w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 19 ,2 02 0 | 12 NOTICE OF A COMPLETE APPLICATION ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION Z-20-05 2744375 ONTARIO LTD, LUCIO AND CARMEN RAMON, 314-316 BATAVIA PLACE AND 295, 297 ALBERT STREET, WARD 6 The applicant is proposing to amend the City's Zoning By-law No. 2018-050 by rezoning the lands from (Holding) Residential Northdale-6 ((H)RN-6) to Residential Northdale-6 (RN-6) with site specific regulations. The site specific provisions include: • To permit 1 building entrance along the Batavia Place street frontage, whereas the By-law requires 2 building entrances (1 per 15 metres of Street Line Building Façade) along Batavia Place. • To permit structured parking to be located along the Batavia Place street frontage, whereas the By-law requires that structured parking be located entirely behind building floor area. • To utilize density bonusing to increase the number of permitted bedrooms from 86 (250 beds/ha) to 110 (340 beds/ha) through a Section 37 bonusing agreement; • To lift the Holding provision from the subject site. The following conditions have to be met subject to the lifting of the Holding provision: 1. Verification of sufficient servicing capacity (water, sanitary and storm water) to fully service the lands. 2. Verification of sufficient transportation capacity and transportation infrastructure within the surrounding road network affected by the development and/or use of the lands; 3. Where increases in building density are proposed pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, the completion and registration of an agreement pursuant to Subsections 37.3 and 37.4 of the Planning Act between the owner of the lands and the Corporation of the City of Waterloo; and 4. Verification through site plan control approval that the development will conform to: a. The City's Official Plan; b. The Region's Official Plan; and c. The City's Urban Design Manual, including the Northdale Urban Design Guidelines; This application is being advanced to permit the development of a six (6) storey apartment building with 100 units (110 bedrooms), through the utilization of density bonusing. The development would also contain 30 vehicular parking spaces, 30 bike parking spaces and 340 square metres of amenity area. This application will be advanced before City Council at a future meeting date. For further information regarding the above matter, please contact the City of Waterloo Integrated Planning and Public Works, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo, Ontario, by calling Rita Szilock at 519-747-8650 or email rita.szilock@waterloo.ca LESTER ST ALBERT ST COL UMB IA S T W HIC KOR Y S T W SUNVIEW ST BATAVIA PL P. 519-886-1550 TTY. 1-866-786-3941waterloo.ca The region is appealing to the public to step up so food can get to those in iso- lation due to COVID-19. "The second wave is here, but this time businesses are still open, which means people have returned to work and we are seeing a more limited audi- ence for volunteers," said Jane Hennig, executive director of the Volunteer Ac- tion Centre, in a media advisory. Hennig told the Chronicle that need fluctuates for a variety of roles, but be- tween 25 to 50 volunteer drivers and kitchen helpers are needed. The shortage of volunteers essential- ly limits the services that can be provid- ed on a daily basis by various partner agencies. Volunteer drivers and kitchen help- ers must be 65 or younger and able to lift 30 pounds. Drivers must also have their own vehicle and are reimbursed for gas. Shifts are three to four hours each. Hennig understands that everyone might not be comfortable volunteering, with the second wave of COVID-19 soar- ing is some spots. However, she said community kitch- ens are, for the most part, controlled en- vironments, and while nothing is ever guaranteed, volunteer safety is some- thing that's been paramount for the ac- tion centre that seconded staff from charities and municipalities into vari- ous roles to test the waters and under- stand how they'd be engaged. Launched during the first wave of the pandemic, the volunteer pandemic program is a partnership between the region, area municipalities and the Vol- unteer Action Centre, and "is an exam- ple of community partnership and kindness during the pandemic," ac- cording to Regional Chair Karen Red- man. "We still say, 'First and foremost take care of your family circle and then your immediate neighbours,'" Hennig said. "If you do feel comfortable and would like to help the formal response, please come and sign in. We can use your assis- tance." Anyone interested can apply at vol- unteerwr.ca. NEWS VOLUNTEER DRIVERS, KITCHEN HELPERS NEEDED FOR PANDEMIC RESPONSE