AkI~"'cCURE FOR- DYSENTERYO VORITIN09,3ETC * * ?REPARED BY M do Et WILLI8, Chemi8t cà Dru ggist, ,Medical Hall, ]Brook Street, Whftby. FRIDAY, SEPT. 7 1894. political pointc.4 There is to be an election to the Com- mous from Cardwell. Mr. Bob White, M. P., will soon be appointed coliector of cus- toms at the port of Montreai, and the vacancy wlll have to be filled. Sir John Thompson touched off the Tor- onto Industrial air on Tuesday. At the laticheon whlch folloiwed the directors of the fair and members of parliament for the city mrade a demi set upon the Premier for an annual grant of $5o,ooo to the fair. This would mean *300iooo or $4oo,ooo by the Urne ail the Provinces were served alike. We are very much pleased to see a citizen of this counity hbonored with au Im- portant commission abroad, ln the person of Mr. Jno. S. Larke, of Oshawa, who is to act as Cauada's trade agent in Austra- lia. Mr. Larke's ability will find ample scope in working up business relations be- tween these two great colonies, and be- yond doubt he wiil succeed.. ais experience at the Colurubian .exhibition should amply fit him to represent our country sbroad in trade matters. AU Frais. ,nuni Oroniyatek ti liI Nameand Woà albtm a M s 0I' Thetne, Andi~ will everpry For over foryO&y Wbltby fait h., been an annÙaI evetofg eat tinpoZtaEiCO to this section Of *cn trY'. WI*h tisse It bas not only grown n ie#nad rtà üS but Also lnlusefuines.Th Cletr hpve always bad one -end lin vIsw, -té ln- crease -the show,& aôvanta ges, 'and to modernise It to meet tii. rqufrenito the age. Its grounds' are 06W -0-3 coin. plete ascas b. found la the. countte -andý admirably sulted to the purposes of ln ezr hîbition of the klnd. The Wbitby show bas probably4paid In prizes $75,ooo, and not one cent'of prise mnywsever awarded bWt Was afler- adspa"Id. The prize listo- bave always been most liberal, and every reward bas been bosored. The directors have maer sought to gain any personal beneit fron the show, but have worked contlnuously to make the fair a growlng benefit te the public. The earnest work donc during these forty yearu and the honorable treatmeat accorcled the public, bave always foutid- ready appreclation, both in the matter of- exhilt and attendance, and when, a fewî years ago, it was fousd necessary to en- large asd extend the show, the leading men of the county camne forward and very qickly subscrbed captal for the exten- Sion. This year no doubt the show vill b. ptronized btter then ever b y botb ex- hibitors and sigbt geers, and we trust niay prove a greater success than ever. So far as we have any knowledge, or can leare from other sources, the state- ments made by parties in the Oshawa Re- former, as to the management and stand- of the show, are faise. We cainot envy the conscience ofa a n who .» nid con- coct such malicious storles. Wbitby is proud of its exhibition, which is ose of the landmarks of this section of country. We trust it may be a huge success. I a very ine range, conimay froni Bas"tiAnd t4 rines Ed- ward couiile t thok -twê 1Urge!band wagons Io couvey thlm4to vlew thé: 4iffer- eeut hedges arotu4-,Whithy, à ud-B&okllu. The party of 2o tO<lt te.a E the Armatrong Housée tive olcIqck, sud droveou o Brokila mnd retuùîsdIntite .venlng la, Urn e te go .aitt-,on .thie oop' clock train., Tiieeweie reprsmtativ mu <rom their severat locltl% .tnd -eiuJyèd their vl8it ,Inmenseli, a eta edtîemuvés vmr m=ch Pleased wti tii the < IR mgdes tbey bad aedi, c-et.. OnsaudayaiottÈr ï~MV1 ame, from enadeavertonad dlaéd(&thie "aMe'P pups, many . ofwhoin wart old taces I l hitb. Tbey wr. e r. c- Rat, ex-meeoo oab;é.laiiton, Beaverton ; W. S. Gaà o4 t6ý»pin; Donald Grant, BeavertoniJa. C ciiu Sunderland *'Wm. C. Nelson clerk o Scott and John Galloway,-Ueibr14oejgent of the company, wbo -acconw.aul' h party. They were met by sWve"alold frlends wbo accompanied -thein on their trip. Both of the parties4we1e1pôiogah ed by Mr. O'Brlen ofts towuL g1 SIJVIER HITSIN DESLRAI3LE PTtR . Also a complete as Babrlgga ortment oLaisand Men's 'I 4,. Undervests, And a fine range of lO0. 3teThey'ar ge faction. %o one of the oiC er. If YOiU for it by yot Or by telepho roc. andt a 3C.,Stal brgIo you an, weeBru IFor First-c1ae,