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That's Classi� ed Waterloo Chronicle Call 1-800-263-6480 Fax 1-866-299-1499 ! Our hearts are still broken after the sudden passing of our wonderful friend and co-worker Camille Jones last year. She truly brightened up the darkest day and radiated a positive energy that was contagious to those around her. Camille always had a kind word and a smile for anyone she met. Our lives have been forever changed just in knowing her. Passage of time doesn't not heal the grieving, it only dulls the pain. Its been a year since we said goodbye, but not a day goes by when you are not in our thoughts. Camille Jones January 22,1975 - March 13, 2018 A Waterloo man is fac- ing 70 additional charges in a child pornography in- vestigation conducted by several police services in southwestern Ontario. As reported in October 2018, the Waterloo Region- al Police, together with partners, arrested 10 peo- ple in an ongoing investi- gation into the illegal dis- tribution and possession of child exploitation mate- rial. The investigation, con- ducted by the Waterloo Re- gional Police Service's cy- bercrime unit, included the execution of 12 search warrants at homes and ve- hicles throughout Water- loo Region, including Kitchener, Waterloo, Cam- bridge, New Hamburg, El- mira and St. Jacobs. The warrants were exe- cuted between Sept. 18 and Oct. 1, 2018 with the assis- tance of the Ontario Pro- vincial Police, as well as in- vestigators from Guelph, Durham region, Hamilton, Woodstock, London, Wind- sor, Brantford and Peel. In one investigation, Waterloo Regional Police, working with Hamilton police, searched a Water- loo home. A 29-year-old Waterloo man was identi- fied as the suspect of the child pornography inves- tigation. He was charged with two counts of posses- sion of child pornography, making child porn avail- able and breaching proba- tion. Through continued in- vestigation and forensic analysis of devices, police located two child victims and the same man was charged additionally with three counts each of sexual assault, sexual interfer- ence and making child por- nography available. The man was held in custody. The police continued to investigate and two addi- tional victims were locat- ed, a child and an adult. On March 7, the same man was charged with 70 criminal offences, includ- ing sexual assault, sexual interference, making child pornography available and voyeurism. The accused was known to the victims and all of the offences occurred in Ox- ford County and Kitche- ner. WATERLOO MAN FACING 70 CHARGES IN RELATION TO CHILD PORNOGRAPHY INVESTIGATION CRIME SEVERAL ARRESTED, CHARGED IN STING SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY NEWSLETTER AT WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA