THURSDAY MAY 17, 2018 Chronicle.WATERLOO $2.00 CONNECTED TO YOUR COMMUNITY WATERLOOCHRONICLE.CA waterloochronicle wlchronicle Contact us PM40050478 YOUR city YOUR news also available online SEE OURADON BACK PAGE OF THIS ISSUE from 12x12 CARPET REMNANTS $99 each Soil's been turned for the Boardwalk's Medical Centre 2 on the west side of Kitchener-Water- loo. Municipal officials and mem- bers of the local medical commu- nity took part in a groundbreaking ceremony earlier this month for the planned 100,000-square-foot fa- cility that's expected to be complet- ed by the fall of 2019. The construction contract has been awarded to Waterloo's Mel- loul-Blamey with many hospital- grade standards incorporated into the electrical and mechanical de- sign by The Walter Fedy Group of Kitchener. The new building will be archi- tecturally complimentary to the existing Medical Centre 1 building, according to Cynthia Voisin, pro- New Medical Centre hopes to help in doctor crunch l See NEW, page 17 The KCI Raiders faced off against the Bluevale Knights in girls rugby actiion on Monday, and ran away with 49-5 victory. The defending champs took on WCI in the finals May 16. Namish Modi photo Events Calendar See what's happening by visiting our online community calendar. News, events and information on your desktop, laptop or mobile device ONLINE at OONN TTHHEE RRUUNN