The brewery was started by David Kuntz in the 1830s. In the early 1870s, his son Louis took over, renaming it L. Kuntz’s Park Brewery. After 1929 it was sold and became Carling-Kuntz Brewery until ap
The brewery was started by David Kuntz in the 1830s. In the …
The brewery was started by David Kuntz in the 1830s. In the early 1870s, his son Louis took over, renaming it L. Kuntz’s Park Brewery. After 1929 it was sold and became Carling-Kuntz Brewery until ap
The brewery was started by David Kuntz in the 1830s. In the …
The brewery was started by David Kuntz in the 1830s. By the early 1840s, Kuntz had enough money to purchase a brewery hotel from Christopher Huether. The building still stands at the corner of King a
The brewery was started by David Kuntz in the 1830s. By the …
The brewery was started by David Kuntz in the 1830s. In the early 1870s, his son Louis took over, renaming it L. Kuntz’s Park Brewery. After 1929 it was sold and became Carling-Kuntz Brewery until ap
The brewery was started by David Kuntz in the 1830s. In the …
Saengerfest is a German cultural celebration featuring music, bands and singing. See detail photographs for participants, schedule and advertisers. 42 images plus cover.
Saengerfest is a German cultural celebration featuring music, bands and singing. See …
Group portrait of the winners of the Ruhlman five-pin bowling competition in 1910. Front row, left to right; David Kuntz, Albert Hergott. Back row, left to right; Edward F. Seagram, M. Aikins, Willia
Group portrait of the winners of the Ruhlman five-pin bowling competition in …
Group of men gathered for a picnic. All are Waterloo merchants or businessmen. Front row, left to right; (?), Aloysius Bauer. Middle row, left to right; (?), Jacob Kaufman, (?), (?), Levi Groebel, (?
Group of men gathered for a picnic. All are Waterloo merchants or …
Waterloo Public Library is very grateful to the Good Foundation Inc. and the Waterloo Regional Heritage Foundation for their generous funding of the Waterloo Chronicle digitization project.
Thanks to the Archives of Ontario for supporting this project.