Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1894, p. 3

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-~ a me coattnuent. "~*WI nau ~ 9 S ~IK5U~f niaghorh a ofLttehe10u~ Walrkiu charged with having attem#lted sa *id Pale. s d a u cm u s u t o g a y o s c , N o nh xtatio h eul P i a f . b ld a Amerchant said the other day that6me < ourecord. New rabort fr the cities "back wardness in 'going for- being~ enrolfd haI.1am nard wstrehabi Brecitizens have of Avous Toronto without aven askin2g a piv rom Mr dand rs.GoWltr u- Lindlsay firms, In almnost every case ay in Vork.zit l vsiing ai say, the buyers could do fuzlly as well by Miss L.inton, o lrmni ii I L Patronizing the local dealers. Pucerm'. agat ae MrWalks, Junior master, comeas from Th ruoso wedding inormdtae caoliithe Hs npdçi Aubjare reading, spreading rapidiy•. successful work ln Public Schools ha oks "n G. Dm Danetriiiiighs < h T r n t U l a r l t o u s " a d g r a d u e a e l l a h o n h b o r h o d h a e t hb r e s h of phdaogy assistanad ading p We have larned that Mr. Bye, of the third, t9 lh achmmr.Heoll asstna.~ bgh pace bas rented the McQtray homaead If s.w 1' <l umr Haauruih devoe specia a t welcoe hlm to our mldatur a e public school and higher work of the ln- so unattractiva a place as Audley. On the stîtute. We may add< that the ab>ove farmn of Mrs. Thomnas McQuay thiera stands a appinmen i te rsut o aca elyareae apparently dead. On remuaring < erpplous et on<ha pato<hebadtis to rakMcQuay, he at once said that i ooai th be< evanabe tma gwa.a as flot dead b t pysleig While dti hau •n Suday might tast. this linnmd-summer each year, and comnes in -Wtoe dving aone on his way to Caven bloom agamn the next spning. Thora is ne (whnoy ma Sunday with his wi fe and tamily visible cause for this action, so that it seemns to (Wesnd ing the sum mer with rela- be thie nature of this emblema of tha Canadian i vaemeehe jogng along lu the viint of woodss T or stads re tcn its naked s1 apparentiy gypsies, who in no gentle man- yea, enmo ao t ner ased hi out of his buggy and de- What might have been a fatality bapa t changed br soatishaving only some loose on thie farma of Edward Bryan las< wepe. i ad no Wallet secreted nuywhere on bi wchwere nerthe faa of Messs S.s Wes- 5 pbaccn ,ant eliving hm of his supply of ey ad Nelson Chapma. At noon ha left tW nl Vows <ba nfuure ehatl doaIl f rbe tao rn, andt <ha od ma l b d efo O ivlig In that direction in daylight. to extinguish it caughit fine. But tha little fea.- nupaturday last Miss Mabal Parkin, of low saw his danger and stripped bima of his this to vn, was insti umental in saving a garments, ha having sustained a slight burn on N human ife at Sturgeon Pint. Ms. ' s hapehand. Te fira got into <ha fenc cf N. Cooper, Toront<o, were ln bathing near patent structure. It blazed so high that thea Mrs. W ey's store when Miss Parkin neighibors were attracted to <ha scene and by cama dowp to <ha bank and seated hierseif bard work <ha fiames were put out. Had it Ti <oejy i half-hour's reading. Hearin g so hos row eru hae aenrdbuced- t0 tat Mais fo p sh loke dbee tand saw to ashes. Starting fires is a pxcrou bus W syu b elt ad of a bord, ad got ea r Byu wthersated atrul pinuu sh. us point of sinkl • She at once shouted trabu evperyonce knos not hast ther.powrofS Mrs. Parkin tii o to ber assistance bu re, butexprinceishebestechr.