7| W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,N ovem ber 8,2018 w aterloochronicle.ca Waterloo Chronicle Voluntary Pay Contribution Program We ask you to consider contributing $30 per year towards delivery of your Community Newspaper. Many of our Readers have made the decision to show their support for the Waterloo Chronicle. It is our pleasure to provide the Waterloo area with a Community Newspaper. We Appr eciat e Your Supp ort! Yes! I would like to contribute to the Waterloo ChroniclePlease find a cheque for $30 enclosed for a 1 year contribution. Signature: _________________________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ City:___________________ Postal Code: ____________________________ Phone #: _______________________________ 630 RIVERBEND DRIVE, UNIT 104, KITCHENER, ON N2K 3S2 fOR MORE INfORMATION CAll 519-623-7395 ext. 260 1362 VICTORIA STREET N. KITCHENER 519.742.9188 MON-FRI 9AM-9PM SATURDAY 9AM-6PM SUNDAY 10AM-5PM W W W . . C O M IN ST OCK NEW! 13"x13" PORCELAIN TILE 67¢REG 2.99REG 2.99REG 2.99REG 2.99REG 2.99REG 2.99from67from67 per sq ft DEAL! DEAL! IN ST OCK POLISHED BACKSPLASH 97¢REG 6.99REG 6.99REG 6.99REG 6.99REG 6.99REG 6.99from97from97 per sq ft PORCELAIN! IN ST OCK 6½" WIDE X 3/4" HICKORY $497REG 10.99REG 10.99REG 10.99REG 10.99REG 10.99REG 10.99from per sq ft HOT NEW GRAY! IN ST OCK 12MM THICK LAMINATE $127REG 3.99REG 3.99REG 3.99REG 3.99REG 3.99REG 3.99from per sq ft NATURAL OAK IN ST OCK 6MM THICK SPC CLICK VINYL $187REG 4.99REG 4.99REG 4.99REG 4.99REG 4.99REG 4.99from per sq ft 100% WATERPROOF 4 DAYS ONLY! THURSDAY 9-9 FRIDAY 9-9 SATURDAY 9-6 SUNDAY10-5 4'x6' 5'x8' 8'x11' $4999 $6999 $15999 APPROX APPROX APPROX FROM FROM FROM NO TAX! AREARUGS! ON ALL IN ST OCK $167/ LIN FT$157/ LIN FT67¢ / LIN FT 67 / LIN FT 67 7/83 " 5¼" 5½" MDF PRIMED WHITE BASEBOARDS IN ST OCK SOLID UNFINISHED STAIR TREADS $359969.9969.9969.9969.9969.9969.99EACHFROM 3/4" OAK OR MAPLE KITCHENER - Patients in Waterloo Region who are not fluent in English or French can now get help from a translator when ac- cessing essential health care. The new free service is a partnership between the Waterloo Wellington Local Health Integration Net- work and the Kitchener- Waterloo Multicultural Centre. "It's always been about equitable access to health care," said Lucia Harrison, chief executive officer of the multicultural centre. The Kitchener-based centre has been trying for 20 years to get professional translation help for pa- tients. Without that, people have to rely on a relative or child to translate for them, or in some cases a nearby hospital employee would be enlisted. "To me, it's a no-brain- er," Harrison said. People can schedule a translator to be present in person or over the phone, or get immediate assis- tance by phone any time of day. In-person interpreta- tion will be available in about 50 languages and 140 over the phone, simply by calling one number at the centre. "We want to make this as seamless and easy as possible," said Harrison at the Friday launch. Dr. Kunuk Rhee, chief of staff at Cambridge Memo- rial Hospital, said the ser- vice is "vitally important." "It's going to exponen- tially improve the quality of the patient experience," Rhee said. "This initiative will also improve the out- comes." Patients will have a bet- ter understanding of their condition and follow-up care such as medications, reducing avoidable emer- gency room visits and hos- pital admissions. It's also a great help to doctors, who can avoid or- dering unnecessary tests by being able to better communicate with pa- tients. "It's essential for our cli- nicians to be able to under- stand their patient's health concerns," Rhee said. The cost of operating the service will depend on how many people use it, and Harrison expects it will take a while for pa- tients and doctors to be- come aware of it. Providing translation services will ultimately re- duce costs to the health- care system. "The investment is neg- ligible when you think about the savings," said network board member Karen Coviello. Call the multicultural centre for the service at 519-745-2593. jweidner@there- cord.com Twitter: @WeidnerRe- cord NOW A TRANSLATOR CAN HELP WHEN YOU VISIT THE DOCTOR JOHANNA WEIDNER jweidner@therecord.com LOCAL