Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1894, p. 3

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' il ;;; Pickering Counoi. 'Met Friday last. 1 tic huai d ot health reported as folows: Ntumbet of cases of contagious diseases, îyi)hîî,d tri-r 14, (if %ýhich two resuied lataly; scarlet lever o. ut sýhîch ail recovered; diph- theria i. not fatal, l'ihe boatd repotted that its inspector had v.sied ail the slaughter houses and school huieti the township and fîii.nd the former ailr in first ciass saniiary con- dition, while nost of the school houses and closets are in a tar utcniiiin. The folowng accouis .%t,-re- sel in for the township lu pay :l %W, V. îcliardson, aitending fait boardl meet- ing, $ii), inspecting, $i i 50. in ail $21 50 Gvu. l'hilp, aiiending four meetings, $10, in- specting $12 5u, in alil$.2.50 ,.\'im. Dowsell,1 atending tour mAeings, $io, inspecting, $îo, n ail $->0, k, R. Mowbtay, attending tout meetings, sio , 1) R. liaton, sttending four mneetings, $10, Total $84. The report was adopied, THit ROAI)COMMITTEE. -rr Ontario ON, ss, ;ME,, 'INS TION. a COI. LhII zxecai ve me a pIln imd Frae id tmposed ,earq, e-uredl tin legs z OLDI SFailigI it Iby ti]P Iý Mr. Gerow tead the report of the rond corn- mîttee as toilows: Payment to Andrew Court- ney, 18 yds, grivel at 4SC. pet yd., $8. io; Adam Speats. furnîshîng matenial and bild. îng cuivert on 8th con., lot 28, $.5; Geo. Lee grading on town line, Uxbnidge. opp lot xs, Pickerng's share. $9.75 ; Hay King drnining îng on sideline bet lots îo-ii, Brh con, $675 ; Richard Ward, rîghî of way t0 gravel pit and for tile, $3 -; W j Graham, bridge rods. $a.6o ; 1Howe and C Fonsyth, repairing bridge near Claremont, $2 25 ; Asa Hubbard, drawing lumber and repaîring culvert on 4th con, opp lot 18, $2 25 ; Geo Tool, repaining bridge bet 24-25, 4th con. 5oc ; P R Hoover, plank, Sic.- 86 , Geo Leug. 125 yds gravel at 8c pet yard, $10 ; Noah Baker, filing and gravel approach- es to bridge, opp lot 35 in 8th con, $5 40 ; las Gormley. drawing grave1 on Kingston road opi, lot 12, $6.25 ; E E Vanstone, 6o yards gravel ait 7c, $420 ; C W Stover, building three cuverts and repairing washou, $5; Frank Thotupson, repasrnug culveis opp lots io-iiin to:h cou, $2 So; Hay King, taing ont culvert sud filing up washout on hih 1e- tween 10 iin bu8th con, $5 25. AleX Wad- dell, 113 yds gravel on sidelîne bet. lots 13-14, 9îh con, $925; D B Gormley, cedar, 83 ; W 1 Reazin, hardware, $3 05 ; 1 M Gerow, care- taker of township tumber, 8to; C W Stoven, cleauîng ditch, 8.25 ; jas McCormack, work, Si1 Jno Gregg, right of way te gravel pit. $10 ; C Hodgins, building culvert aud furuish- ing material. $4 9o ; do., turnishing materi'tl lot railing betweeiî lots 30-31, itn the 4th con, $2 40 ; J A & W F Jomes, repairing road opp lot 8 tn 6th con, $10; Hay King, gravelîtur at Carcutant, $55 63 ; D Forsyth, plauk, $3-87; j erry Connors. delivering gravel and making breakwater Ou 3rd con, opp lots 17-18, $250, sud for repairnng bridge On 2nd cou, opp lots 18-19. $2 50 ; Jito Grahamt, drawing tile frout John Mlilers ta Claremont, 75C ; also work repairing hi on 7tb con, between lots 12-13, $2 ; 1 o Percv, cedar supplies, S$122 33 ; Ed Meyer, luruîshingrumaterial and biuldiulz cul. vert on 8th con. hetween lots 30-3, $2 5û. T'he report wass dopted. A HARO CASE. Dr. Dale, Dubarion, addressed the council on the case of a famîly named Laur, near Rouge Hîi. The memtbers of the household hase been very ili fut a long lime of typhoid fi-ver, and the people ot the vcîuîîy have join- ed wîth the docio r i keeping theut frout dying. The Laurs now foel that the doctor should be tecompensed ad have no means cf doîng so except the towuship council. Mr. Poucher-Why dîi you flot corne here before ? Dr. Dale assumeri that this was an insinua- tion that he wanted cnoney frout the council, andi repudiateri the ides. Son*e warm discus- sion took place between the doctor 'and Mr. Poucher, but in the end nothing was done about the malter, as the doctor stateri tbe Laur family -was not mu immediate ueed of benp. MOTIONS. On motion of Mr. Poucher the reeve's ordex was granted