w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, O ct ob er 7, 20 21 | 18 We reserve the right to limit quantities. Some items may not be exactly as shown. Some items may be limited in quantity. MEN'S & LADIES LIGHTWEIGHT FALL JACKETS MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT DECAF COFFEE 3' x 4' SIERRA MAT 120pc DISINFECTING WIPES KRACK'S POTATO CHIPS ARM & HAMMER LIGHTWEIGHT CAT LITTER 24" POLY LEAF RAKE 666 Victoria St. N., Kitchener • Mon.-Sat. 9-6 • Sun. 10-5 www.kwsurplus.com $12999 $1499 INSTORE & ONLINE SHOPPING AVAILABLE $999 BATH BOMBS $299 75 ft 16/3 EXTENSION CORD $2499 50% lighter 6.8kg same uses as 13.6kg 4 flavours original, cheese, sour cream & onion, BBQ assorted styles & colours 10 varieties to choose from 226g/8oz lighted end -40°F cold weather jacket great for fall/winter 75% isopropyl alcohol stainless look - brand new Made in Canada GALANZ 3.3 CU FT BAR FRIDGE 160g 99¢ea $1199 OR 2 for $1999 $149 ea OR 6 for $799 $999 $299 a unique sh opping expe riencek-w surplu s $$11 66 $$77