HB FOOD AND DRINK “ASIAN-STYLE CHICKEN GINGER CURRY WITH SOBA NOODLES eTRY THIS RECIPE = z WITH OPENNESS AND CURIOSITY, WRITES 2 MARISA MARIELLA S MARISA MARIELLA Column Not everything I cook starts with a plan. Some- times, the dish just evolves. phere no at ole No pho- ‘io. So wi ides me on this Caen ed journey? my early years in the kitchen, I'd have to quiet my negative mind chatter about impending failure. But with experience and a conscious mindfulness to- ward new experiences, I've learned to trust my senses, iving me the confidence to just jump in. I remind my- self that tt 's only food and I an try again another day. encourage you to try is recipe with the same openness and curiosity, substituting ingredients as you please. Whether it's chicken, beef or shrimp, protein will add nutrition and subsistence. Even the order of the steps can nary. r try 45 and coconut milk in the pan and then add the rest of the > Ingredients. It will still ‘k out. Just consider which vegetables need least amount of time and add those toward the end of the cooking time. And fi- nally, be sure to taste and adjust the aromatics to de- termine your preference for more curry paste, hon- ey, cilantro, lime juice or green onions. Then listen for your family's cheers as DIVERSIONS you bring this winning dish t 0 the table. video recij is available on Facebook and Instagram at @marisama- riella. ASIAN-STYLE CHICKEN GINGER CURRY WITH SOBA NOODLES Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 20 minutes Total time: 30 minutes Serves 6 INGREDIENTS 4 tbsp coconut oil, divid- ed 1large onion, chopped bunch green onions, sliced (save a little for gar- nish) 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, out into peste inch slice: 3 spat garlic, finely minced 2-inch piece of fresh gin- ger, grated or chopped fine- I Ly 3 cups broccoli, cut into Marisa Mariella photo Asian-style chicken ginger curry with Soba noodles is a feast for the senses. one-inch pieces 8 tbsp Thai red curry 1 13-ounce can coconut milk 8 cups sliced bole choy 2 carrots, s 3 tbsp fresh Tess oa oe 2 tbsp honey or to taste % cup fresh cilantro, finely chopped (save a little for garnish) 8 tbsp roasted pumpkin seeds or crushed peanuts (for garnish) 3005 Soba noodles, cooked per package in- structions INSTRUCTIONS 1. Preheat cast iron pan on high heat. Add 2 tbsp co- conut oil and quickly add onion. Stir until lightly golden and softened. Add green onion and cook for one minute. Remove from pan and set aside. 2. Season chicken we salt. Add rei i of coconut oil to Te ated pan. Ad icken strips and cook for about 5 min. utes, or until done, stirring intermittently. 3. Reduce heat to medi- um and add following in- gredients, stirring after each addition, covering with lid to cook for a few minutes before adding the nent ingredient: garlic and ginger * curry paste and coco- carrots 4, Liquid should reduce and thicken slightly with to combine. Taste and ad- just flavourings. mn prepared so- ba noodles, Spoon sauce tro and green onions. NOTE: If you prefer more sauce, aad a second can of coconut milk when cook- ing. If not using a cast iron pan, heat coconut oil in a non-stick pan and then continue with the recipe. Marisa Mariella is a Stoney Creek resident. For more recipes, visit mar- isamariella.com or sub- scribe to Marisa Mariella on YouTube. Crossword puzzle answers use American spelling CROSSWORD SUDOKU BEGINNE ACROSS 45.Wool material 21. Stage whisper 1. Piercing tools 50. Cast off 23, Pay increase 5.Sandalorclog 51. Granny 24. Center of worship 9. Cleopatra's snake 55. Own 25. Edition 12. Breakfast, e.g. 56. Sick 26. Timid 413. Chime 57. Edging 27. Song of praise 14, Cold-weather 58, Tied, asarace 28. Commandment ailment 59. Kind of shirt word 15.Cafe handout © 60.Give supportto 29. Crunchy 16. Share of expenses 61. Midterm, for one 31, Peak 32. Notable time = = 17. Walking on “ 18. Met ming DOWN 33. amee __ina 20.Ala___ 1. Bullets, to a GI 39, Field bed 22.Characteristics 2 Blubber 41. Ninth’ follower 26. Covers 3.Bowling path 49 Coarse sand 30. Bit of news 4. Garble 43. Enrage 34, Skunk feature 5. Luxury hotel 44, Doing nothing 35. That thing's 6. Egg producer 46. Hone 36. Dreadful 7. Cookie grain 47. Roof part § 37. Abominable 8.Makeachoice 48, Dusks. Fs Snowman 9. Along way off 49, Auto imperfection]56 § 38.Cooking container 10. Narrow cut 52. Exist 8 40. Audio system 11.___and simple 53. None © 42.Comphin 19, Devoured 54, Band equip REGO BOE Oe [Ol<|+ || 0/>| wi <| 3/0] [= |u| 2B <|)-|<|oc ll =|—|5)