Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1894, p. 1

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With catm priiited words, great tkoights, and untiring iuZta VOL. XXXIX. WIIITBY,- ONTARIOl, '-FR1 HEA VY GOOD :: BARLEY WA NT E D FOR WHICH 1 WILL PAV THE Hughest Price. I arn also' paying highest price for Wheat and Oats. It will pay you to see me be- fore selling elsewhere. F. L. Green, O11UDO LUILUI. DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, - $1,500,000 Surplus, - -$19500 000 Whitby Ageiaoye Genera1 Transacted. Banking Buin esm BAVINGE DNPABTKENT. Inierehi afoved ai higb«eucrrent ratés No notoe o wfthdrawal r.qufred. - .J. THOINTON, lmager P. G. Meldrum, M. D. Licentiate of the. Royal, Coflege of OfIfice and roidenee, north sectkm of the "Ternes,» Byron Street, north of Dundas Street. Telephone communication with Office. Whitby, july 4th, 1894- <SPCIAI c H- M A OFFEi UNTIL CrILISTMAS DAY k wiii prescut toeoveryoue purchasing eue pouud of hie Ooiebrated BAKING POWPER, 2 Ibi. of Croani Candy. Purohasors of hall pound will receive a 1 lb. package. LAMPS!1 LAMPS!1 LAMPS!1 t-, Noth -ble fora& -Ji LOCAL NEWS LETTERSU1 CEONexcLU ouuusrON»mncS. TOWN< LIM. These are the days of tribulation foîtIh turkeys sud geese. Miss Watseon, of Newvraket, la viltlng at Mes. Brown's. The P. I's are very quiet ôdIlate. "After a stornicomegacalm.'" Perhaps Ibis may be the lull precediug another outburst of patron ploquence. We are pleased aIl te welcome te our bars our old frieud, Peet Thos. Rea, brother of the laIe Rev. J. Jackson Rea. The venerable pid gentleman made many friends during bis short resideoce ber.. Municipal matlers are very quiet lu Ibis vlclnity. The office seekers of Pickerng would do well te visit this cerner of the towuship sud set the pot aboiling or 111e bt b. feaeed many votes will net b. polled. The followlng shows the standing of puplis et Union scheol No. i Pickering add Whitby for the terni ending Dec. 2Ist, 1894. Iu second,'third and frourth classes the weekly examninatieus form the basis of marking. The junior classes are marked approximately. Fourtb class-max. 825 - Lizzie Coakwell 5W0, Hattie McCul- lough 4 14. Arthur Rowe 267, Nerru Jeffrey 26o. Sen. III clase-max. 740-Nettie Carruthers 473, Eva <îarruthers 465, Blanche McGeegor 416, Edsel Harris 379, Mabel ROwe 476, Att Imackey 357, Mead Brown 357, Richard Coakwell 2Wo,, Walter Rodd 2W, Howard Truli 204. II clas- max. 4_c»-Georgie Gold 28o, Ann;e Car- ruthers 20,5, Dell Browa 20.3. Dewari Car- ruthers i89, Edmand Bradley 156, Lizzie F-athergili 142, Harry Blakre 41, Mabel Mackey 132, May Rddd 132' Arehie Couic. well 11'3, Willie Webb 6. Pt. II clas- max. ioo-Wilbur Webb 6o, Harry Coak- well 5o. Jr. pt. 1Il-max. ioo-Russel Car- ruthers 8e, Denuis O'Connor 6o, Edua Shipman 5o, Mous Taylor 42. Pt. I- max. îoo-F.Isie Kemp go, George Fother- guI 85. Tablet class.