21 | W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,N ovem ber 25,2021 w aterloochronicle.ca Get ready for another edition of Canada's biggest entertainmentmagazine. TheNovember issue features KeanuReeves, Hollywood photographer Greg Gorman, the ultimate holiday gift guide andmuch, muchmore! IN SELECT COPIES OF YOUR PAPER NEXTWEEK OR ONLINE NOWAT STARCINEPLEX.CA For advertising or editorial inquiries contact us: StarCineplex@torstar.ca HERE'S MORE FROM INSIDE THE NOVEMBER ISSUE Stylishmovies Jeanne Beker recounts some of her favourite stylish cinematic anecdotes. Elton John&David Furnish Themen, themusic andmaybemost importantly, the brand of Elton John and his Canadian husbandDavid Furnish. Mybackyard&Marlon Brando Star Cineplex publisher Salah Bachir befriendedMarlon Brando. Read about Brando and a backyard BBQ. You canmake this up An interviewwith one of themost sought- after makeup designers inHollywood, DonaldMowat.