w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, D ec em be r 9, 20 21 | 10 Seeking Nurse Rock Stars Join our dedicated team as a full-time, part-time or casual nurse. We hire visiting (community) nurses and clinic/shift/eHomeCare nurses. CarePartners helps people heal or age at home, where they want to be, while preserving their privacy, dignity and independence. Owned, built and operated by a nurse. Accredited home health care services since 1983. Our nursing staff enjoy ✔ Autonomy ✔ Flexibility ✔ Meaningfulness ✔ Mentorship ✔ Endless opportunities for growth and training. Learn more and apply: 1-866-288-4788 ext 1490 recruitment@carepartners.ca Firearms Safety Education Service of Ontario Chief Firearms Office Ontario For more firearms safety information, please visit the FSESO website: https://fseso.org/community-safety/ In 2019/2020 alone, 346 Canadians were hospitalized due to the unintentional discharge of a firearm* * Source: Canadian Institute for Health Information If you or a loved one owns a firearm, you have an important responsibility to ensure safe storage Keep your friends and family safe this holiday season by revisiting SAFE and SECURE storage over the holidays: 4 Review the "Storage, Display, Transportation and Handling of Firearms by Individuals" regulations 4 With lots of children running around over the holidays, double-check to make sure all firearms and ammunition are safely stored and out of reach 4 You may have everything stored safely by safe storage standards, but look around from a child's perspective: - make sure keys and combination codes are not accessible to visitors - keep ammunition stored safely out of reach of curious children