11 | W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,F ebruary 7,2019 w aterloochronicle.ca EMMANUEL UNITED CHURCH Corner of Bridgeport & Albert www.emmanueluc.ca Worship Service 10am Sunday School provided WORSHIP WITH US To advertise your services contact Matt Miller at 519-623-7395 ext. 208 or mmiller@cambridgetimes.ca waterloo.ca/NMF Do you have an idea to help bring people together? Any two or more neighbours can apply for a project or event that builds neighbourhood connections. Submit your idea and you may be eligible to receive up to $7,500 in matched funds from our Neighbourhood Matching Fund - a great opportunity to fund projects large and small - murals, community gardens, playgrounds, neighbourhood events and more! Two application deadlines give you lots of time to plan: Wednesday, February 27, 2019 before 2 p.m. Wednesday, October 23, 2019 before 2 p.m. Great neighbourhoods start with you. tel: 1.800.261.4844 mckenzielakepersonalinjury.ca Our personal injury legal team is in Waterloo to help you.With a new line of cloth- ing, proud Waterloo Regio- nites will be able to re- present the area, whether it's their hometown or new- found home. The line, 43x80, is a play on the GPS co-ordinates of Waterloo Region. "I created it because I grew up in Kitchener-Wa- terloo and I love Kitchener- Waterloo and I hate run- ning into people who hate their hometown," said Bearinger, who says she is proud of the region. The line includes shirts with local landmarks and slogans, as well as hats and pillows with the co-ordi- nates on them. While the idea came to her mind about three years ago, Bearinger just recent- ly bit the bullet and went for it. She created the web- site www.43x80.ca and started putting her ideas to paper - or fabric, as it were. The company is starting small, using a drop-ship- ping method, but Bearin- ger hopes that once it gets off the ground, she will be able to source materials and printing here in Water- loo Region. She's hoping that once it picks up steam, she will be able to collabo- rate with other companies in Waterloo Region. According to Bearinger, who is temporarily living in Vancouver, B.C., the pride of Kitchener-Water- loo travels far. By chance, since living in Vancouver, she has met Waterloo Re- gion expats who all miss home. "They have become real- ly good friends because we have that connection," said Bearinger. The line has an active Instagram account at www.insta- gram.com/43x80, where new designs are an- nounced. BUSINESS NEW CLOTHING LINE FOCUSES ON TAKING PRIDE IN KITCHENER- WATERLOO NEWBIZ LEARN ABOUT NEW BUSINESSES IN YOUR COMMUNITY. WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA WEBSITE: www.43x80.ca INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/43x80 This is an example of one of the shirts sold by 43x80. Alli Bearinger/photo ADAM JACKSON ajackson@waterloo chronicle.ca