17 | W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,A pril 25,2019 w aterloochronicle.ca Want to fi nd out what you missed in the Waterloo Chronicle? No problem! You can look us up online. missed in the Waterloo Chronicle? No problem! You can look us up online. BECAUSE... was the Truth! " " the dog ate my paper... www.waterloochronicle.ca Introduce yourself to thousands of new customers in the Waterloo Chronicle. It's a great way to showcase your products and services to consumers who care about keeping our community vibrant and strong by supporting local businesses like yours. HELLO! my name is To get your business seen call 519.886.2830 P. 519-886-1550 TTY. 1-866-786-3941 waterloo.ca NOTICE OF NOISE EXEMPTION APPLICATION 28 JOHN ST WEST Notice is hereby given that an application is being made to the Director of Municipal Enforcement Services for the City ofWaterloo for an exemption to the City ofWaterloo Noise By-law #2010-073 section 3.1a schedule 2 item 13 - The operation of any construction equipment other than in connection with residential renovations - 7 pm one day to 7 am next day. The applicant, United Building Restoration LTD, is requesting an exemption as follows: To permit sound of operating construction equipment such as machinery / mechanical scraping/ grinding of waterproofing membrane, from June 24th, 2019 to July 26th, 2019, for times from: June 21, 2019 to July 31, 2019 7:00 am to 11:00 pmMonday through Saturday at 28 John Street West,Waterloo N2L 5T1 Parking Garage Repairs PROJECT DESCRIPTION The purpose of this project is to replace the existing wear course and waterproofing membrane on the first floor of the parking garage located at 28 John Street in order to protect the building structure and repair existing structural deterioration. The following is a summary of the work that will be completed during this project. • Removal and disposal of the existing mastic wear course and waterproofing system • Localized concrete repairs • Replacement of existing area drains • Installation of new mastic waterproofing system REASON FOR NOISE EXEMPTION The area of work is the lowest level of the parking garage, which means that the parking garage will need to be closed for a 5 ½ week period. To accommodate this, the project has been scheduled during the summer break when there will be the least amount of parking requirements.The project is scheduled to be completed during normal business hours; however as a contingency a noise exemption to 11:00 PM may be required. This will only occur if there are any unforeseen conditions that may delay project. This project must be completed within this 5 ½ week project, as there isn't enough auxiliary parking in the area to accommodate parking requirements past the summer break. Anyone wishing to comment on this matter should contact Municipal Enforcement Services in writing at 100 Regina Street South, Waterloo, Ontario N2J 4A8, or via email at municipalenforcement@waterloo.ca no later than 4:30 p.m., Monday April 29th, 2019. Questions regarding this event should be directed to Roman Braverman at 1-647-984-8275 or roman@ubrl.ca Tyler Rorke's outstand- ing season on the track con- tinued over the weekend with a standout perfor- mance at the National Ju- nior Track Cycling Champi- onships. The 15-year-old from Ba- den, a rising star of the Kitchener-Waterloo Cycling Academy, captured gold in the 500-metre time trial event while collecting three silver medals at the Under-17 Canadian National Track Championships in Milton. Rorke, the Academy's first national champion, posted a time of 33.99 sec- onds with an average speed of 52.957 km/h in the time trial, beating silver medal- list Dylan Bibic by nearly half a second. Earlier in the year, Rorke, a Grade 10 student at Resur- rection in Kitchener, set a national record in the 200- metre. Over the weekend, he col- lected his other medals in team sprint, sprint, and kei- rin. Rorke, who spoke to the Independent in March fol- lowing breaking the record, says he's focused on joining Canada's junior team next year. As a whole, nine cyclists from the K-W Cycling Acad- emy captured 19 medals of a 63 won by Ontario. Quebec won 20, B.C. won 25, and Al- berta won 12 at the Velo- drome. At the provincial championship in March, the K-W Cycling Academy won 22 medals while sending eight cyclists. RESURRECTION STUDENT CAPTURES GOLD MEDAL AT NATIONAL JUNIOR CYCLING CHAMPIONSHIP NAMISH MODI nmodi@waterloo chronicle.ca Dylan Bibic, Baden's Tyler Rorke, and fellow Kitchener-Waterloo cyclist Liam Langford at the podium at the national junior cycling championships, which ran from April 12 to 14 at the Milton Velodrome. KW Cycling Academy photo COMMUNITY K-W CYCLING ACADEMY COLLECTS 19 MEDALS IN JUNIOR TRACK CHAMPIONSHIPS