in fayot of lames Thoruton, over- seet of highways on divison z07. Whitevale, for $7.88, being amount of statute I>hbor comt- mutation placeri on collector's rol ; -aio an order in fayot of Jno. Mitchell, overseer cf highways in division-for $2,63, for statute labor communtation piaced on collector>s roll. On motion of Mr. Gerow, the council sp- propniaied $20 10 shovel gravel to place on Sth concession lune leadinc; î0 Canadian Pacific Railway, Mr. A E M6yor having voiuntecred to ha% i the gravel free. On motion of Mr. Poucher alpar-ties are notited1 to removeri obstrlctions placed by theni on the original allowance for zond-be- 1\&&-n il .-- - range of the btoken lrii-,~-. ,st eme s3uth. 's.- -ng, near aged, $r2 66; Cb#s. Hodgson, on one sheep killed and three damaged, $10; Whitfleld Lee, on two sheep killed and one damaged, $13 32. Tbe report passed. SUPPORTING THE POOR. Mr, Poucher read the report of the commit- tee on indigents, as foliows: M Ryan, 30 weeks at $t per week, M Gleeson, commission- et, O3o; Edwin Bows, do, $3o; Mts. John. son, do, at 5oc pet week, $i5: Mis. Linton, do, Colin Philp, coru, $30; Mrs Htibbard, d(_. Asa Hubbard, cotu, $3o; Mrs. lripp do, ai 75C pet week, $22.50 ; Mrs. Palmrne, do, at $1 50 pet week, Geo Phillips, coin, $45 Miss Locie. do, at 75c Per week, Iaaac Wîoe com. 1$22,50; Mis Byron, do, at 75 pet week, R B 13untînz com, $2250 ; MnS Stott. do. at $i pet week, James Rogers com, $30; Mis Haley, balance of 3o weeks at $1.25 Per week, G E Lawrence com, $29; Mrs Meyer, do, at $i pet week, Jno Grahamt com, $3o; Thos Lee, 13 weeks at $1.50 pet week. R P Hoppet coin. $19,50; Dr Brodie, medical attendance on Thos Lee.,$2; Geo Bundy. fumerai ex- penses of unknown man killed on C P R near Claremont, $650; Dr. Bateson, medical at- tendance on Mis Mayer, $3; do. medical at- tendance on John Irwin, $2.10. In reference to a petition from James I Davidson and 12 others .esking aid for one David Lawrence,. would recommend that 11e receive $2 pet week, 1 1 Davidson, commissioner. In reference to a petition frotu Robert Wright and 28 otbers asking aid to one Herbert Lankin while at general bospital under treattueut, would te- commerid a grant Of $1 5.20. The report passed. The total amount for the seven months is about $420. WORTHY 0F THEIR HIRE. Mr. Richards introduced and carried through a by.taw to renumerate the township officers for their services for the year 1894. as foUlows : Reeve Mowbray. $85 ; 1 st Deputy Reeve Gerow, $,5o; 2nd Deputy Reeve Poucher, 05o; 3rd Deputy Reeve I-ilts, $5o. Councilor lames Richards. 850; Treasurer GeS Patker, u ,montbs, $x38; Clerk D R Beaton, $45o - T Clrown, caretaker cf îown hall, $3o. WRITEVÂLE. A. e. Major spent a few days in Orillia last seek. Henry Turner of Parkdale is visiting friends here. John Poucher, of Toronto, was in the vale last week. W E. Lount was absent this week on a business trip to Montreal. John, Will and George Annia spent Sun- day with friends in the vate. ' Mrs. T. Hagerman eutertained a few friends on Thursday evening, and a vep-- pleasant time was enjoyed. rA XE6." cratlon of the, %e to levy upols a3 herein sel shall, in com. cia, or so much )( Whitby, on kt the hour of The Strickland case was continucd ou Thursday last befere justices Brown, Glendinng sud Curtiu. A large number cf witnesses were called after whicb the magistrates dismissed the charge against Mr. J. H. Strickland. The cases against Messrs. Herb. G. Strickland and Saut. Kerr were niso disnsissed and thse goods found on their premises returned to them. -Gleaner. aOuGoe-FOOT. Wc are glad to learn tint Mr. Joseph. Pogue la on the mend. Mri. C. Stephenson us under the doctor'a care. Mr. F. W. Brimacombe bas got is sbop movcd and on passing by on a storiny day you can Isear " te ring ofthe nvil. Hehas startcd eut with is circulat. lFarmers who bave poies to cut into woed or laddmr to rip better give hlm a call. Fariners are gctting their preduce ready for tbe Uxbpidgc Xmas market fair whicb will be held Frxday, Dec. 2ist. The Patrons ot Industty have postponed their oyster supper until Dec 28th. wvi11 wlýthoàt thé e a ih"ubt, sutcwc. Now tha.t the.cage hbaqsbetn secrede nixt wlU. b. the caqhing oftbo bird. A féw of 'the. sp oilo.tli 4evIliaRe hrid a shooting imatch on- Monday atternoon ou1 the. 0Learyfts. Considerablte aumuili flion was used and .a (air number -of bltds kiiled. It la said that it je only a begiflq ning of a sertes of matches.