-max. ioo-Earl Bradley 7o, Art Wilson 6o, Walter Trait 55, John O'Connor 50. A w~Iiner class whilu be orgaaized at the comme ncement ofunext tern.. A speclal course of sîudy bas been prepared for Ibis clase conasiîg of aritb- metic uiîd practicai mensuration, reading, writiug, drawing, home geography sud, civica, ILe. the appointment, dutles, etc. of townshlp, couuîy, Provincial and Domin- ion officiais; book-keeping comprislug busines oureepondenee, business forme, dybook anct led course r btéqét4l .poelojn 18e1- -- - -i &ý t b a m t a c er to joln the greal maJorlty of past gêner- ations. School closeti on Thursday," yesterday afternoun. A pupllc uchool examijiation wus beld. The. pupita 'acqultted them-o selves remarkably well, Mr. -Pçgg. bau held the reigna Of gverdment ln Our academy of education for one and a haif years, and bas don. hlm best for the ad- vaucemeut of the school. [ t lsith feeling of deep regret we chronicle hbis departure times belng 'so hard our trustee board could net see their way clear to give the hlgh galary Mr. Peggl a ambition called for, hence a change of teachers. Rumor esys there viii h. s weddlng ceen lu our town. Wehope Il le -ce. Mr. Frederick Brigoali bas engsged wîti Mr. Squires of Audley for the year z85 A large number froiniIbese partu attend- ed the sale of tumber held by R. Crummer last week. 'Mr. Hugh Wilson snd family bave mev- ed into the bouse lately vacated by W. T- Robinson. Mr. J. W,3J McRae spent Suday at Mt. ZVon. Wbat la the muguet which deaws John uorîh. Mr. W. J. Jones la puîting a uew fence on tbe seutb aide of bis faim. Stick te it Will as a great deal more is needed. A large namber of our citizens are anti- cipating the bot roasîte be given aI the Metiodist cburch aI Claremont on tbe new yesr. We would advise. people te b. carefal in leckiug their doors as petty Ihïevlug lu g etting close, aitbough ve bave been free fromi such s danger ce far. It anybody aloug the elgbtb cou. west had any chiciceus stolen sud viii giv. a suitable reward for information as te the guiltY Party tbey may cal! apon us, as we heard a rooster squaking lu a buggy geing east ou the eigbli sborlly after dark Sun- day evening. GEEEIIWOOD. John Dwycr, Esq., bas been dowu te Whitby for a few daye ou lie jury. Sandy bas been trylng bis baud at breakiug in colts these lust few days. Recent viilors, Mra. S. Grec», Toron- te, Ibe Misses Blue, Charlottetown, PE. Our scbooltleacher, Mr. Gco. Ward, bas bad a slighî t t.ck 'of grip, sud hr-a sequence'.wc baWnue, chool on Fnlday lut Mr, West, Columbüs, took'tbe services la the Metiodist ëdr*h on Sud l Thi eaulmery hore.là, .vldenhly glvlnj-ý %aliaaction, Two more wagons drawingt mlk tbis veek antIo more tostrt 14e. cetiat if itkopson'atthl ratethdire, Octets wiil soon bav'e t1 gel moreé help îë-' malte heIn butter. A detacimeut ;oftheb Whihy brandi of the Salvation Army under comnsaud cf Capt. Punel sud Lieut. Stephens, sudas- 9istcd by District Comimander McCaM.- mond of Bowtmanvillc, held services, lu the*town hall bcre on Tuesday evenlng., z8th laut. The bil vwas. veli filed sud a good meeting was lie resaIt. The Salva- tiote left un Weduesday morning -for lie City of Broughamî «'e Odvociate Peace, Progre..,,Knowledge, .Brotherýhoôd. Yn DEEMBER 219,18946 ~ à-116,4afg I short ine. Me. Cowau IeM»n fortbe k1dm!! feeling dlsplay.- be oould pot offer sny, furtbher eue=.r At. 'preseut. 