w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, A ug us t 8, 20 19 | 12 FRIDAY, AUGUST 9 TO SUNDAY, AUGUST 11, 2019 RIVERSIDE PARK, CAMBRIDGE www.CambridgeRibfest.com #CbridgeRibfest Riverside Park in Cambridge Pr es en tt hi s co up on w he n or de ri ng an d re ce iv e Va lid Fr id ay ,A ug us t9 ,2 01 9, 12 no on to 5 pm on ly Pr es en te d by :R ot ar yC lu bs of Ca m br id ge No rt h & Ca m br id ge Su nr ise Pr es en tt hi s co up on w he n or de ri ng an d re ce iv e Va lid Fr id ay ,A ug us t9 ,2 01 9, 12 no on to 5 pm on ly Pr es en te d by :R ot ar yC lu bs of Ca m br id ge No rt h & Ca m br id ge Su nr ise Event & Entertainment ScheduleFREE! Admission, Parking & Entertainment Your donation is greatly appreciated • Six AwardWinning Ribbers • Other Great FoodVendors • FREE! KidZone • Live Entertainment • Artisan &VendorsMarket • Large GroupsWelcome • BACK! Classic Car Show: Saturday 11am-3pm A fundraising initiative by the Rotary Clubs of CambridgeNorth & Sunrise. For updated event information visit our website: Thank you to our generous sponsors for their support: Friday, August 9 4:00pm Nicole Divell 4:45pm Opening Ceremonies 5:30pm The John McKinley Band 7:30pm Almost Hip Saturday, August 10 11-3pm Classic Car Show 11:30am Elements Dance Art Demo 12:00pm ChungOh's School of Tae KwonDo 1:00pm Erick Traplin in the KidZone 1:00pm Nick Dorken 2:30 pm HWY 24 Band 4:00pm Young At Heart 5:45pm Blush 7:30pm Brave and Crazy Sunday, August 11 11:00am Elements Dance Art Demo 12:30pm Footbridge Road 1:00pm Erick Traplin in the KidZone 2:30pm Jenny Howes Duo 4:15pm Ribber Awards 5:00pm Alfie Smith Scheduleat timeofprint. Subject tochange. CAMBRIDGE SPE ED R IVER Riverside Park KING STREET HIGHWAY 8 HAMILTON EA G LE S TR EE T HIGHWAY 8KITCHENER HI GH W AY 40 1 TO RO NT O HI GH W AY 40 1 LO ND ON Beverage Sponsor: Media Sponsors: making your moneywork harder