w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, M ar ch 26 ,2 02 0 | 10 Check out the answers on page 3 Like puzzles? Then you'll love sudoku. This mind-bending puzzle will have you hooked from the moment you square off, so sharpen your pencil and put your sudoku savvy to the test! Here's How ItWorks: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! Cr oss wo rd & Su do ku CLUES ACROSS 1. Small deer 4. Khoikhoi peoples 9. South African statesman 14. Keyboard key 15. Remove 16. A conspicuous constellation 17. Data executive 18. Retired NASCAR driver 20. Tightens 22. A picture of the Virgin Mary 23. "The Mission" actor Jeremy 24. Confidently 28. More (Spanish) 29. Sports highlight show (abbr.) 30. Hand out cards 31. Distinctive Asian antelope 33. Arabic greeting 37. Of I 38. Hip hop trio 39. Meat roll 41. One's mother (Brit.) 42. __-GYN 43. Belgian city 44. Plucks 46. Leak slowly 49. Denotes a particular region 50. General's assistant (abbr.) 51. Divides 55. Kid 58. Inland Empire Expanded Learning Symposium 59. Engaged in conflict 60. Former CBS sportscaster 64. Characterized by unity 65. Working-class 66. Corners 67. __ de plume 68. Influential French artist 69. "Very" in musical terms 70. Financial account CLUES dOWn 1. Long, flat abdominal muscles 2. Small Eurasian willow 3. Justified in terms of profitability 4. Required 5. River that starts in Turkey 6. Disfigure 7. A way of communicating (abbr.) 8. Leaks slowly 9. Shady place under trees 10. Made a speech 11. Long, angry speech 12. Mortar trough 13. Autonomic nervous system 19. Southern India island 21. Grab quickly 24. Ancient Mesopotamian city 25. With three uneven sides 26. Football visionary Hunt 27. Primordial matters 31. Facing towards the flow of a glacier 32. "ADelicate Balance" writer 34. Emits coherent radiation 35. Commercial 36. Groups of foot bones 40. Out of print 41. Partner to cheese 45. German river 47. Concluding speech 48. Spanish dish 52. Prominent California cape Point __ 53. Any high mountain 54. Ethiopian lake 56. Mr. 57. Excessive fluid accumulation in tissues 59. Large, flightless bird 60. Oil industry term (abbr.) 61. Something one can draw 62. Officers in charge 63. Greek island @WLChroniclew @WLCh roniclew @WLChroniclew @WLChroniclew @WLCh roniclew @WLChroniclew @WLChroniclew @WLCh roniclew @WLChroniclew oniclew @WLChroniclew @WLChroniclew oniclew @WLChr oniclewes @WLChr oniclew @WLChr oniclew oniclew oniclewes @WLChr oniclew @WLChr oniclew oniclew @WLChroniclew @WLChroniclew @WLChroniclew @WLC hroniclew @WLChr @WLChroniclew @WLC hroniclew @WLChronicl ew @WLChroniclew @WLC hroniclew @WLChronicle wes @WLChroniclew @WLCh roniclew @WLChroniclew @WLChroniclew @WLCh roniclew @WLChroniclew @WLChroniclew @WLCh roniclew @WLChroniclew @WLChroniclew @WLC hroniclew @WLChronicl ew @WLChroniclew @WLC hroniclew @WLChronicl ew @WLChroniclew @WLC hroniclew @WLChronicle wes @WLChroniclew @WLCh roniclew @WLChroniclew @WLChroniclew @WLCh roniclew @WLChroniclew @WLChroniclew @WLCh roniclew @WLChroniclew @WLChroniclew @WLC hroniclew @WLChronicl ew oniclew @WLChroniclew @WLChroniclew fo llo w u s @WLChroniclew As the world started hearing more and more about COVID-19, many peo- ple started grumbling that it was nowhere near as bad as the flu. So, why all the fuss? Why should we wor- ry? Is COVID-19 really worse than the flu? While the estimated number of flu cases annu- ally is far greater than the number of COVID-19 cases so far, the death rate of CO- VID-19 is about 3 per cent*, whereas the death rate of the flu is about 0.1 per cent, which means that CO- VID-19 seems to be about 30 times* deadlier than the flu. Let's crunch some numbers so that we can re- ally see what the fuss is about. As an example, let's take a look at our neighbours to the south (the numbers work out nicely). The Cen- ters for Disease Control and Prevention estimates there were approximately 35,000,000 cases of influen- za during the 2018/2019 sea- son in the United States. Of that total amount, they es- timate about 491,000 hospi- talizations and approxi- mately 35,000 deaths. 35,000/35,000,000 = .001 x 100 = 0.1 per cent. There's that 0.1 per cent death rate. For comparison, if we use the same number of to- tal flu cases for the CO- VID-19 calculation, let's take a look at what the numbers would be. So, 35 million cases**. What is 3 per cent of 35,000,000? 3/100 = .03 x 35,000,000 = 1,050,000 If exactly the same num- ber people who typically get the flu every year get COVID-19, that would mean that there could be more than one million deaths due to COVID-19, compare to 35,000 due to the flu, in the U.S. alone. So, yes, COVID-19 is worse than the flu. That's what all the fuss is about. Extreme measures are be- ing taken for a reason. * These numbers are based on preliminary re- search and are subject to change as more people re- cover and less new cases de- velop, but it is the generally accepted estimate right now. ** Due to interventions that are being taken throughout the world, the number of coronavirus cases is significantly lower than estimated flu cases. Nadya Dominique is a family doctor. She can be reached at DearDoctorD@gmail.com. CORONAVIRUS VS. THE FLU OPINION WHY SHOULD WE WORRY ABOUT COVID-19? DR. NADYA DOMINIQUE SPELLS IT OUT NADYA DOMINIQUE Column in Waterloo Region will no longer be provided. Instead, public health will update the local num- bers on the region's website every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:30 a.m., be- fore the scheduled public briefings held at 11:30 a.m. That schedule of three briefings a week may also change as the impact of the coronavirus outbreak changes in the community. Daily updates on the number of COVID-19 cases The region had been pro- viding updated numbers ev- ery weekday morning. As the number of cases continue to rise it will be in- creasingly difficult to pro- vide accurate information daily, said acting medical of- ficer of health Dr. Hsiu-Li Wang at the Monday brief- ing. "We expect to see num- bers continue to rise for the near future," Wang said. She added that public health will focus less on talk- ing about specific cases and more on overall numbers. The region's website (re- gionofwaterloo.ca) will also start listing public places visited by people who were symptomatic and later test- ed positive. The information will in- clude a specific location, day and time to help people self- identify if they were poten- tially exposed to the respira- tory virus. They should then monitor for symptoms as long as advised on the web- site. DAILY COVID-19 CASE UPDATES NO LONGER PROVIDED FOR REGION JOHANNA WEIDNER jweidner@therecord.com LOCAL W AT ER LO O CH R O N IC LE .C A