w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, M ay 9, 20 19 | 14 Stay in the local loop. Ph. 519-886-2830 I www.waterloochronicle.ca Your Community. Your Newspaper. Saturday, May 11, 2019 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. (while quantities last) Purchase your Rain Barrel at one of three locations: • Fairview Park Mall, Kitchener • Cambridge Centre Mall • Conestoga Mall, Waterloo RAIN BARREL RULES • Waterloo Region residents only • Limit of one barrel per household 519-575-4400 TTY: 519-575-4608 www.regionofwaterloo.ca/conservation It's back! Rain Barrel Distribution $40 each Notice Of Pesticide Use Please be advised of the application of larvicide to the following locations for the control of West Nile Virus Vectors; • Catch Basins • Sewage Lagoons • Ditches and Standing Water Between May 15, 2019 and September 30, 2019, municipalities within the Region of Waterloo will be conducting a larviciding program under the authority of the Region of Waterloo Medical Officer of Health to prevent the development of mosquito larvae into vectors of West Nile Virus. Altosid Pellets (methoprene, PCP #21809) or VectoLex WSP pouches (Bacillus sphaericus, PCP #28009) will be placed into catch basins of storm drains within the Region. The granular formulation of the larvicide VectoLex CG (Bacillus sphaericus, PCP #28008), will be applied to sewage lagoons, where larvae are present. The liquid formulation of the larvicide VectoBac 1200L (B.t.i., PCP #21062) or VectoBac 200G (B.t.i., PCP #18158, granular) will be applied to standing water throughout the Region, where larvae are present. All larvicide will be applied by licensed applicators or trained technicians employed by Pestalto Environmental Health Services following Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks guidelines. For additional details on exact locations and dates of treatments, please call Region ofWaterloo Public Health, Health Protection and Investigation at 519-575-4400 or Pestalto Environmental Health Services Inc. at 1-866-648-7773. For information about West Nile: www.regionofwaterloo.ca/fightthebite WOOLWICH TOWN- SHIP - A 20-year-old wom- an was airlifted to hospital after the vehicle she was driving left the road and rolled over on Monday. On Monday, at 10 a.m. police were called to Shantz Station Road, be- tween Victoria Street and Kossuth Road, for a single motor-vehicle collision. Police said a vehicle trav- elling north left the road, went into the ditch and rolled over before coming to a stop. The driver sustained se- rious but non-life-threat- ening injuries and was air- lifted to Hamilton General Hospital, said Joshua Mc- Namara, spokesperson with Ornge air ambulance. Police said the investi- gation is ongoing and charges are pending. Anyone who may have witnessed the incident is asked to call police at 519- 570-9777 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477 WOMAN AIRLIFTED TO HOSPITAL AFTER CRASH ON SHANTZ STATION ROAD IN WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP Police investigate an accident Monday in which a vehicle left Shantz Station Road and rolled over into the ditch. The 20-year-old female driver was airlifted to a hospital outside the region with serious but non-life-threatening injuries. Mathew McCarthy/Waterloo Region Record LOCAL