-The. News 10 barred fromn taklng part, as the committe are rather cloubtful of our ability to bandie firearma wltb safety. Prior to'bis departure (or the west, W. L. Puckerinj'S Sabbath school class as- seidibled at bis residence on Tucsday even- lng, and presented hlm wltb a handiome b otagrap? aibum as a memento of esteClfl t whtch he was beld by themi. Mr. P. thanked the boys for their-gift, after which an enjoyable evenlng wàs spent by ail. Albert Çlbwlett and chiki who have both been down with dipbtberla, are now much better, and we have beard of no other cases. Abert appears to b. peculiarly un- fortunate, having been down with typhoid lever most of the suminer, anda just as be was getting around, bis wife contracted the dmsease. Upon beinç relieved of this, diphtberla patd themn a visit. As Abert is an industrious fellow, he is deserving of much sympathy as wilI as assistance. Mrs. Mowbray, of Church street, met with a painful as well as a serious accident on'Thursday morning. When about to enter the bouse with apail of watcr, she slipped upon the wet planks and in falling fractured ber left atmn just above the wrist joint. Being ail alone ini the bouse, it was necessa7t for her to notify a neighbor1 whnàoctor was quickly summoned and the fracture reduced. The break is a ser- ious one, and it will be somie time before Mrs. Mowbray will have full tuse of her arm. -News. The Ontario bank agency here is almost a thing of the past. The oil is so low that the light may feebly flicker for a few days. and then go out forezer. The Gutlemot is a species of water- fiwl, and although they may be found in other parts of Europe, they are more nun erous around the Ile o7 M an. Two of these birds have been captured here during the past week, T. H. Hancock found one with its feet frozen in a pool of water irn his garden, while J. R. Winter captured the other in Spink's race. The pair were taken to W. J. Gordon, the taxidertnist, and will be suitably mounted. We are unable to explaîn how these birds happened to wander into our latitude. CA.NUMO4TON. The W.M. society of the Methodist church, have sent a parcel of clothing to the Mata indians and also one to the Northwest. The storn on Satut day played havoc with the-telegraph service. The line be- tween hete and Manilla yvas badly dam- aged, the wires being broken in several places. A Fatl. tul ak. A fatal attaok of croup is a frequent occurrence among ohildren. Every house- hoid should be guarded by keeping agyards Pectoral Balsa at band. It bekup colda, cou glha. croup, asthmea and bronchitia ln a remarkable ruanuer. It ta understood at Winnipeg that the Earîs cas will b. suibmitted te the Depart- ment of Justice et Ottawa. No article takea bhold of Blood Disease like Northrop & Lyman'a Vegetable Discovery. It worka 1k. magie Misa C-, Toronto, wcitea:.1I1have te thank you for wbat Northrop & Lyman'@ Vegetable Discvmr bas dons for me. 1 had a sore on my knse as =arsathe peam cf my hand, and could get nto do any good until I used the Dis- covery. Pour boules cornpletely cured it. Begular Salvation Ârmy officers will the. be., acccpted as membera of thse London Miaitertal Association bereattor. W. have no besitationu ff saying that Dr. J. D. KeUcgg'sDysentery Cordial ta vithout Sdobt thse but- medicine evec Introdn.ed for 1dy"stery, dèas&machoiera amd al summer ceure. Mothece should never, be withoàt- a bottle viienthi hdrt itebig Mr. J. Aroubsid cfl Montrait basentend a $10.000 action agaiusat lits. Davis for violation of trade mark.