený it. Use Dr. Grants " Harane." no good. -Tise afiairs cf thils compauy BUWlyGarmard Srin . have probably beau tisa worst mauage4 of 'ruaJa wiis ~Ugany suc in zsttuton,tisat-ever exiutad.. M Get -ity ld hrsés gong aiofJoint; sud shrewvd ,observera -have mbet. boumna fram- which no aid borse me- beau axpressing tisa'opinion for turùs the boue yard, A wornee boklug years tisaItisehé existence cf lise loto1 ai od skates we ue.ver saw. Mauy af Mowat Manufac turng Companiy wuld end tisa jipar old quadrupada 'were blind, but wltisa demaud upon tisapart f thse towu layally, thaugis witb great effort, faliowed for tise repayaient cf tlise fitrtSrooo cf tise tise procession a tiste skeleton depasitory béan, lu fact aona could almost baliave Scrfatu'&oL that the foimdry> was. only. being steered To farmers and otiser wisibt t along tota untilthat demand would re- rousîn cbeer tiregt Xma ave' 2hIeveiît f Ita exWtmS. We hava 'thlu ta âg heey ireat-Xm ýandne tfatmoptpeople acqiMr Ye&s, The underslgned baviug juit. re- ;Waj-f g tisa wrecker of tie bul- calve another (thé is) cargo cf Noi. 1nssHo. lias doue ishW béat tlaSave Il,, fresh'miuad Authrtacite cahparscoerIbit-te hvMalîto-hegud -Pos Carotis, willl fat a wlé Bueaboer itohers bav affae uaIMMote rud B ~ tingauas, th yiny, tisa ting la sja llreduced rate et tis a bor - Bring bïl7,-an h 1bv cii~dr ashsu oilet tise office of m . Z b sud tis1pame pe ve th Brock isr îýnearlubluw$,oba, W t BI.* streetal', tisefoundrywfseltrTh aawlc' w wY. NB.-AlI m 1ol wigbed by la belag ralsadtii. year, maies tb. towi- dlssirested and proper1y authorisad tàai ilibîisher,- tisai would.atherwlse welgh-sasters. E.R.B.bveearoled Thea twn was shackeÇ.,yesterday li- UISWltl>yCoas lngi upon leauliig tise s;a newa that04.11. Met oxmberzish Cotümulcathonae 10appey) of tise Royal batel,.,lied dîd] 04 :-From -UsI Toephasie Ca6momy, 0audden i, etmldnilzh.b£ ir deatis waetis eim aài nba i e.line.- hem riv L1 Fe S T MW ARBT cow LoBt or 8tolen. Spotted thickly wtb red and white, 4 Y"m DId and due ta calve in g fortnigh:. Fair size. Was lust Sa at my prensise about Dec. zut, f stolen $5o reward wiiI be pald 'upon proof being given ta convicst the thief. If strayed a &nitable reward will be paid for seuding word o JAMES MAYNARD, WhVIÉbezj)ec- 13, 1894- tf. 'torse, Wanted. .Bay Driver. 16 bands, between 5 and 8 yeare, ta weigh îîoo ta 120o. GROSS& G RANGER, Wb'tby. Dec. 6th, 1894. lerBey Bull Wanted. Wanted a youug Jersey Eli. State very lowest price, and apply tai JAMES BURNS, Greenban-k P. 0., Greenbank, Dec. 4th, 94-.311. L OI< at the remarkable low prices that. 1-am -ielling Soid Oak Drawing-room Suites st. The prices are from $2 2.50, $25, $28.50, $80.00, 885 and up- wards. DONT FORGe-EuT Lt? ftheseâ goos remy own make.- AUl - uphàolstering orders given ta me lias my own'super- Vision. E. J, JOUNSO-'0N, Leading undertaker i the County,- Farm to fient. The sautis halves cf Lots 34 and 35, 7th con., Whltby, for thse- past 9 years accu- siect by Mr. John HammattL For particz- laeapply to

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