13| W aterloo C hronicle | T hursday,M ay 17,2018 w aterloochronicle.ca Wow! This home is huge. Lovely 5 level Side split with great potential for an apartment with its own entrance.There is also a separate garage detached, beautiful 2 tiered deck with wrought iron railings. Appliances included. Finished rec room with a 3rd walkout. Call for your private showing!Bob Perkes OFFICE: 519-885-0200 CELL: 519-588-0121 email: info@kwtopteam.com web: www.bobperkes.ca PROUD REAL ESTATE SERVICE FOR 30 YRS Brokerage "Independently Owned and operated" DAN WEBER Waterloo Approved by the CFO of the Dan Weber Campaign DAN WEBER Waterloo Relief is on the way! To everyone in Ontario who is suffering under Kathleen Wynne: www.DanWeberPC.ca 209 Lexington Road, Waterloo 519.772.5766 Dan@DanWeberPC.ca Cutting the second tax bracket by 20% for the middle class. Reducing hydro bills by 12%. Eliminating provincial Income tax for minimum wage earners. Saving you up to $6,750 per child via a 75% tax rebate on child care expenses. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Regional Coun. Jane Mitchell has announced that she will seek re-elec- tion. "We all miss Chair Ken Seiling's steady hand. With a new chair at the head of the region, experienced councillors are needed," said Mitchell in a press re- lease. Seiling announced Wednesday night that after 33 years as chair of the re- gion, he will not seek re- election. During her last term, Mitchell chaired the Li- censing and Hearing Com- mittee, which oversaw the legalization and regulation of ridesharing services, such as Uber. Mitchell has also acted as an advocate for women in politics, hosting a "Cam- paign School" for women who plan on running in this municipal election. She is presently part of the Social Housing Master Plan Committee, with a re- port due soon on affordable housing in the region. If re-elected, the 2018- 2022 term would put her past the 20-year mark in terms of service on region- al council. Mitchell was originally elected in 2000. Jim Erb has announced that he will run as a Water- loo representative on re- gional council, while in- cumbent Coun. Sean Strickland, has not yet an- nounced his intention. Regional Coun. Jane Mitchell to run again ADAM JACKSON ajackson@waterloo chronicle.ca