PM40050478 THURSDAY MARCH 26, 2020 Keep your distance from others,Keep your distance from others,K and the virus will be slowed down. Dr. Hsiu-Li Wang, the Region of Waterloo's acting medical officer,Waterloo's acting medical officer,W has preached social distancing as an important method of slowing down COVID-19 while also point- ing out that there are risks with overreacting, and under reacting. "We need to continue to act in a manner that's proportionate to the risk," said Wang. Here's what you need to do: If you are healthy, stay that way with social distancing - two metres apart from anyone outside of your immediate family. Only leave home for essential trips. Remem- ber infection prevention and con- trol, including washing your hands and high-touch surfaces. If you have a non-urgent health concern, seek medical attention as usual but call ahead. If you have a health emergency, call 911, visit the emergency de- partment or, if it's non-life-threat- ening and doesn't require hospital- ization, visit the K-W Walk-In Clin- ic at The Boardwalk. If you have symptoms of CO- VID-19 - fever, cough, shortness of breath - or have been in close con- tact with someone who has the vi- rus, use the self-assessment tool at If you answer yes, or don't have a computer, contact your doctor or Telehealth at 1-866-797-0000. If youTelehealth at 1-866-797-0000. If youT experience worsening symptoms, visit emergency but call ahead. If you're feeling depressed or anxious, get enough sleep, eat healthy, avoid alcohol, go outside for a walk. Stay informed via cred-for a walk. Stay informed via cred-f ible sources, but ration your news to one hour a day and switch off de- vices two hours before bed. For persistent worry, insom-For persistent worry, insom-F nia, irritability or concerns about alcohol or drug use, seek help: • If you're in crisis: 1-855-310- COPE (2673) (24-7) • If you feel isolated: Warm Line, 1-888-777-0979 (24-7) • If you need a social worker: CMHA, 1-866-345-0183, ext. 3321 • If you want help with anxiety: Bounce Back bouncebackontario- .ca (multiple languages) • If you need addiction services: ASYR, 1-800-263-2288, ext. 322 • For a full list of regional de- tails on the coronavirus, visit the official page at regionofwaterloo- .ca. • For more details keep reading here and online at waterloochroni- STAY INFORMED, STAY HEALTHY NAMISH MODI CORONAVIRUS YOUR GUIDE FOR LIVING THROUGH THE COVID-19 CRISISYOUR GUIDE FOR LIVING THROUGH THE COVID-19 CRISIS FIND BREAKING NEWS AND UP-TO-DATE LOCAL INFORMATION ON COVID-19 ONLINE INFORMATION W A T E R LO O C H R O N IC LE .C A /C O R O N A V IR U S Ira George Needles takes part in social distancing on The Boardwalk in Waterloo recently. Photo From Reddit