w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, A pr il 1, 20 21 | 14 NOTICE OF AN INTENTION TO PASS AN AMENDING BY-LAW TO REMOVE A HOLDING (H) PROVISION FROM THE ZONING BY-LAW ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION Z-20-06 REMOVAL OF HOLDING PROVISION SUNVEST HOMES CORP., 364 WOOLWICH STREET, WARD 5 - SOUTHEAST TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Waterloo will hold an electronic meeting on Monday, April 19, 2021, during the electronic Council Meeting, to consider the noted application to amend the Zoning By-law pursuant to Section 36(4) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 as amended (the "Planning Act"). The City of Waterloo intends to pass an amending by-law to remove the holding provision (H) on the lands known municipally as 364 Woolwich Street. The applicant has met the requirements of the holding provision (H) by demonstrating that: • Street trees and their root zones will not be impacted, including the large elm tree on Woolwich Street • Private services on nearby lands will not be permanently disrupted or degraded as a result of development or home construction on the lands • The building footings will be located at least 0.5 metres above the maximum elevation of the seasonally high groundwater table and/or maximum elevation of any groundwater mounding • Development on the lands will not impact theWalter Bean Grand River Trail within the abutting Woolwich Street road allowance • Development on the land will be compatible with nearby residential properties and that the planned residential character on the north side of Woolwich Street will not be adversely impacted. Council will also consider endorsing a Block Plan which will be a guide for future development along Woolwich Street and the surrounding area. This meeting shall constitute the public Notice of Intention To Pass An Amending By-law To Remove A Holding (H) Provision From The Zoning By-law under Section 36(4) of the Planning Act. It is expected that Council will decide whether the application should be approved, denied or amended. A copy of the staff report will be available prior to the Public Meeting at: www.waterloo.ca/en/government/zone-changes.aspx#woolwich-st If Council approves the application, a by-law to amend the Zoning By-law will be passed to remove the holding symbol. For further information regarding the above matter, please contact the City ofWaterloo IntegratedPlanning andPublicWorks,2nd Floor,Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo, Ontario, by calling John Vos at 519.747.8527 or email john.vos@waterloo.ca HOW TO GET INVOLVED: Thepurposeof thepublicmeeting is toshare informationandtohearandconsider public and stakeholder comments regarding the planning application as part of City Council's decision making process. The public is invited to watch and/ or listen to the remote meeting on www.youtube.com/citywaterloo/live and may participate by submitting written comments in advance of the public meeting and/or arranging to speak to the application. TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS Written comments received before 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 7, 2021, will be included in the city council agenda. Written comments received after 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 7, 2021, will be provided to City Council for consideration prior to the Formal Public Meeting, but will not be included in the council agenda.Written comments can be provided in the following ways: • Via email to John Vos (john.vos@waterloo.ca) • By dropping off a hardcopy at Waterloo City Hall, addressed to John Vos, Planning Division, 2nd floor, 100 Regina St S, Waterloo, ON • By placing a hardcopy in the Waterloo City Hall after hours mail slot to the left of the side door entrance on William Street All written submissions should clearly state "Removal of Holding Provision Public Meeting, Zoning By-law Amendment Z-20-06" at the top of the letter/correspondence. TO SPEAK TO THE APPLICATION If you wish to speak to the Application, please contact the Legislative Services Division no later than 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 19, 2021, by any of the following ways: • By phone at 519-747-8705 • By email to clerkinfo@waterloo.ca When we receive your registration, we will send you a confirmation message and instructions for participating in the remote public meeting. Instructions will also be provided during the meeting to ensure that those watching the remote public meeting will be given the opportunity to speak. We encourage the public to provide input into this important Zoning By-law Amendment application. Individuals may submit written/electronic comments. The public is informed and notified that names, addresses and comments may be made public. Julie Scott, Acting City Clerk, City of Waterloo. WOOLWICH ST CEDA RCLIFFE DR L E XI NG TO N CR ES P. 519-886-1550 TTY. 1-866-786-3941waterloo.ca Starting this past Monday, March 29, the City of Waterloo's Home Support Ser- vices is offering free transportation to vac- cination clinics for adults age 65 and up, as well as adults with a disability. The city is offering the service as part of its commitment to the public health sys- tem and local vaccination rollout. Individuals who live in the city of Water- loo and have a scheduled vaccination ap- pointment can contact a care facilitator in home support services at 519-579-6930 to complete a short intake questionnaire and arrange for transportation. Transportation is available Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m.to 4:30 p.m., and must be booked in advance. Same-day transporta- tion is not available. Available drivers and vehicles may be limited, so passengers are encouraged to call as soon as they have confirmed their vaccine appointment. Vehicles are not wheelchair accessible, however they can safely accommodate walking devices such as walkers and canes. Passengers should be able to get in- to and out of the vehicle independently, however, to promote safe physical distanc- ing whenever possible. All passengers will undergo COVID-19 screening and are requested to wear a face covering for the duration of the trip. Seniors carefully walk from the vaccination centre at Ray Twinney Rec Complex Monday. Steve Somerville/Metroland FREE RIDES TO VACCINATIONS FOR SENIORS, ADULTS WITH A DISABILITY NEWS SCAN THE CODE for more local news