-ew thautlady coulc ot swim she ws cer-t s less to render ne ucessary aid. Realiz- Robberr at mse Lade ig eh state of qairs, with commendable •- step a nat nged ito <he watte b ibdl atraei ful cohdae br band succnd O Saturd oun Major Jonl Misg f alt hap crlously euough compu wt essrs W H. Raid MP P" <btMs rakin hatuended to raturn to Moses Cowaa G. W. Joa su '. an5p town Saturday morging by <ha early boat, bora, hae a p.Ine and W.g Free-dsp but had mnised it the fst <ime for yaars, Rilce Lakeas can Thngsat Muga Hsuand, A and the ladies at thd point view <ha went <o Be'daya ite v Mr.g abughfies circumnstance as provdaenta.-Post, mile troma theisauou businesssd left STO1JUtol.. rtura at aine o'clc in the ev n la G. his ~~boat. When abotthafe ti J. G.Martia is eret.î an addition to heard persons haling himaI' On Sunday lat as Rev. Mfr. Reesor was leaving two IteL about. 1No boe* ;, turning into Mr. ClIfras lana, south of AI. had this >ean ~ than the major a, 7 tona, <ha horse attached 'to a-rig which without uiodenat' W5tll, strack o as was closel y following behind, jutnped in- Qe h Wt^na sud renaere sag-.a to the hind wheel of his buggy, and was lqss. Whab ha regained dousss ,r thrown down, breaking tha shafts. Mr. found that he was' bound baud and foot ~ Reesor's horsa ran into Mr. Nijrswan- snd tha mnu had ròbbed hlm of Se anc mon der's lane, draggi.ng hlm somne daa ce. his gold' watch. They brought him to an No one was hurt, shoreadplacedhim ina little log cabinag On Fidaylastas ober Dunan suad left him thera. Ha çould not gat as- C drivig naorth ou <ha t eon. of 'ît- e ng aran caa ahe asked <ha maj ar hrcheo bctis wa r htne aarets> if ha desired to ha taken out and major At enis ec h ae fte Amt arg g ldl saered yes. The man than the an Mt sied the Asi fthro ;ae, eoad tha cords around his feet sud tin he ane dre ohe Ianofima upd took him la a buggy somne miles, sud then whic Ilion v~thew h stucka stpo let him out by the roadside. The major, Tn < libug tuk an hst b with bis handsuniîl bound, found hais wa- 1er h heid , i r òne olla bis hea t o a farmer'a residence early in <ha mornmu- barun ig e obohe ng and was taken to Keene, where heag T 1y recovered frou this adftal swan M- fl ulaBoe ~~y < b~as no ida who bis 9str w~ Has ftjsumcth seheaje is on foot to Huhes is a broehr of Mao San Xa a befl u r la£0a1ns agr..L Huhs Tonto, and N Us4UlsV<an Unas .ByeriN .4~t åDtis a uw às4 ··ros ths ataso Marion e ada N h ow tis comes,.what Th whc aen4i o Dr. BGolden Madtama. 871 a a.... Ibi, o ltpr coert ls -a isam.. .. s sI~ Wherever We ind a gieab d.l of dina pool maT We may7take it gated there! Would b. as muoh generoaity if hé Were a rich than. -, One l isnuch lest sensible of cold n a bright day than o4 a cloudy ono ;hu th. aunáhmea of cheerfulneas sad hope chanuged to-the blessedaea o! drudgary if th o d a il d nt b. r g r e a toorf hf. nasiumnfo building up The days are ever diviné, They aome sud go Jike muafRed and veded igures sent froma distant friendly arty but the ay ohigadifw eo A backing cough keeps tho bronchia! tubes n a state of onstant Irritation, which, is net peedily remuoved, may lead to ohronio bron, hitis. No prompter remedy eau bu found han Ayer's Oherry Pectoral. Its effect isa mmediate and the result permanent. The Patriatehs M ilitant cf Ontario held heia niual fbId day demonstratlon at BURDOOK PILLS, smnall, safo, and sure gulate the liver sud cures Constipatlon. Trha Trades Unions Congs opened at oik, Eug., Monday wit 40 delegates ee T. eMdr Bat. hrives on good f ood snd sunshîne . t enty of exercise la <ho open i. e rnglow with healh sud ber face bloems eansing action of a laxatve eey sho rup of igi.,' The Port of Hong Kong lias been officially clared f rea fromn the plague. What doue take medicine fori Becauseo n r e m ee m b e r , H a n 4 ' S a s a a l a C o u r e s Gentlemn.