w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 8, 20 19 | 2 Regional Official Plan Review Your input is important! Come and have a say! The Regional Official Plan (ROP) is a legal document, required under the Planning Act, that contains a variety of goals, objectives and policies to guide growth in Waterloo Region over the next 20 years. The Region is reviewing and updating the ROP to explore the many opportunities, as well as address any challenges, that come with a growing community, including new Provincial policy and legislation that affects where and how we grow. Regional Council would like to invite you to come and share your thoughts on and identify any revisions that may be required to the ROP at a special meeting of Regional Council on: Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at 4 p.m. 150 Frederick Street, Kitchener in Council Chambers This special meeting is for public consultation pursuant to Section 26 of the Planning Act. No decisions will be made on the ROP at this meeting. If you wish to register as a delegation and speak at the public meeting, please register in advance by calling the Regional Clerk's Office at 519-575-4400 by noon on Thursday, September 12, 2019. The current ROP is available at https://www.regionofwaterloo.ca/en/regional-government/ land-use-planning.aspx. Written submissions may be directed to: Alyssa Bridge, MCIP, RPP Supervisor, Regional Official Plan Review regionalofficialplanreview@regionofwaterloo.ca 519-575-4400 ext. 3417 P. 519-886-1550 TTY. 1-866-786-3941 waterloo.ca APPLICATION FOR NOISE BY-LAW EXEMPTION ETHEL'S LOUNGE Notice is hereby given that an application is being made to the Director of Municipal Enforcement Services for the City ofWaterloo for an exemption to the City ofWaterloo Noise By-law #2010-073 which prohibits amplified sound between the hours of 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. The applicant, Robert Ariss, is requesting an exemption as follows: To permit sound through a PA system from 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM on Monday August 12, 2019 for a Charity Tray Race event to take place at 114 King Street North, Waterloo specifically the upper parking lot. Anyone wishing to comment on this matter should contact Municipal Enforcement Services in writing at 100 Regina St. S., P.O. Box 337, Station Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 4A8, no later than 4:30 PM, Wednesday Aug. 7, 2019 or by phone at 519-747-8785 or via e-mail at municipalenforcement@waterloo.ca. Questions regarding this event should be directed to Robert Ariss by phone at 519-725-2361 or via email at info@ethelslounge.com Kitchener's Korner Kitchen restaurant, known for its breakfast and lunch, will be moving into what was most recently the We- ber Street Public House in Waterloo. A liquor-licence applica- tion sign is posted inside the front window of the former public house pub that's now undergoing a major renova- tion after closing last Octo- ber, just three months after opening. The 138 Weber St. N. loca- tion has been a revolving door of businesses during the past several years, hav- ing been home to a Mother's Pizza, which opened in 2016 and closed less than two years later. Prior to that it was Ben- ny's Family Restaurant, which closed in 2016, after reopening following a fire in 2013. "(Kitchen Korner) Own- ers Theo & Kate Papado- poulos have a wealth of ex- perience in the restaurant industry," their website says. "They have owned and operated a multitude of family restaurants throughout KW and sur- rounding area." Kate said the move to Waterloo won't likely occur for a number of months and said it's primarily due to a growing customer base. When it comes to break- fast, Korner Kitchen offers something for everyone, from omelettes and eggs, to waffles, pancakes and wraps. The lunch menu fea- tures traditional favourites and more, such as soup, sal- ads and wraps, famous spe- cialty items such as the steak and mushroom melt panini and smoked meat sandwiches on rye, burgers, and a wide selection of beer and wine. KORNER KITCHEN MOVING INTO FORMER PUBLIC HOUSE BILL JACKSON bjackson@kitchenerpost.ca BUSINESS BREAKFAST AND LUNCH WILL REPLACE PINTS AND PIZZA IN FAILED PUB LOCATION The former Weber Street Public House on Weber Street North has a new suitor. Bill Jackson/Torstar KORNER KITCHEN 1595 Victoria St. N.Kitchener, ON N2B 3E6 Phone: 519-578-8555 Website: kornerkitchen.ca Email: kkitchen2015@gmail.com Hours: Monday to Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.