w at er lo oc hr on ic le .c a W at er lo o C hr on ic le | T hu rs da y, M ay 31 ,2 01 8 | 28 Waterloo Chronicle Voluntary Pay Contribution Program We ask you to consider contributing $30 per year towards delivery of your Community Newspaper. Many of our Readers have made the decision to show their support for the Waterloo Chronicle. It is our pleasure to provide the Waterloo area with a Community Newspaper. We Appr eciat e Your Supp ort! Yes! I would like to contribute to the Waterloo ChroniclePlease find a cheque for $30 enclosed for a 1 year contribution. Signature: _________________________________________________________ Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________ City:___________________ Postal Code: ____________________________ Phone #: _______________________________ 630 RIVERBEND DRIVE, UNIT 104, KITCHENER, ON N2K 3S2 fOR MORE INfORMATION CAll 519-623-7395 ext. 260 Buy and sell in your neighbourhood. Tradyo Turns Your Clutter Into Cash. Chat Call orText Lifejacket Posted by MikeToolGuy $15 Visit www.Tradyo.com 3 WEEKS ONLY Week 1 - July 09 - 13 $175.00 All sessions run from 9 am - 3 pm Week 2 - July 16 - 20 $175.00 Drop off can begin at 8:30 am Week 3 - July 24 - 28 $175.00 Pick up until 3:30 pm Program Objectives Instructors • Improve skill level through analysis and drills Session Leaders are all certified • Provide opportunity for individual practice Teachers & high school Basketball coaches • Provide both recreational & competitive situations Assistants are all highly skilled & experienced • Promote enjoyment & enthusiasm for basketball Basketball players Additional Camps Registration:Go towww.kwyba.com for on-line or to download form formailing 2018 YBA Community Basketball Camp For boys and girls ages 6 - 18 Junior Camp (2008-2001) Sunnyside PS Intermediate Camp (2005-2007) KCI Senior Camp (2000-2004) Forest Heights CI/Eastwood CI Locations dependant on permit availability - subject to change Viper Jr Girls Elite Camp (2005-2008) - July 9-13 Eastwood CI $185.00 Viper Jr Boys Elite Camp (2005-2008) - July 16-20 Eastwood CI $185.00 Viper Sr Girls Elite Camp (2000-2004) - July 30-August 3 KCI $185 Viper Sr Boys Elite Camp (2000-2004) - July 30-August 3 Huron Heights SS $185.00 Shooting Camp (2005-2008) - August 7-10 9:00 am - 12:00 Huron Heights SS $75.00 Shooting Camp (2000-2004) - August 7-10 12:30-3:30 pm Huron Heights SS $75.00 Spring and Summer Activities To book your advertising, contact Matt Miller at 519-623-3050 ext 208 or email mmiller@cambridgetimes.ca Heads up golfing gals from Kit-Watville and sur- rounding areas. Have I got good news for you. Next Tuesday - June 5 - there will be a wonderful women's golf gathering and clinic-style program at the Legends golf operation just north of the famous Niagara Falls on the Niagara Park- way, just a few miles from the small town of Chippawa. And why am I so pumped about this four-hour show. Because it will feature three of Canada's - more spe- cifically Ontario's - greatest female golfers and three gals I am proud to call friends. And the three are Marlene Stewart Streit, Sandra Post and Kathy Sherk. There's not much argu- ment in the golf-writing community that Marlene is considered the greatest fe- male amateurs in the histo- ry of Canada, if not North America. Her list of titles won over five decades would take up the rest of this col- umn. Sandra and Kathy both left their marks in the wom- en's pro ranks, including Sandra becoming the first Canuck to win an LPGA ma- jor event decades ago when it was known as the Dinah Shore Classic. Before turn- ing pro, Kathy won some high-profile amateur events on both sides of the border. This four-hour plan run- ning on Women's Golf Day will start at 1 p.m. with a two-hour training/teaching session and then wrap up with a one-hour reception/ meet and greet starting at 3 p.m. inside the Legends clubhouse. And the best part. The whole thing only costs $45 and you get a free round at the Legends nine- hole course. When I talked with NPC golf people last weekend they said it was filling up fast. If you're interested, contact niagaraparks.com/ golfday or contact Curtis Labelle at 1-905-295-9595. If you're interested, I'd do it right away. ... - Bill (Skip) Johns retired from full-time sports writ- ing in 2002 but can be reached at skipschips@gold- en.net. OPINION Getting to play with the legends of women's golf Women's Golf Day will features some of our nation's best golfer says Bill 'Skip' Johns BILL 'SKIP' JOHNS Column