PM40050478 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 BARDISH CHAGGER A strong voice for you #ChooseForward Authorized by the official agent for Bardish Chagger @BardishKW /Bardish.Chagger @Bardish_Chagger (519) 747-7371 100% WATER PROOF EASY TO INSTALL SIDE MICRO BEVELED 15 YEAR WRNTY ---DEAL OF THE WEEK--- ALL BACKSPLASH NO TAX! OVER 200 STYLES IN STOCK! SOLUTION AHEAD? Torstar file photo APPROXIMATELY 1,000 PEOPLE GATHERED ON EZRA AVENUE MONDAY, SEPT. 2, LIGHTING A COUCH ON FIRE AND JUMPING OVER IT. A TASK FORCE DEALING WITH STUDENT STREET PARTIES IN THE AREA TABLED ITS REPORT TO CITY COUNCIL MONDAY. MORE ON PAGE 6. A lw ay s on lin e fir st a t w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a/ co ld ca se THIS WEEK For more than 30 years, police have tried to identify Otonabee River man. It's about trust. Our relation- ship with our readers is built on transparency, honesty and integri- ty. As such, we have launched a trust initiative to tell you who we are and how and why we do what we do. This article is part of that project. The Competition Bureau of Canada is now soliciting informa- tion from stakeholders on possible anti-competitive conduct in the dig- ital economy. It is doing so to assess concerns that some digital giants might be tipping the scale in their favour, potentially impacting com- petition. The undertaking is welcomed by traditional news media associa- tions and businesses like ours, SCRUTINY NEEDED IN DIGITAL MARKETPLACE OPINION THOROUGH EXAMINATION REQUIRED TO LEVEL PLAYING FIELD, WRITES CATHERINE O'HARA CATHERINE O'HARA Column See NEWSROOMS, page 4