5 | W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,O ctober 31,2019 w aterloochronicle.ca Friendly Professional Team... where your total health is our goal!Friendly Professional Team... where your to • Free Blood Glucose Monitor & Teaching • Free Blood Pressure Che k • Compounding • Flu Vaccinations 373 Bridge St.Waterloo www.thpharmacy.com eck loo .com hours Mon.-Fri. 9am-7pm • Sat. 9am-4pm 519-747-0320 85 BRIDGEPORT RD. E. WATERLOO (Across from the Bridgeport Rd. Plaza) Since 1971 519-893-8118 MON., TUES., WED. 10 AM - 6 PM THURS., FRI. 10 AM - 8 PM SATURDAY 9 AM - 5 PM SUNDAY 12 PM - 4 PM Furniture & Mattresses Since 1971 LOFTY IDEAS FOr SMALL SPACES NEED HELP DOWNSIZING? DISCOvEr Our CLASSIC, CONTEMPOrArY AND TrANSITIONAL STYLES FOr ANY SIZE SPACE The largest film festival in the Waterloo Region is returning for its ninth year. Zonta Film Festival, (ZFF) - one of the only film festivals in Canada to ex- clusively showcase female filmmakers - will run from Nov. 6 to 9 at the Princess Twin Cinemas in uptown Waterloo. Twelve coura- geous, powerful and thought-provoking films made by women, for wom- en, will be showcased. ZFF celebrates the work of each female filmmaker, and the significant impact they are making in the world because of their films. "This festival allows us to showcase the female per- spective, a perspective that is traditionally under-re- presented in the film in- dustry," said Melissa Dur- rell, festival co-chair. For almost a decade, the Zonta Club of Kitchener- Waterloo has used the pow- erful medium of film to ad- vocate for the empower- ment of women, promote social advocacy, and create an awareness of the chal- lenges and limitations that continue to be experienced by women globally. ZFF is proud to have raised over $110,000 since the festival's inception. One of the 12 films being showcased at ZFF, nîpawis- tamâsowin: We Will Stand Up is directed by Tasha Hubbard. Hubbard weaves a profound narrative en- compassing her own adop- tion, the stark history of co- lonialism in the Prairies, and a vision of a future where Indigenous children can live safely on their homelands. Because We Are Girls, directed by first-time Zon- ta Film Festival director Baljit Sangra, tells the dev- astating, long kept secret of three sisters that were sex- ually abused by an older relative. Alarmed by the rising number of women in pris- on, Conviction, written and directed by Nance Ack- erman, Ariella Pahlkle and Teresa Macinnes, sheds light on the women who are being victimized, margin- alized and criminalized in our society. "We have an incredible lineup of films about em- powering women, who have overcome adversity and advocate for women- ," said Brenda Graham also a festival co-chair. "This is truly what Zonta and ZFF is about." The opening reception will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 6. About Zonta Film Festi- val (ZFF) ZFF is a four-day film festival, held Nov. 6 to 9 at the Princess Twin Cine- mas in uptown Waterloo. Since 2011, the Zonta Club of Kitchener-Waterloo has been utilizing the power of cinema as a means to pro- mote social advocacy and to educate on the struggle for equal rights and oppor- tunities around the world. To date, over $110,000 has been raised through the film festival and donated by the Zonta Club of Kitch- ener-Waterloo to various non-profits and charities dedicated to improving the quality of the lives of wom- en in this region. One of the 12 films being showcased at ZFF, nipawistamasowin: We Will Stand Up, directed by Tasha Hubbard, is a profound narrative encompassing the stark history of colonialism in the Prairies. Zonta Film Festival ZONTA FILM FESTIVAL AT PRINCESS TWIN CINEMAS, NOV. 6 TO 9 CONTRIBUTED "Sharing these beautiful and touching stories is incredibly important." - Melissa Durrell, co-chair of ZFF.