w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, N ov em be r 8, 20 18 | 2 With Remembrance Day coming on Sunday, here are a few of the servic- es and ceremonies in Kitchener-Waterloo: Waterloo Remem- brance Day parade and ceremony Waterloo's annual Re- membrance Day parade will take place starting at Bridgeport Road East and Regina Street North, while the parade will begin at 10:15 a.m. The start of the service is at 10:30 a.m. at the Waterloo Cenotaph. The parade marshal is Steve Mann, Sgt.-At-Arms of Waterloo Branch 530, while Captain Charles Benvair, 31 Combat Engi- neer Regiment of 48 Field Squadron, is the master of ceremonies. Waterloo Con- cert band will provide the music. Bells of Peace Waterloo At sunset on Sunday, communities across Cana- da will mark the 100th an- niversary of the end of the First World War with the ringing of 100 bells. At 5:01 p.m., St. Louis Roman Catholic Church on Allen Street East and Trillium Lutheran Church will commence with the ring- ing of the Bells of Peace. Al- so at sunset on Sunday, le- gion Branch 530 can be joined at the Waterloo Cenotaph to commemo- rate the 100th anniversary and listen to the bells. City of Kitchener cere- mony The City of Kitchener's Remembrance Day cere- mony will commence at 10:30 a.m. at the Kitchener Cenotaph. MP Raj Saini, MPPs Laura Mae Lindo and Mike Harris, and Kitchener Mayor Berry Vrbanovic are expected to attend. Canadian musical artist Karl Wolf will be the bugler for the ceremonies. St. David school On Friday, Nov. 9, the St. David community will hold its annual Remem- brance Day service at 9:30 a.m. at St. David High school in Waterloo. Water- loo MP Bardish Chagger will be on hand as well as key note speaker Andrew Farrow, retired lieutenant from the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. REMEMBRANCE DAY CEREMONIES/SERVICES IN KITCHENER-WATERLOO WHAT'S ON Kitchener's Remembrance Day ceremonies will be held at the Cenotaph on Sunday Nov. 11, 2018. Waterloo Region Record WATERLOO REGION - Local legions are calling on buildings with bells to help mark the anniversary of the end of the First World War by ringing them at sunset on Remembrance Day. The Royal Canadian Le- gion's Bells of Peace initia- tive calls on city halls, plac- es of worship and military bases to commemorate the 100 anniversary of the sign- ing of armistice that ended fighting in the First World War. On Nov. 11, participat- ing facilities will ring their bells 100 times beginning at sunset at 5:01 p.m. On Nov. 11 in 1918 church bells across the country rang out to mark the end to four years of war. The Bells of Peace initiative is meant to imitate that event, said the Royal Canadian Legion. Jim Meyer, a member of the Waterloo legion branch 530, said there have been a few challenges putting the initiative together locally as not many buildings have bells. "There are a lot of churches now that don't have bells and there are churches that have bells, but they haven't used them in years and they're really afraid to ring them 100 times," he said. Despite the challenge, there are churches and buildings participating across the region includ- ing, but not limited to: Wa- terloo churches St. Louis Roman Catholic and Trilli- um Lutheran; Kitchener churches St. Peter's Lu- theran and Sacred Heart churches; and in Galt bells will ring at city hall, Knox's Galt Presbyterian Church, and Trinity Anglican Church. The Royal Canadian Le- gion is also inviting youth across the country to place small Canadian flags on the grave sites of First World War veterans - an initiative Yvonne Power of the Galt legion branch 121 is doing with her daughter at Mountview Cemetery. lbooth@therecord.com, Twitter: @BoothRecord LEGION CALLS ON CHURCHES ACROSS WATERLOO REGION TO MARK 100 YEARS SINCE THE END OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR WITH BELLS OF PEACE LAURA BOOTH LOCAL Don't be a LitterBug! Please keep our community clean.