THURSDAY JUNE 7, 2018 Chronicle.WATERLOO $2.00 CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA waterloochronicle wlchronicle Contact us PM40050478 You have nominated your favourites Waterloo! Watch for the Nomination section running June 28th when the voting goes LIVE! VOTE for your Favourites June 28th - July 8th Events Calendar See what's happening by visiting our online community calendar. News, events and information on your desktop, laptop or mobile device ONLINE at Vandalism has struck Water- loo's first rainbow crosswalk only days after it was officially un- veiled. A large black streak caused by a "burnout" from a vehicle now marks the crosswalk, which was unveiled on Wednesday afternoon to much fanfare from local Pride organizations. Cait Glasson, of Spectrum, an Rainbow crosswalk in Waterloo already vandalized LGBTQ+ supporter not surprised that someone has already defaced symbol of inclusion BOB VRBANAC l See MAYOR, page 12 A rainbow crossing in Waterloo opened and dedicated on Wednesday afternoon in the city core was already vandalized by Thursday, as someone decided to do a burnout on the symbol of inclusion. Gord MacKenzie/photo NO TAX! OUR ANNUAL STOREWIDE SALE!! DOORS OPEN 8AM SHARP! SATURDAY JUNE 9TH DARE TO COMPARE 2.72% 519.742.3500 ECU 1 YEAR GIC TFSA, RRSP, & RRIF ELIGIBLE