w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, Ju ne 11 ,2 02 0 | 4 NOTICE OF A FORMAL PUBLIC MEETING ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION Z-19-04 PROPERTY OWNER: 2616359 ONTARIO INC., 262-280 ALBERT STREET, WARD 6 Take notice that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Waterloo will hold an electronic Formal Public Meeting on Monday, June 22, 2020, during the electronic Council Meeting, considering the above noted application to amend the Zoning By-law pursuant to Section 34 of the Planning Act. The Applicant is proposing to amend the City's Zoning By-law 2018-050 by rezoning the lands from (Holding) Residential Northdale Six ((H)RN-6) to Residential Northdale Six (RN-6) with site specific provisions which include varied regulations related to mezzanines, setbacks, encroachment within the daylight triangle, and density bonusing for 124 additional bedrooms. The application is being advanced to permit the development of a 6 storey apartment building with an anticipated 185 units (222 bedrooms). This meeting shall constitute the formal public meeting required under Section 34 of The Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, as amended. It is expected that Council will decide whether the application should be approved, denied or amended. A copy of the staff report will be available prior to the Public Meeting on the City's website. If Council approves the application, a by-law to amend the Zoning By-law will be passed. For further information regarding the above matter, please contact the City of Waterloo, Integrated Planning and Public Works, 2nd Floor, Waterloo City Centre, Waterloo, Ontario, by calling John Vos at 519-747-8527 or email john.vos@waterloo.ca TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS Comments must be received no later than 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, June 17th, 2020 to ensure they are included in the city council agenda. You can submit written comments in the following ways: • Via email to clerkinfo@waterloo.ca • By dropping off a hardcopy atWaterloo City Hall, addressed to the office of the City Clerk, 3rd floor, 100 Regina St S, Waterloo, ON • By placing a hardcopy in the after hours mail slot beside the side door entrance of Waterloo City Hall on William Street All written submission should clearly state "Formal Public Meeting, June 22, Zoning By-law Amendment Z-19-04" at the top of the letter/correspondence. TO SPEAK TO THE APPLICATION If you wish to speak to the Application, please contact the Legislative Services Division no later than 10:00 a.m. on Monday, June 22nd, 2020 by any of the following ways: • By phone at 519-747-8549 • By email to clerkinfo@waterloo.ca When we receive your registration, we will send you a confirmation message and instructions for participating in the remote public meeting. Instructions will also be provided during the meeting to ensure that those watching the remote public meeting will be given the opportunity to speak. HOW TO GET INVOLVED: The purpose of a publicmeeting is to share information and to hear and consider public and stakeholder comments regarding the development application as part of CityCouncil's decisionmakingprocess.Thepublic is invited towatchand/ or listen to the remote meeting on www.youtube.com/citywaterloo/live and may participate by submitting written comments in advance of the public meeting and/or arranging to speak to the application. We encourage the public to provide input into this important Zoning By-law Amendment application. Individuals may submit written/electronic comments. The public is informed and notified that names, addresses and comments may be made public. If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Corporation of the City of Waterloo before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of Council to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. In addition, if a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the Corporation of the City of Waterloo before the by- law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so. Olga Smith, City Clerk, City of Waterloo ALBERT ST COL UMB IA S T W UNI VER SITY AVE W HIC KOR Y ST W HAZEL ST BAL SAM ST LESTER ST HEM LOCK ST BATAVIA PL LARCH ST SUNVIEW ST P. 519-886-1550 TTY. 1-866-786-3941waterloo.ca The Region of Waterloo's acting medical officer is recommending that anyone who attended last week's massive Black Lives Matter march to monitor themselves for two weeks. Dr. Hsiu-Li Wang says that the cause was important, but she is still concerned about the possible consequences, as the gathering was large and physical distanc- ing wasn't particularly possible in the "high-risk situation." "What I recommended was that they self-monitor themselves for 14 days, if they participated in person," said Wang, in the region's COVID-19 media briefing on June 5. "If they develop symptoms, to go get tested, if they're concerned, they can go get tested." She says a full quarantine is not neces- sary, though. She is, however, happy that most people in attendance were wearing masks and that the organizers were encouraging physical distancing. Wang wasn't sur- prised that there wasn't distancing hap- pening because of the nature of the pro- test. "I think it's a sign people are doing their best to protect others," she said. Wang confirmed that the risk of con- tracting the virus is higher indoors, so the outdoor nature of the rally helped. Regional Chair Karen Redman said the rally was "heartening to see" -- the turn- out for the protest in support of anti-Black racism, and against police brutality. She wanted to thank organizers for a job well done as well as for offering the rally via liv- estream. "I was glad to see people participating were protecting each other," said Redman, referring to people mostly wearing masks. For more on the rally, see page 12. THOSE WHO WERE AT RALLY SHOULD SELF-MONITOR FOR COVID-19, REGION SAYS NAMISH MODI nmodi@waterloochronicle.ca LOCAL