w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, Ja nu ar y 9, 20 20 | 2 Season Greetings & Happy New Year! Please join me at my Annual New Year's Levee 11.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. Sunday, January 19, 2020 Golf's Steak House 598 Lancaster St. W. Kitchener, ON N2K 1M3 Catherine Fife MPP Waterloo 519-725-3477 cfife-co@ndp.on.ca catherinefife.com Season's Greetings & Happy New Year! January 6-11, 2020 Store Made Smoked BoneleSS Pork ChoPS Reg. $6.99 lb. $5.99 lb. Store Made Great Canadian Smoked SauSaGe Reg. $6.99 lb.$4.49 lb. Store Made "dry Cured" SliCed Smoked BaCon Reg. $7.99 lb. $5.99 lb. all our manufactured products are m.S.G., Gluten & lactose free! Proud supporters of our local farm families for over 30 years! Fresh Cut lean StewinG Beef Reg. $6.99 lb.$5.99 lb. Fresh Ground turkey Reg. $5.99 lb$4.99 lb. Store Made ChoPPed BaCon or reGular BaCon endS Reg. $3.99 lb.$3.49 lb. Fresh SliCed Beef liver Reg. $3.99 lb.$3.49 lb. Store Made Smoked BaCon BitS 5oz. tuB Reg. $4.99 ea.$4.49 ea. Store Made old faShioned head CheeSe "By the PieCe" Reg. $3.49 lb.$2.99 lb. deli SliCed Baked ham and BaCon loaf Reg. $6.99 lb.$5.99 lb. Need home delivery? See our products onMrsGrocery.com On ly the Best fr om our Fam ily to Your s You may have heard that LifeLabs recently experienced a cyber-attack involving unauthorized access to some of its computer systems that contain customer information. LifeLabs serves customers in our service centres, but also on behalf of hospitals, medical clinics, private and public lab providers. Steps you can take to safeguard your information: • Any individual who is concerned about this incident can receive one free year of cyber security protection services that include dark web monitoring and identity theft insurance. • For more information about how to activate these services, please visit: customernotice.lifelabs.com or call our dedicated customer care line at 1-888-918-0467 We are sorry that this happened. As we manage through this issue, we remain focused on the best interests of our customers. You entrust us with important health information, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Community Notice