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THURSDAY 9-9 FRIDAY 9-9 SATURDAY 9-6 SUNDAY10-5 IN ST OCK $167/ LIN FT$157/ LIN FT67¢ / LIN FT 67 / LIN FT 67 7/83 " 5¼" 5½" MDF PRIMED WHITE BASEBOARDS IN ST OCK 13x13 CARRARA PORCELAIN TILE $127REG 4.99REG 4.99REG 4.99REG 4.99REG 4.99REG 4.99from per sq ft TOP SELLER! 2MM PAD ATTACHED Successful business owners like you have distinct needs, especially when it comes to investment planning for life after you hand over the reins. As a financial professional running my own practice, I work in your independent world every day and understand your situation and unique needs. Call to us today to find out how The Plan™ can help you prepare for the future. ™Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. MP1368 (10/2007) 10&$+)/,+ !,/(. "#0-0'#-2 %$,&#'$+ 10'* >@FF 0#B9#D$AI .?E- .E.1- .+?1 <H( B&I#( ?A$9$#A9; ."$F@;C9$C H@FFI;;(%#I9#D$AI4A$=IFC"HFGH"@!(#"% 62:)3 ,,/*87/' I&C( 85: Russ McEachnie CFP, CPCA, CDFA www.russmceachnie.com Sr. Exec. Financial Consultant russell.mceachnie@investorsgroup.com (519) 886-2360 ext. 241 www.russmceachnie.com Find the Latest Financial Updates and Like Us on facebook at mceachniegroup Connect with Russell McEachnie on LinkedinRuss McEachnieCFP, CPCA, CDFA Russ McEachnie CFP, CPCA, CDFA, RRC Principal russell.mceachnie@igprivatewealth.com (519) 886-2360 ext. 6241 www.russmceachnie.com Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Call us today to find out how The Plan™ can help you prepare for the future. You and your business deserve expert attention. ™Trademarks owned by IGM Financial Inc. and licensed to its subsidiary corporations. MP1368 (10/2007) Principal CFP, CPCA, CDFA, RRC law requires annual in- spections, which add to costs. Waterloo mayoral can- didate Chris Kolednik, however, disagrees. Kolednik, who works as a real estate agent, said he's in favour of scrapping or at least completely modifying the current rental housing bylaw. "I've personally seen cli- ents avoid purchasing in Waterloo and invest in Kitchener or invest in an- other area s a result of the rental bylaw because of the absurd steps one has to go through to get a licence. The city wants to spin this as a safety issue and show that they care for the stu- dents, but this (is) nothing more than a money grab," said Kolednik. The program, which created $6,371,459 in reve- nue between 2011 and 2016, is operated on a cost-recov- ery basis. If there is a sur- plus, it is put into a reserve fund to cover unforeseen costs within that program. In St. Catharines, city council recently decided, after about a year of study, not to go forward with a similar rental housing by- law after complaints from both landlords and ten- ants. "The negative effects of the rental housing bylaw have already started to oc- cur even before being passed," said St. Catha- rines Coun. Mike Britton in the St. Catharines Stan- dard. Waterloo mayoral can- didate Kelly Steiss said she understands the need for safe and reliable living spaces for students, but she is concerned about the costs accrued. "What I have heard from landlords (of small homes used as rental properties) is that the bylaw is expen- sive and unfair. What I have heard from students (specifically through the student unions) is that we need to make sure that the student housing that is be- ing offered to students is safe and ready for them when they arrive in our city," said Steiss, adding that it's common for high- rise student rentals to be incomplete when the school year comes around. "It sounds to me that there still might be chal- lenges with the bylaw that need to be figured out so we can achieve a balance of landlord and tenant rights and protections." There was a program re- view that took place at the end of 2017, where minor changes were made and landlords were consulted. RENTAL LICENSING BYLAW OPERATES ON A COST RECOVERY BASIS The rental housing bylaw, officially passed in early 2012, was established by the former Waterloo city council in response to what were at times unsafe and unlivable conditions, specifically in the student areas of Waterloo Julie Jocsak/St. Catharines Standard NEWS Continued from page 1