- The Hore-nmoblest of the brute oreation- whèn utiffering. from a eut, abrasion or acre, dertv* as muc babnefit aïfta master ini a like prodlcýament. from.ttIhealngsothingacton of Dx. Tuoxas'EGLoruo CI. Ismenesa, swelling cf the neck, stiffnesa of the. joints, tcansd lungsta,r relieved by it. Tii. defendanta in the niciel-ehot machine csses at Hamilton, who pleaded gulty, werl e$lach. NORWÂY PINE SYRUP cures Cougbe' Colda, and aiB >.hoat sud Lungr Troubles. Ppiee 26 and 50r- V ou vdill find A that it will do what no other soap can do, and, will please you every way. It i syClean,- ,and Econornica.t to wash wth tliis soip. wuu ulitàclnrgea ilciin QC D the. office wiligac nd- tnit... After, ~ Cioth au retoe hi",frproceed- cdwitb e toast lut, htch wasver coin., C ee T ereatWý= eiof thè n I.gb ~oig campa ere .(rom RodertckaÎDm Cam>, Wbltby) Cheif Burns;- Urne Caminp OawBros. 'R. Maltýe md -McLean; aa wio.Davtdson, (rom Newcastle. The banquet was given in -bonor of the grand sccretarY, Bro. D. M. Robertson who was accOtiPanied by Bro. Frazer, U the Mail, preuident of the. Gaellc Socley, Toronto, and J>iper Munro, of tbe48th Highiandeï: Toronto. The -several toasts were re- sponded to with much abiltty and humor. Rev. R. D. Frazer, B.A,, chaplain, gaye an able speech, showtng that tbrougbout the word's hiàtory the centre of power had always been moving northWrd- fromn Egypt, Babylon, Greece, Rome. Now Britain was the ruling power Itheii world, and concluding remnartccd that the day wouid neyer come when this country would be governed by a power fnrtber soUth than ourseives, a sentiment whicb wàs tnucb applauded. Bros. Robertson ancL'frazer, mfade fine speeches on the benefits of the order and ts growth. Bro. Burns, of Whitby, gave severai fine Scot- tish sothgs wbich were well received, and Bro. Duncan McCamachje, a pioncer of Clark, although 83 years of age, sang somne gaclic songe, and was the flrst to loin in a Scotch reel to the strains of the bag piped. Mr. McCamachic reniarked that it was 71 years since h. lcarncd to dance the samne reel. The party broke up at a seasonable hour, with hearty votes of thanipe to the host and iostess, and cheers for the Qucen. surglary. Soine time dilring Sunday night burg- lars efiected an entrance into Mr. J. C. Vanstone's toiler milîs here, and after drilling the safe in two places succceded in blowing the front open and carried off the cash box. Mr. Vanstone does not know yet how much cash there was ini the safe, but sys there was alof $50. The job was evidentally donc by experts. They left a chisel and a brace behind. This ha the second time that this millhîbas been burg- larized during the past foui; years. Castoria la Dr. Samtuel Pitcheir's presciption for InfauW and Chlldren. It eontains neither Ovium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. It la a harnaless sbsttt for Paregorie, Drops, Soothlng Syrupi, and Castor 011. It la Pleasant. Its guarantee la thlrty year' use bY Millions of Mothers. Gastoriadestroys Wormu and ails feverlsbzless. Castoria prevents vomitlng Sour Curd, cures Diarrhea' and Wind Colle. Castorla relieves teetbtng troubles, cures conistipation a.nd flatulency. Castorla asiilts the food, reggilaes the stpmach and bowelsq glvlng healthy and- natural sleep. Cma- torna is the ChfldrenOs Panacea-the MotherPs flend. Oastoria. - u Castoila tu an excellent umedicne forcWi- dren. othelu bave repeatedlly toid mecet Its god ct upither ciidrn" DvL G. OM Oseon 8Lowe]4Xa MOtoia ig the beet rmfertccbilrenof whlch 1am acquabftsd. I hop e .day la noS fwrd lvi uemothirsw oU sderihereal Inemesor teciuoldrefl, and use Castona lu- betolgtl'ar Woe% uebyetoctgoplmn, morphlne sootlzlng syrnp sMd otier hurtful agentsdom, *thfr hbot, thsîey udlng IrÉ 2,cent=,* .~*a" Castoria. <csud aIsoimU adaptoeUlduathod ][,,)lmto ImI&I WS.Oxford st., BrocklynW.. u Our phylciam n ltle ebiidren's deput- men âhae poken hfgby of thefr expeei Sw ce ba ir cutsie practice vithOsb4ia imd altbough vs only haacoeg our medtcai sappniS viat la inov as rogular produc4 yet ve me Ire. toconfusthat ths merlin eofCatborla bas won us to look vili faoupl t." UnvunHcsrrÂL e» DENU&X t ÂrzuwO, luire, ~., M:15m7 Bfr..t, Kw Youk Glty. 4~ - I -i Cured by"The D.&L, Menthiol PIaster. J. &SurneLA1 Dr Diflt Riw job% ri.& Soid Evçrywh ee25eah What is Pat'd or U npat Id U upa'd Pa'd l'm id Paî'd Paî'd t uat'd L'r pat 'd Snpaid latd. [la td l'

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