w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, M ar ch 21 ,2 01 9 | 4 666 Victoria St. N., Kitchener Mon.-Fri. 9-9; Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5 We reserve the right to limit quantities. Some items may not be exactly as shown. Some items may be limited in quantity. www.kwsurplus.com 666 Victoria St. N., Kitchener Mon.-Fri. 9-9; Sat. 9-6; Sun. 10-5 We reserve the right to limit quantities. Some items may not be exactly as shown. Some items may be limited in quantity. www.kwsurplus.com car seat cover 531 pc ultimate home & condo kit 5 types of anchors 9 types of picture hangers 6 types of nails, tacks, brads 6 types of hooks heavy duty black only $999$2999 2 for $1699 OR 3 ft x 50 ft chemical free weed control $699 landscape fabric refillable bottle use cleaner of your choice includes 2 washable microfibre mitts $999 3 in 1 spray mop a unique shop ping experien cek-w surplus March 18 - March 21, 2019 Fresh Beef New York StriploiN SteakS Reg. $10.99 lb.$8.99 lb. Store Made HaM kielBoSSa Reg. $5.99 lb.$4.99 lb. Store Made SMoked BacoN JowlS Reg. $2.99 lb.$2.49 lb. NOW AVAILABLE! Original Recipe Harmony Lunch Burger meat ready for you to take home! Come in and get someWaterloo County Heritage! Store Made deli Sliced roaSted oNioN & HerB loaf Reg. $6.49 lb.$5.49 lb. Store Made SMoked Maple SauSageS Reg. $5.99 lb.$4.99 lb. Store Made Heat & Serve BBQ riBS or pig tailS Reg. $8.99 ea.$7.99 ea. Store Made turkeY Meat pieS (2 pc.) Reg. $7.99 ea.$7.49 ea. Store Made douBle SMoked Side BacoN Reg. $7.99 lb.$6.99 lb. precooked Breaded couNtrY cHickeN (1.5 kg.) Reg. $14.99 ea.$13.99 ea. Breaded cHickeN parMeSaN (2 pc.) Reg. $5.99 ea.$4.99 ea. Banishing cellphones from Ontario classrooms is a bad idea, says a Wil- frid Laurier University researcher. Julie Mueller, associ- ate professor at Laurier, said that cellphones are an important "cultural tool" used by adults and students alike. "It's a tool now," said Mueller, adding that it's not necessarily a good thing that cellphones are so integrated into our lives. "The idea of this pol- icy, as is happening now, is to have a discussion about it." The Government of On- tario, according to infor- mation released Tuesday by Education Minister Li- sa Thompson, will ban the use of phones during in- structional time across Ontario, by the start of the coming school year. Mueller, who has spent time studying the use of technology in the class- room, said she under- stands that cellphones can be a distraction but they are also used for ben- eficial purposes, such as taking pictures of notes or exchanging information between students. And in an increasingly mobile world, Mueller said, it's important that we allow students to mas- ter these devices in order to have a fulsome under- standing as the technolo- gy develops in the future. Technology in the classroom is best deliv- ered as a "suite," adds Mueller. With all Water- loo Region high school students receiving Chro- mebooks, Mueller sees cellphones as part of the "suite" as long as they are used properly. When it comes to cell- phones being a distrac- tion in the classroom, Mueller said both teach- ers and students realize that it is a distraction. But, Mueller added, having an understanding of how to operate with the distraction is part of the learning process. Keeping track of screen time would be a good start to that. "I'm glad that the issue has been brought for- ward, and I think it needs to be discussed," said Mueller. "My opinion is it's a cultural tool that needs to be learned, and we need to help them learn that." Both Waterloo Region District School Board and the Waterloo Catholic Dis- trict School Board de- clined to comment. "The school board real- ly won't be in any position to comment on how (or if ) the government's plans might impact classrooms until we know the full de- tails and have an opportu- nity to understand any implications," said Water- loo Catholic District School Board chief man- aging officer John Shew- chuk. p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Helvetica} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} The provincial plan to ban cell phones in classrooms is ill-advised, according to a Laurier researcher. Adam Jackson/Torstar CLASSROOM CELLPHONE BAN A BAD PLAN, SAYS LAURIER RESEARCHER NEWS ADAM JACKSON ajackson@waterloo chronicle.ca