15 | W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,M arch 21,2019 w aterloochronicle.caR 00 14 92 92 49 NOWOPEN!! Largest Buffet in Town! All You Can Eat Buffet Open 7 Days a Week Lunch 11am to 2:30pm • Dinner 3pm to 9:30pm LUNCH: $12.99 • DINNER: $15.99 (Pop included in Buffet) TAKE OUT MENU AVAILABLE ALL DAY TAKE OUT BOX $9.99 519-742-9000 700 Strasburg Road, Kitchener (Forest Glen Plaza) www.spiceindia.ca A bus filled with local high school students was in- volved in a traffic accident during a March break trip in Europe on Wednesday. About 100 arts and history students from Sir John A. Macdonald in Waterloo were all OK as their bus collided with a transport truck en route from Innsbruck, Aus- tria to Venice, Italy. The accident was report- edly caused by a transport truck which was carrying ve- hicles. The tire blew on the truck and the vehicle side- swiped the bus, causing the luxury coach bus to hit the guardrail on the two-lane highway. After the accident, the students waited for about two hours before a replace- ment bus was sent. While they all survived the ordeal without apparent injury, some were shaken up, vomit- ing or crying after the crash. In an email to parents of students on the trip, SJAM staff confirmed there were no injuries among the stu- dents. The collision caused the front door of the bus to be barricaded, and a police offi- cer had to use the butt end of a service weapon to knock glass out of a frame. Since the trip was in high demand, there were two bus- es transporting students. The other bus was not in- volved in the accident. Students left for the trip on Thursday, March 7, and had planned stops in Amster- dam, Berlin, Munich, Inns- bruck, Venice, and Milan be- fore a scheduled return to Canada on Saturday, Mar. 16. "We are relieved and grateful that our students were not injured and will continue to provide support to them throughout the re- mainder of their trip, and once they return safely home," said Alana Russell, chief communications coor- dinator with the WRDSB. "We are thankful for the ef- forts of our staff and chaper- ones who have kept parents informed, students safe, and provided leadership and guidance during a challeng- ing time." BUS CARRYING WATERLOO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS COLLIDES WITH TRUCK DURING EUROPEAN TRIP There were no reported injuries after a bus carrying high school students from Sir John A. Macdonald Secondary School collided with a truck in Italy. Stephen Uhraney photo NAMISH MODI nmodi@waterloo chronicle.ca NEWS NO STUDENTS WERE INJURED DURING COLLISION ON WAY TO VENICE SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA **Funding provided by the Ministry of Education through a Parents Reaching Out (PRO) grant, along with WRDSB PIC funds • Building Relationships • Family Well-being • Building Resiliance • Public Health Talks • How Every Child Matters • Panel Discussions Register on Eventbrite https://wrdsb-parentevents2019.eventbrite.ca/ Email: pic@wrdsb.ca Call: 519-570-0003 ext. 4555 www.wrdsb.ca/pic/events Free events/parking/childcare 2+ (must be out of diapers) Please contact us if you require assistance with transportation. •BCI - on GRT Bus Route #5 •GCI - on GRT Bus Route #51 SESSION TOPICS INCLUDE WHAT PARENTS AND CAREGIVEERS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/REGISTRATION: Bluevale Collegiate Institute 80 Bluevale Street North, WatERlOO Elmira District Secondary School 4 University ave. West ElMIRa Galt Collegiate Institute 200 Water St N., CaMBRIDGE PIC, WRAPSC & SEAC present: PARENT ENGAGEMENT: LET'S BUILD OURTOOLKIT FOR SUCCESS WEDNESDAY MARCH 27, 2019 6 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M. SATURDAY MARCH 30, 2019 9 A.M. TO 11:30 A.M. WEDNESDAY APRIL 3, 2019 6 P.M. TO 8:30 P.M.