BB NEWS Weekly Specials NTA i ko Seoa-4 0 pur 0-26) Fresh Large Chicken Wings $5.99 Ib Reg $6.99 Ib $13.21 kg Reg $15.41 kg Fresh Cut Bone-in Pork Chops $3.79 Ib Reg $4.99 Ib $8.36 kg Reg $11.00 kg Continued from page 7 Store Made Buffalo Chicken Kabobs $3.99 ea Reg $4.99 ea lopmental and | mental ~ health conditions. "As a re- sult, autism can sometimes be overlooked if another di- agnosis occurs first.” Scheerer said, like Des- champs, many women go undiagnosed for years. This often happens because fe- males on the spectrum more often internalize their Store Made Beef & Pork Burgers (12 x 4 0z) $19.99 ea Reg $22.99 ea Waterloo Chronicle | Thursday, May 18, 2023 | 8 Fresh Cut New York Striploin Steaks $16.99 Ib Reg $17.99 Ib $37.46 kg Reg $39.66 kg Store Made Maple Smoked Sliced Side While males on the other hand often tend to external- ize, they "thro or have behavioural melt- downs." And so, “females with tems on spec 3031 Lobsin; ger develop anxiety, Mon - Thur 9 am - 6 pm; sion or lowself-esteems asa result of their struggles," she shared. They also tend to camou- flage or mask their autism more. Camouflaging, explains, is adapting bee viours in social settings in an attempt to hide less so- cially acceptal yeha- viours. "Since the autistic person is camo their autism, some signs may be missed." YOU CAN GET DIAGNOSED AT ANY POINT IN YOUR LIFE People who may struggling, feel like ine may beon thespectrumand those who are dealing with mental health challenges like depression or anxiety shouldn't hesitate to reach out to health professionals, Deschamps said. the reasons I share my story, is for other people to know that youcan get diagnosed at any point in your life,” she added. And for families with d 1 STORY SHARED TO HELP PEOPLE KNOW THAT ‘YOU CAN GET DIAGNOSED AT ANY POINT IN YOUR LIFE’ diversity, according to Des- champs, is to sure there is unconditional love at home. “Havinga different brain make up can be tiring (be- cause of) the efforts around communication and trying tofitin. The home should be a place to relax and be themselves." Home should be a place where people know they'll always be accepted for themselves, she said. Families or individuals hho need support can reach out to Autism Onta- rio. STORY BEHIND THE STORY: After meeting Wanda Deschamps online and learning her story about getting diagnosed in her 40s, Loraine Centeno wanted to find out more 49 rr nae one way to embrace neuro- adults. oa \{) Manulife JUNE 9 BOOK NOW. TRAVEL. PAY, LATER! . PLUS, PAY a7 Xer Nate) i Y INTEREST At Book and Go Travel, our Zero Interest” Program gives you a better way to finance your travel! Phone 1-888-801-2463, visit or scan the QR code below to see how. SCAN FOR MORE INFORMATION os “OAC. Subject to terms of your Flexi cardholder agreement. Offer vali for residents of Canada (excluding Quebec). For full terms and conditions visit y p or scan the QR code. ( Z:L-P ‘Y 1-888-801-2463