w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 25 ,2 02 1 | 10 École secondaire catholique Père-René-de-Galinée (7e à la 12e) 450, chemin Maple Grove Cambridge (Ontario) N3H 4R7 519-650-9444 A three-year-member of the Waterloo Regional Po- lice Service has been charged in relation to an in- vestigation into an off-duty incident. On Nov. 19, shortly after midnight, emergency re- sponse services responded to the area of Power Street and Adelaide Street in To- ronto for a report of a mo- tor vehicle collision. As a result of the investi- gation, Toronto Police offi- cers charged an off-duty Waterloo Region officer with operation while im- paired. The officer has been suspended with pay as per the requirements of the Police Services Act. LOCAL OFFICER CHARGED WITH IMPAIRED DRIVING A third of the men dis- placed when the House of Friendship was forced to close its emergency shel- ter will be housed at the agency's site in downtown Kitchener. House of Friendship announced earlier this month that, for the first time in its history, it would have to close its emergency men's shelter for a number of months. It has been running a shelter out of a hotel in Guelph for several months, but said that shelter would close at the end of November, displac- ing about 75 men. On Friday, Nov. 19, the agency and the Region of Waterloo announced that 25 men would be housed at House of Friendship's former shelter at 63 Charles St. E. in Kitche- ner. The arrangement will provide the men with 24/7 staffing and supports. The agency stressed that the site won't be a shelter and cannot accept drop- ins, but rather will offer be short-term, referral- based accommodation. HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP TO HOUSE 25 AT FORMER SHELTER NEWS