1 The. men have been, busy week destin away the debris and tbosup, The Aron ihai aws hmi la uhi e'severul foudries se outlook for thé men le raîher S 4Chrisunas te to f (in mwifl in~. olzpedwlîh fIc Usuel joyous fesivi 1 Z. VIOgMYy, barber. Simeos strest. BD .L OIC-Oftic.eRing Strest East MORS EA"y# smmcc. ufret, north. ÂQTILUU..Dooutbn plandùïd organe, 190ern hostehry, neal aud bi; lonerva"I fauey 'goodi. J5'. I.3oger, ,foe, Jaotlman...Witb-Ohawasotage lins. Leaves Osab&a &C8 a m and 2 p mu, and Wbltby ai 10 a m and 4 p m. XUE M. J. L. Bnr>uoq»u, dealer lu mil.ý s aut ules. XYreurnah1ng, tch OÏSAWA Diiyo STounL JKawell dispn- b CEBOame, mauntctrerolf :Qucar- rae,carts, wagons, ahd a&U hindi ef cut- tees aud slelghs. Repstriag a speclaltj JOUX BUS w E4 palnteî, sueoorator.-Doal- vu= àuwUpaes ouiling doetcq oant, vrus es, brushes, winec* #bsdei, etc. Umes Pxià,ew, dealer in stoves, furuaces, 'lihiware, eté. Large stock kept con4tâàtIy oncî band. Jobbig a specialty. -d1mooe "*,Mt north. Det PATTiuson, Dantlst, Xlng St. West, Osh- #W&A. U operations peytormeâtu the. boat - Ityle. .osis"na for paîmeas extraction. No .iasfra charge. 8,.8UEXMIçON-Beteam Boxery. Elel p~cs.Our bread te mold l Oshawa Rala. ooMyr iooklti4Clpunb@ Y*, LamuERT t* IJo-The- lesdlng t&goring su atefuenlshng bouse at 'Oshiwa 4p aueorIment c1 tweeds, v*orsbedoe t.maerlnpetsr, Scollet sc, smway$skep VU mIý-Wotobmakera and léulrs p a6= 1 llvr. ~-obistî5s ey~ou u Z G&KE IDAIOC.w Tbe. annual achool meeting will bhafield àmie. Pranklii ivliow> '-ofth*bplaîce le oeil Weduesday 26thli Ist. VerY fll'with lafitammàticin of the lungs. Mr. E. Coudon. of Columbus, Ohio, bas oaeldtuy btto h r Jus: lslld hl saut Mes F. lair i tii diphtherla bere are improvlug lit. aud Mrs. <tee. Shortt, of MooroI4, rapldly. -% -1. 1 vlslted ai Mr. 1. A. Underbills' Ibis vIeILW. are sorry 10 say that a cquple of Mru. C. L. Starr, of CoruellsvilleNV, citizens of our village have abueed eur in visilng lier parents, at Maple Sbaàdé. worthy postmaster because lie wouIdnot ,Brookliu Roy al- Temptars have deolded to chedt the gbverunuént for Ihemn. visit the counicila: Ashburn early lu Jauuary. -Amoug the mauy societies of this vlllage ' Mr. Tnos. MeMarebail, jr.,' bas gene to the Young, en's social club stands'bhl h Wuierford to tish a position in anu uules dug lu the simto of the niembers if net lu ,store and -lesen bbc business. We wisbhlm the mInds of those who are excluded from,. sU00e58. Iis sristocratic seciety. Mrs. John Morrîson, jr., died yesterday MOruang, Thursday, of diphtberila, suter a brief lllness. Mucb sympatby 18 feit for the bereaved busband and -mother. The Methoclis choir provîded the -music ai the* Prebbyteritn meeting at Ashburu on Mon- day evënmng 'rhey are te s8ng n the Metho- dist church. Olaremont, on New Vea.r's day. While Mrs. Luke Robitison was returo- igu home from the village. yesterday, Tbursday, the horse she was driving upset the buggy, and she was thrown -out, re-* celving severe injuries. The last meeting Of the z894 council was held las: Saturday, when the business of the year was completed. I n the evening Reeve. Calder treated bis colleagues .10 an oyster supper ar Seberi's hotel. At the communion serice beld in Presby- terian church here aud ai Columbus ou Sab- bath last, eleven person were receired intW full membershlp. Sevgn 0f ihese were young mnen Who jolned the Brookiu congregation. There is every lihàiod thai al the memn- ýbers of ibis year's council wIll again b. candi. dates for their old positions. Jk is the geu- eral