-I bave used our Yellov 0 d hav found it -unequale frhuis swho~ itd recendn atoup aniods sarel Que. W hat did <ha e o*sr ay w i b a a n M t M . * l n m. . u u r a . s - esumi a ne iromn Y dess-Jaeel- ie &oclloway's Corn Cure a trial. T - ed ? ' freom eue pair of feet wl<bout pain. atsit has doue once it 'ail do reditor- Oan't you meo y u bi? d-up-You bat!i I rneet'emrn vrywbere ccording to the best soieutidec autorti. problem of dise-kiljing, lias in thé solu. of providiag sa germa 'destroying reme4y h willdotis wtotham to bealth tions of the body, Radamn's Microbe Ki- as atJW3<angty proi013 that- 1< <ason hat for prnelpal. Try it, WR loge t<. ullins-Time waito for no maa, Gui- -SemaUre 1 dosa. I I14a watoh ing forme at my pa*nbroker's, orway Pin yp c resBonchtj rway Pme Syrup beaus <ho ings ··· 8oo Tesehr-What a charityî e bot P11s-'Mr. Wf,n 4-d ttitftlt géma t I1:no 0 p questlih No an has a iigh to se hispro~ þetty lu š#ch ma5nner us -ahall injur. the life or property 0f another, and the cousent of t hog iured le no mibi- gation of the o enoe , The question ot ievenu9 lrnlt never aiat ho way~ of needed 'røformas. ehre tobsah vvu, Ifa 0ase of revene~ g 'ould accrue to bo a gaimer of a 'theosandfold tin th health, wealth anê:happiness 'o he people, - --0 e o s o iotho { iW of poibion a moroar me th y are separating into' two 0m~ , tho industrious and thrity favrn prohibition, the idle and' e cb~,f lass opiofiun it. This a n btohê the most6 helpfui report that can be muade upon tho present situation, As a gresta statemen in England has said, "The flowing tide's with us." Oonpam g church revenues in Scot, tihat cot ~ thm otshm Reore ~d s tg d 4 a e t i . t r t e a d i n frleader with thie oogo #iax to concentrate .their eff dtor th ea novai of tho debasing, depletingtra4$ whiêh would brin about an inase i the reveigues of tii. church and hapier Dr. Grant's "Hairene prevents bald- A case cf cholera bas baen reported at Ostentd Belgiumn.., DE. LOW'S PLEASANT WORM BYI rmovs werips of ail kinds fromn i 165 On fWOmenthogntt Wrdcnvôuch for, hs as it pate g0tr CO!nfort. -A' What tcsubstance. It laa g~ I orPariegoric, DroPs Soothing8p,'n Iti ia Pleasant. Its guarantee a -shdrny M Mihus ofitothers. 0asto21adesfroyaWB f4yelsuw- Vastorla prevents v*nn ew.es TMar kandm Wind Cou O. -tethis<tr#oubeq, cur.es ospttaj M Oggidlate te food tora stor Ia. otheshs pa <"sitn<.za is sowe oodeftosupcthelr h reI. G.i irasthebsmmdryforchildren of mac"**" ha boennhedayereot itemstta of uVlldtheidsatriai- 'e a n p n t I J a s Pa to n , a '_ _ e io r n lltr~~.- o u n d ec , a J THAT~- HAOK G 0OUGi oan be I quickely <ured by Hayad' Pectoral B j S esPr.ce .25c., r. David Gibbons died at Welland ou Priday froma <ho affe-ta of a hIll mustained at Grrmsby Park <Wo weeps before, _ _ -f. ,-W ' e Young, old or middle a ed, Who dnd <ben sultimr lin manv oif skiaam.a 'P. ~ l adant dto .&na t [S~ PAr

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