7 | W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,A pril 4,2019 w aterloochronicle.ca LAST CHANCE FIRST COME FIRST SERVED! WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! from **LIMITED TIME OFFER** SPC CLICK VINYL 100% WATER PROOF EASY TO INSTALL SIDE MICRO BEVELED 15 YEAR WRNTY FOUR MM THICK $179PER SQ FTREG 3.99 1362VICTORIA ST N. KITCHENER MON-FRI 9AM-9PM SAT 9AM-6PM SUN 10AM-5PM April 1 - April 6, 2019 Store Made RegulAR oR Spicy gRAb & go Hot cHicken (cAll to ReSeRve) Reg. $11.99 ea.$8.99 ea. Store Made Deli SliceD HunteRS loAf Reg. $6.99 lb.$5.99 lb. Store Made Deli SliceD tuRkey AnD leek loAf Reg. $6.99 lb.$5.99 lb. NOW AVAILABLE! Original Recipe Harmony Lunch Burger meat ready for you to take home! Come in and get someWaterloo County Heritage! Store Made SmokeD poRk cHopS Reg. $5.99 lb.$4.99 lb. Store Made milD oR Hot itAliAn SAuSAge Reg. $4.99 lb.$4.49 lb. Store Made tuRkey kielboSSA Reg. $5.99 lb.$5.49 lb. Store Made SmokeD mAple SAuSAge (uSeD At mAple SyRup feStivAl) Reg. $5.99 lb.$4.99 lb. Store Made mAple bReAkfASt pAttieS (uSeD At mAple SyRup feStivAl) Reg. $4.99 ea.$4.49 ea. Store Made RegulAR oR gARlic bReAkfASt SAuSAgeS Reg. $4.49 lb.$3.99 lb. Store Made Honey Dijon cHicken kAbob (ReADy foR tHe bbQ) Reg. $3.25 ea.$2.99 ea. KITCHENER - Scottish-American steel tycoon Andrew Carnegie was a self-made man, who started working at age 13 in a cot- ton mill and went on to become one of the wealthiest men of his time. He was so grate- ful for the solace he got from books that he donated millions of dollars in the late 1800s and early 1900s to build more than 2,500 public libraries around the world. He helped build 125 such libraries in Canada, and Waterloo Region benefited hugely from that largesse, with eight librar- ies, built between 1903 and 1923. The Waterloo North branch of the Archi- tectural Conservancy of Ontario held a se- ries of lectures to mark Carnegie's legacy, which has left a lasting impression on local streetscapes. The group is capping its trib- ute with a daylong bus tour that visits sev- eral of the Carnegie libraries in the region and surrounding counties. The tour will visit a wide variety of li- braries that represent both extremes of Carnegie's building program, from grand, imposing libraries built in the classic Beaux Arts style to charming examples de- signed for a smaller community. The tour starts and ends at Fairview Park mall. It runs from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, April 27, includes lunch, on- board snacks and costs $60 per person. For registration and payment go to Eventbrite and search for Bus Tour of Car- negie Libraries. For more information, con- tact the ACO North Waterloo Region com- munications.aco.nwrb@gmail.com KITCHENER ARCHITECTURAL GROUP HOLDS TOUR OF LOCAL CARNEGIE LIBRARIES LOCAL CARNEGIE BUILT EIGHT LIBRARIES IN WATERLOO REGION BETWEEN 1903 AND 1923. Ayr used a Carnegie foundation grant to build a library in 1910. It served until 2004 when a new regional library was built. Waterloo Region Record file photo