opinion bere tbat If they do there wil be iule, if àney. change in the personnel of nexi year's townshp parliament. It is couceded on ail bauds thauffolliday Brou. have à display of Cbrlstmas goodb that is fat ahead of anytWhiu1,ever before attemptedl lu ibis place. Almon -aîI 11hiu al cou Id be wantd: lun theshape -of w Chriîmsgif: eau be procured' frein the.n-. ;Scé heir. advt.inu tii columu. The sh eb otauibment -obe.giveu i the achool houe iis (Fuiday)- fteïr'ooa promises to be lateresting, AMeh c paRMSAn boSw bolbe y , tbeiepreseS cebe wllt enousage the. biaysa ardgirls wohaite pieparéda goo4 proreme,,u'd at the:Sami tunie speud a very enjoyh afuermoon.ý -Mr. ý R. I b g ot bis saisnîLl la rua- ýinrrilyf. .& d qa 'bêIias iFmiçt up- M~fr. ohù .7 ÏéWé!eplgce whcrebc-,ha amre i1 cll unieal wobehéà r in odt Ief $dyeir beti ut liet eSinav -éc, d n e3uon ,chirleMdltaire Eev. J aSv'- ie and Rev, W. Il WhdU,.arelte giVe ad- Great interest vas- jalîen-1w teticourt of-re- visin Ielti ber. oun-Wedueeay, There vasa lairgeattendanýé,of- tôtei-ested -parties, 0 day. Jdge Burubanmi esdeîüi swusuaw itana-ý That lhe Çzuiomiz le the best paper lu Ontario Ceunuy nu-'one around 'herm 4oubts, but that it would b. greatly lut- proved .by the. addition'of sotlier sbeet or 1paper iu wbich lu let, ont young pécplq show their literary menite w. are sure of- We do flot wonder thaI the çlllzenofe Whitby wishcd to bave a nigbt watch wbeti Ibis village, small as it le, bas a self4unatl-, tuted eue, wbo bas become un, expert -that-. h. cao tll a lady's boot-marks we sees Ihenon. the newly <allen susow., eut measuinýg lbe boot eihber. .-T 0 ple are ce îhaukful te hlm tbat liher- spiakiug of raising a subscr*4ip'tnor ilisi as h. makes very litIle iii the ' izyi e..UI is tee bad te have hier b4kog ç are _of' the village for nething at nig]4t.ý' à aNo 6, WmI1 Bëat la mmndthe. concert givea at-lie., scboolon 1îfîiday eveuîng.- 1-Mr. iColby bas moved into, Mrs. Spcn. jcçr's bouse, on thé corner, wbichbhas heen vacant fer seme time. Messrs. G. GI, AIf£ Holliday, Tinte. aud Jo. White, journeyed le Uxl5ridge ou Saturday, te assist the Chalk Lake foot- bail teani lu defeating Uxbridge 4 teo. Mfr. Fred-McAvoy, wio lu uow in a large dly goode- establishuient of Wbeallaud, N. Dakoti. wniteu liath. e v el atisfied, Lwhh liat coilutty, auùd that hard limes are lnot so. prevalcul as in other 'parts of the W. > n;Fred Il.û many. friends, -bebiud blni, wbos wlehîhm every success lu bis new c4h*ie»g mise EfiâzSder fSlai'iîig- aI- Mi. Wih. W al'. 5h. ilou ber waY, borùe-freon LindenVàlley'where sic, bas ii4nspndngte ummer. Upenbed- partte. he wasgve arewellparty by the ypuugpeople of-hIbatplace. Etiza s soon lots of friendâ whercver seegoo. Il lajust, six years _a go sipce she paid ber' nisny 1idejdoansd relâtions a visit inthle nelghborheod M erfyXuumetq yo il. RoMcAuley .preaçhédp fine sermoni hýec.ou Friday eveulliglùet, ris visited the-,Sunday seheél here on Suin. Clay. 4éira. Chapôlman d Guthrie paid lihe Baseý-We Cheol, NO. 2Ë a visit onMonda>r Mes. tiggbas left thlip mçflof uMr. su mr. . reshe .s S-i -Wth tbis Ffld*y.. Tii.pupils arc prcparnfb a big.'ay. w Mr.' te, -Kiàws--asuirinoeirn<eh W-, W WM' 1 1 T 'L Il ý Noth;-

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