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Suite 17 Waterloo, ON N2J 3H8 519-884-4200 kwfoot.com Doctors referral not necessary Curly Toes - Percutaneous Tenotomy The pain caused by hammer or curly toes - discomfort on the top, tip, or side of the toe due to the position of the toe - is a common problem that many people deal with. In some cases there is a presence of swelling, a callus, a corn or an open ulcer (wound) formation that just won't heal. eliminate this problem. The procedure is called a percutaneous tenotomy - a procedure where a needle is advanced through the skin to make a small release in a tendon. The procedure is performed under simple local anesthesia. The tendon that keeps the toe contracted down is released with the pinpoint scalpel-like tip of the needle. The toe is dressed and splinted and the patient receives simple care instruction for home. The toe that once only touched the ground at its tip will now be Overall, percutaneous tenotomy is an effective therapy for correcting the majority of lesser toe deformities and it can be done in a clinical setting. Patients do not require sutures, they can weight bear immediately after the procedure and they don't have to take any time off from work. However, this procedure is not meant to be a For the Feelys, music is most definitely a family tradition, and recently, another chapter was add- ed, as they embarked on a January business trip across the globe. Emilee-Mae Feely and her father, Pat, recipients of a combined four music degrees (going on five), travelled to India to kick off 2019, in order to engage locals in the music indus- try and make further im- provements to her busi- ness. In 2014, Feely, 26, founded Feely Piano School, which has been called the "Uber of Music Lessons." Since then, it has grown from a small startup to a three-prov- ince, 10-city enterprise. Feely Piano School, a "music education compa- ny that provides music lessons in your home," was founded in Waterloo and now has 26 staff mem- bers. Feely, who completed a music degree at the Uni- versity of Toronto, was dating someone at the University of Waterloo in 2014, and wanted to make her frequent commutes even more worthwhile. So, she began using her expertise in piano to teach, while travelling to people's homes to do it. "It kind of grew organ- ically from that initial en- trepreneurial mindset of lets make money while we're doing what we need to do naturally in our day- to-day life," Feely ex- plained. Feely and her father- spent about 10 days in Pune and Mumbai in In- dia, presenting ideas on music research, as well as working on the school's new app, which will make it easier for her staff to fa- cilitate homework for their students. "It's been pretty awe- some, it's been mind- blowing," described Feely of her experience in India, both professionally and personally. "It's a whole different world over here, it's been very, very busy." Feely, who has been playing the piano since she was four, is now based in Mississauga, but the majority of students and staff are located in Water- loo. Pat, recipient of three musical degrees, is cur- rently completing a PhD at Western. He also en- gaged in research during the trip, and Feely says music is very much a part of their family. Currently, Feely, a "self-taught entrepre- neur," is associated with three incubators at the University of Toronto Mississauga, Sheraton College, and Carleton University, which are helping support her jour- ney. Lately, she has been fo- cusing on the business side of the company and is no longer teaching. Over 10 cities in Alber- ta, Ontario and Nova Sco- tia are served by Feely Pi- ano School. FEELY PIANO SCHOOL, 'UBER OF MUSIC LESSONS' EMBARKS ON 'MIND-BLOWING' INDIA TRIP Emilee Feely and Pat Feely had several sessions in India in regards to music education in January. Emilee Feely/photo NAMISH MODI nmodi@waterloochronicle.ca COMMUNITY MUSIC IS A 'FAMILY THING' FOR FATHER AND DAUGHTER FEELY PIANO SCHOOL Website: https://emfeely.mydigitera.com Phone: 519-865-8824 Email: helpdesk@feelypianoschool.com Address: 385 Prince of Wales Drive, Mississauga (Head office)