9 | W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,S eptem ber 24,2020 w aterloochronicle.ca NOTICE OF AN INFORMAL PUBLIC MEETING AND COMPLETE APPLICATION DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION 30T-20401 & ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT Z-20-02 WEST HAVEN LIMITED, 28 WESTHILL DRIVE, WARD 1- SOUTHWEST Monday, October 5, 2020 being held electronically The applicant is proposing to extend Westhaven Street by connecting the existing north and south sections of the road. 19 single detached dwellings will front onto the new street and a four-storey apartment building is proposed along Westhill Drive. The application proposes to rezone the lands from Future Determination Zone (FD) to Residential Four (R4), Residential Nine (R9), and Conservation (OS3) to permit the proposed residential uses. HOW TO GET INVOLVED: No decision will be made at this meeting. The purpose of the public meeting is to share information regarding the planning application, as part of City Council's decision making process. The public is invited to watch and/or listen to the electronic meeting on youtube.com/citywaterloo/live and may participate by submitting written comments in advance of the public meeting and/or arranging to speak to the application. TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS You can submit written comments, no later than 9:00 a.m. onWednesday, September 30, 2020 to ensure your comments are included in the City Council Agenda, in the following ways: • Via email to clerkinfo@waterloo.ca • By dropping off a hardcopy at Waterloo City Hall, addressed to the office of the City Clerk, 3rd floor, 100 Regina St S, Waterloo, ON • By placing a hardcopy in the after hours mail slot beside the side door entrance on William Street All written submissions should clearly state "Informal Public Meeting, October 5, 2020, Draft Plan of Subdivision 30T-20401 & Zoning By-law Amendment Z-20-02" at the top of the letter/ correspondence. TO SPEAK TO THE APPLICATION If you wish to speak to theApplication, please contact the Legislative Services Division no later than 10:00 a.m. on Monday, October 5, 2020 by any of the following ways: • By phone at 519-747-8705 • By email to clerkinfo@waterloo.ca When we receive your request, we will send you a confirmation message and instructions for participating in the electronic public meeting. We encourage the public to provide input into this important Zoning By-law Amendment application. Individualsmay submit written / electronic comments. The public is informed and notified that names, addresses and comments may be made public. Olga Smith, City Clerk, City of Waterloo. For further information regarding the above matter, please contact the City of Waterloo Integrated Planning and Public Works, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo, Ontario, by calling John Vos at 519-747-8527 or email john.vos@waterloo.ca IRA NEEDLES BLVD ERB ST W WESTHAVEN ST W ESTHAVEN ST W ES TP AR K CR ES WES TCR OFT DR W ESTHILL DR P. 519-886-1550 TTY. 1-866-786-3941waterloo.ca hol three times per month and no binge drinking -- and those were classified as low- risk drinkers -- some binge-drinking. "This is a good thing: availability in- creased, but their consumption did not," Go- hari said. "But from another perspective, it is not a good thing, because they maintained their consumption, and all the time, public health authorities are trying to decrease their consumption." He said the implication of these findings is that policy-makers need to consider sub- populations when making decisions based on aggregated data. "They must look at sub- populations that could be high-risk, even if they are not as plentiful," Gohari said. "Re- percussions can be quite severe if policy- makers see populations as homogeneous. Sub-populations should not be ignored." The study, The impact of alcohol policy change of developmental trajectories of youth alcohol use: examination of a natural experiment in Canada, was published in the Canadian Journal of Public Health. It was co-authored by Gohari, Martin Cook, Joel Dubin and Scott Leatherdale, all at Water- loo. Continued from page 8 A scaled-back, outdoor-only version of the City of Waterloo's Lumen festival of lights will take place on Saturday, Sept. 26, from 6 to 11 p.m., in different locations of uptown Waterloo. "There have been numerous changes resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and we're shifting our events into new for- mats accordingly," said Justin McFadden, the city's executive director of economic development, in a notice posted on the city's website. It says the festival will feature more than 10 art installations from locally and internationally renowned artists. Attend- ees are required to wear masks to partici- pate and physical distancing measures will be in place. For more information visit lumenfestiv- al.ca. Abstract images of people are projected by the Versa Actualizer onto the Shopify building on Erb Street during the Lumen festival in uptown Waterloo in 2018. Ian Stewart/Special to the Record 'LUMEN LITE' READY TO GO NEWS