21| W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,S eptem ber 20,2018 w aterloochronicle.ca Volunteer opportunities TH EMU S E UM . c a DOWNTOWN K I TCH E N E R WANTED! Fun, dedicated people to help us awe, inspire & enlighten! The Underground Studio MakerSpace requires skilled volunteers to teach STE(A)M programming to children, youth and adults. BRAIN | The World Inside Your Head requires docents to engage with visitors as they explore the exhibition. Contact Caitlin Wagg, Manager of Visitor Experience Caitlin.Wagg@THEMUSEUM.ca Kitchener Waterloo Youth Basketball Association is looking for volunteers for the upcoming season which runs from Oct. 1 - Mar. 3 www.kwyba.com for more information We are looking for: Coaches, Score Keepers and Fundraisers. Coaching clinics to be held end of Sept. For more information please email our volunteer coordinator at kwyba.novice@gmail.com VOLUNTEERUNT WITHWITH FOCUS ONFOCUS ON NATURE! Help students explore and connect with nature through photography in our school programs! No photography experience required Make a difference in your community ──── Share your knowledge, talents, and passion ──── Enjoy being part of a team and meeting new people ──── If interested contact Natalie Verschueren Contact Natalie Verschueren at: natalie@focusonnature.ca 647-518-0547 focusonnature.ca There are always interesting and varied opportunities to volunteer in Waterloo Region. Every week the Volunteer Action Centre Waterloo Region posts featured positions on the volunteer page of their website at volunteerwr.ca. Here are some examples of featured positions for this week: Langs is looking for a Gym ProgramVolunteer to assist staff and other volunteers with the facilitation of sports programs while encouraging physical and social skill development. Assist staff in program supervision, help with set-up and take-down of equipment needed for programs, and help ensure and maintain a safe environment for participants. Gym programs run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the evenings between the hours of 6 to 10pm. For more information, contact Kevin at 519-653-1470 ext. 232 or email kevinn@langs.org Adults in Motion (AIM) is searching for a Recreation and Games Leader Volunteers! If you are a high energy, fun individual and like to play games and engage our participants in recreational activities. Lead a game of UNO, assist in games in our gym, or come up with fun ideas on your own to try out! We are open Monday to Friday and are looking for volunteers between 9:00am to 11:00am or 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Contact Rachel at 519-277-3723 or aimcambridge@gmail.com Alison Neigbourhood Community Centre is seeking caring individuals to help prepare and provide breakfast for children and youth in grades JK to 8 each morning before school at the Cambridge Vineyard Church at 147 Elgin St. N. Kids are served a full, nutritious breakfast each morning, learn how to prepare meals together, and participate in one-on-one or small group low-organized games. Take part in a true local community initiative powered by partners, donations, and dedicated volunteers. Volunteers can choose shifts from Monday to Friday from 7:15am to 9:15am, from September to June. Please call or text 226-240-2332 or email Jessica at jessica@alisonneighbourhood.org. Do you go to a senior elementary or high school in the Waterloo Region? Are you looking for a great way to earn volunteer hours? Are you looking for a place where you can be surrounded by accepting people your age? Most importantly, do you want to make a difference in our community? WAYVE is a youth-led mental health promotion program that meets for a couple of hours twice a month on Wednesday evenings to spread awareness about mental health. Together, we inspire other youth to take control of their mental health through presentations at different schools, running fun events, and getting involved in other community activities. There's something for everyone here.Wellness, acceptance, youth, voices, empowerment - wayve. Make meaningful change. Join today at wayve.ca Do making moments matter for others motivate you? Lisaard House and Innisfree House, two residential hospices in your region, are looking for caring and compassionate men and women to help raise the quality of life for their residents and visitors. Picture yourself helping on weekends (Saturday or Sunday) for three hours at our reception desk, doing laundry, or for three to four hours in the kitchen - preparing meals or baking. These volunteer roles provide the opportunity for personal growth through training, experience, and social interaction. Please contact Jo Ann at 519-208-5055 ext. 254; jbarber@lisaardandinnisfree.com; or visit the volunteer section of our website www.lisaardandinnisfree.com for an application and start Making Moments Matter today. It took some time to make a decision, but Janice Moore knows it's what her son would have wanted. The Ward 2 candidate made the decision early this week to stay in the race for city council, despite the recent death of her only son. "This is because I know my son would want this for me," said Moore in an inter- view Thursday. Her son was CJ Moore, an accomplished diver and University of Waterloo stu- dent, who died in what ap- pears to be an accident in Bayham. CJ was attending the music festival Play- ground 2018 in the rural ar- ea near Port Burwell. He was found drowned in a nearby river on Aug. 12. The loss rocked Moore's world. Her only child was gone. Already registered, Moore considered drop- ping out of the race for city council. But, she said, it's not what CJ would have wanted. "You just have to learn to move on with your life and understand that pain is always going to be there, but if you give into it and don't live your life, it disho- nours the person who's not here," said Moore. Moore credits her son for getting her into volun- teerism and civic engage- ment in the first place. Vol- unteering for the K-W Div- ing Club, she noticed a dis- connect between the club and city. After approach- ing the city about issues, she was asked to be a citi- zen member of a rec. and leisure committee. From there, it's transformed into multiple committees and groups. "We had a great relation- ship," said Moore. "He would text me every day, even if it was just to say goodnight. He was almost worse than me when it came to worrying if I didn't respond right away." 'THIS IS BECAUSE I KNOW MY SON WOULD WANT THIS FOR ME' ADAM JACKSON ajackson@waterloo chronicle.ca NEWS DESPITE LOSS OF SON CJ, JANICE MOORE DECIDES TO STAY IN THE RACE FOR COUNCIL See DETAILS page 22