Waterloo Chronicle | Thursday, August 24, 2023 | 4 waterloochronicle.ca Region of Waterloo Public Notice Notice of Revision of Environmental Study Report University Avenue (Regional Road 57) Improvements Albert Street to Weber Street City of Waterloo Municipal Class Environmental Assessment The Regional Municipality of Waterloo has undertaken a planning study to consider improvements to University Avenue from Albert Street to Weber Street in the City of Waterloo. This project was planned in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act following the approved process for Schedule ‘C’ projects under the “Municipal Class Environmental Assessment” (October 2000, as amended to 2023). The Environmental Study Report (ESR) was completed and made available to both public and environmental agencies review in May 2023. Based on comments received from review agencies, specifically GRCA, MECP, and MCM, the ESR was revised in August 2023. The Region of Waterloo is seeking comments on the revised ESR. At this stage only comments to the revised content will be reviewed. A response letter to each of the agencies that contains both the comments and the response are attached to this notice identifying the changes made to the ESR. The revised ESR is available for Public, Government agency and Indigenous Community review in with thi the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment. Subject to comments received following this Notice, the Region of Waterloo intends to proceed with the construction of this project in 2024/2025. An electronic version of the revised ESR | is available for review on-line at httpsy ca/U! A printed copy of the revised ESR is available for review during regular business hours at the following locations: The Regional Municipality of The Corporation of the City of erloo Waterloo Waterlo Clerk’s Office Waterloo City Hall 150 Frederick Street, 2" Floor 100 Regina Street South Kitchener, Ontario Waterloo, Ontario Interested persons should provide written comments to the Region’s Clerk’s Department within 30 calendar days from the date of this Notice (August 9, 2023). In addition, a request to the Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order imposing additional conditions or requiring an individual environmental assessment may be made on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Requests should include your full name and contact information. Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested (additional conditions or an individual environmental assessment), explain how an order may prevent, mitigate or remedy potential adverse impacts, and can include any supporting information. The request should be sent in hardcopy or by email to: Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks 777 Bay Street, 5 Floor, Toronto ON M7A 2J3 minister.mecp@ontario.ca and Director, Environmental Assessment Branch Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks 135 St. Clair Ave. W, 1% Floor, Toronto ON, M4V 1P5 EABDirector@ontario.ca Requests should also be sent to the Region of Waterloo by mail or by e-mail. Please visit the ministry’s website for more information on requests for orders under Becton 16 of the Environmental Assessment Act at: it rt-ii-ord Ps pag pi Andrew Doman, P.Eng. Kelly Cobbe, P.Eng. Project Manager / Senior Engineer Consultant Project Manager Region of Waterloo Arcadis IBI Group 150 Frederick Street 410 Albert Street, Suite 101 Kitchener, ON N2G 4u3 Waterloo ON N2L 3V3 Phone: 519-575-4400 x3183 Phone: 519-585-2255 x63201 Email: AD: i ca Email: com This Notice issued August 9, 2023. All personal information included in your request - such as name, address, telephone number and property location - is collected, under the authority of section 30 of the Environmental Assessment Act and is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public. As this information is collected for the purpose of a public record, the protection of personal information provided in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) does not apply (s.37). Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential. This notice is being provided pursuant to the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act, the Municipal Engineers Association’s Municipal Class Environment Assessment (2023), and the direction of the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks.